Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 1767: Chapter 1767 Evolving Yggdra


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I already knew a giant cauldron was a bit too much, but there was a better version of this, a giant magic circle. It is completely possible to form a strong enough magic circle to replace an Alchemy Cauldron with enough Runes. However, because in this incarnation of myself I lack sufficient power over more elements than my own primary ones, I better just learn a convenient skill for it.


[Youve exchanged 150 Skill Points!]

[You learned the [Rune Creation and Inscription: Lv1] Skill!]

[Rune Creation and Inscription Arts: Lv1]

A powerful skill that only master magicians can attain after years of researching of Runes. Grants the incredible ability to create Runes out of pure Mana and concentrate them to create powerful Magic Circles. This Skill facilitates the ability to Create Runes to create Magic Circles, and therefore it eases the ability to conjure all types of magic.

Additionally, it grants the ability to imbue Runes through Runic Inscriptions into any solid surface, or even a living being, granting and imbuing the power of magic into them. Magic Circles of all types can be made through this power. The possibilities are endless. With each Skill Level, the Learning Speed, Creation Speed, Effectiveness, and Power and Knowledge of Created Runes is increased by +15%.

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Available Arts:

Level 1: [Rune Creation] [Runic Inscription]

Level 2: ???

Yes, with this Skill, Ill make a gigantic Magic Circle surrounding the tree! It is ideal, I had been eyeing it for a while, but I couldnt afford it back then. Now that I have Skill Points to spare, I decided to buy it right away without hesitating. This Skill was the ideal one for what I wanted to do after all.

It helped in the creation of runes, giving me an almost flawless ability of creating them however I wanted. It literally made me even more of an insane magic genius! I think only Brunhild is better than me because she doesnt even need to know runes or something she just see something and copies it!

Anyways, [Rune Creation] is ideal for the creation of Runes, as long as the Skill Level and my MP capacity can afford it, I can conjure the Runes I desire from within my own knowledge and ideas. And then theres [Runic Inscription] the other spell which aids at crating runes and imbuing them into a magic circle, connecting them together and creating said magic circle.

Runes, come forth! [Rune Creation]!


I quickly conjured the Runes into creation. For the Runes I wanted, I needed [Alchemy] Runes such as [Synthesis] [Mixing] [Brewing] [Extraction] [Metamorphosis] and the like. So I quickly created those Runes by around two hundred. Each one costed around 1000 to 2000 MP, but I had plenty to spare anyways.

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Incredible, so many shiny runes! Brunhild said in surprise.

Amazing Kireina-sama is such a versed magician, to think she can even conjure runes and order them to combine into powerful magic circles! Ariant said.


Yeah, shes amazing! The very reason magic exists is due to these runes we create through magic circles But to think she can conjure them so rapidly and flawlessly Eriant said.

Yeah its incredible That must be some sort of Skill for sure. Luminous said. But what sort of Skill can allow for such flawless creation of Runes? I guess shes still good at it innately and has a lot of knowledge about them.

W-Woah, Runes are a thing, right Frank sighed. I just use Skills for everything, Ive never truly practiced magic as it is aside from using it through Skills. I guess this is the legit way to use magic? Runes, huh?

Even Frank who presumed to be very strong didnt knew about Runes in detail! Heh, I guess my own runes are just that amazing. Or maybe I guess he simply just abused his system Well, not like I didnt do the same either back then, nor now.

More importantly, though, time to build the magic circle. Once the runes were created, they would simply dissipate if they dont make up a magic circle, usually taking as long as a five minutes before going away.

[Runic Inscription]!


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The runes flew around, combining together and assembling with one another into a beautiful and enormous magic circle of red and golden color surrounding the Yggdrasil Tree. The beautiful scenery was made even more mystical with the arrival of such a magic circle of great magical power. Although it wasnt even to conjure an actual spell, but to do Alchemy with!


[Youve created the [Alchemy Magic Circle] Successfully!]

Oh, even the System reports me of such things? Interesting Well, now that things are done in here. Lets place all materials around the magic circle and lets begin with this right away.

I flew around the magic circle, dropping the divine color plants Colora created and the magic circle alone began to absorb them and add them to their formation in a way. The magic circle was created in such a way to take into these materials like this after all.

When it was all done, Yggdras spirit flew back to her main body and then I started the Synthesis right away. Using Forging conventionally wouldnt work in here, so I merely merged the Forging Runes into this magic circle in specific.

Now [Brewing]! [Extract]! [Mixing]!


The Magic Circle began spinning around Yggdras body, as the materials within it started to meld into the tree seamlessly. In mere seconds, the process was almost done as the tree and everything within it began to glow brightly, the enormous tree grew even bigger with each passing second.

Her branches stretched further into the skies, her roots grew deeper into the soil, her leaves became more vibrant and green, and her bark became more resilient and also very healthy. I could even sense the power of her Spiritual Essence and Mana flowing rapidly, becoming of a higher quality.

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And now, the last step







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