Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 1768: Chapter 1768 High Yggdrasil Spiri


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With that last step, all ingredients merged completely with Yggdra, and her entire body evolved completely, growing larger and more beautiful. I saw many green and golden runes across her bark as well, so she had truly become a new tree, growing larger than ever before. The shade she gives will certainly be appreciated by the townsfolk though!

Ahhh I need so filled with new life!

Yggdra seemed happy, and everyone else admired her growth.


[Yggdra] has evolved!]

[Yggdra] level has been reset!]

[Yggdra] stats have increased!]

[Yggdra] acquired new Skills!]

[Yggdra] Skills have leveled up!]

[Name]: [Yggdra] [Rank]: [C+]

[Race]: [High Yggdrasil Spirit Ego (Divine Species)]

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[Job Class]: [High Yggdrasils Spirit]

[Subclass]: [Spirit Farmer]

[Level]: [0/60]

[HP]: [135000/135000]

[MP]: [202500/202500]

[Strength]: [17000]

[Agility]: [8500]

[Vitality]: [47500]

[Intelligence]: [37000]

[Dexterity]: [8500]

[Divinity]: [17000]

[Passive Skills]

[Unique Skills]: [Yggdrasil Spirit Ego: Lv] [Master Connection: Kireina: Lv] [Yggdrasil Family: Lv] [Spiritual Life Element: Lv] [Yggdrasils Nature Element: Lv] [Yggdrasils Sapling: Lv3] [Roots of Life: Lv3] [Spiritual Gardener: Lv3] [Spirit Embodiment: Lv3]

[Body Skills]: [Automatic Self Recovery: Lv3] [Yggdrasils Spirit Heart Core: Lv3] [Super Hardened Spirit Tree Bark: Lv3] [Photosynthesis: Lv3] [Spirit Sanctuary: Lv3] [Spiritual Bark: Lv1]

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[Resistance Skills]: [All Element Resistance: Lv3] [Physical Damage Resistance: Lv3] [Magic Damage Resistance: Lv3] [Status Effect Immunity: Lv]

[Active Skills]

[Physical Skills]: [Wood Manipulation: Lv3] [Natures Assimilation: Lv3] [Mana Fruit: Lv3] [Healing Leaf: Lv3] [Spiritual Sap: Lv1] [Gardening: Lv1] [Agriculture: Lv1]

[Magical Skills]: [Healing Aura: Lv3] [Natures Domain: Lv3] [Heart of the Forest: Lv3] [Wood Spears: Lv3] [Wood Shield: Lv3] [Plant Growth Acceleration: Lv1] [Nature Assimilation: Lv1]

[Title Skills]

[Unique Title Skills]: [Yggdrasils Spirit Ego: Lv3] [The First Yggdrasils Daughter: Lv3] [Queen of the Oasis: Lv3] [Protector of the Desert: Lv3] [Spiritual Protector: Lv1]

[Available Stat Points]: [500]

[Available Skill Points]: [500]

[Can gain 10 Stat Points and Skill Points with each Level]

[1 Stat Point = 5 Stats (Strength, Agility, Vitality, Intelligence, Dexterity)]

[1 Stat Point = 10 Stats (HP, MP)]

[1 Stat Point = 2 Stats (Divinity)]

Damn, her stats did increase a little bit. However, what with her Rank? Her stats are so high yet shes only treated as C+ Rank! And shes already only a High Yggdrasil Spirit Ego? Then what else can she become if she goes further into the evolution options, I wonder? I guess well be having her evolve one more time today if she gathers enough EXP from the Seaside Treasury Dungeon.

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For now I dont want to distribute Stat Points nor buy Skills using the Skill Points. After all, the higher the Rank of someone, the stronger their stats increase with each Stat Point, right? So it is quite wise to save them for later once she reaches the A Rank or B Rank mark.

However, she got some new Skills, a few, but they all look quite interesting [Spiritual Bark: Lv1] [Spiritual Sap: Lv1] [Gardening: Lv1] [Agriculture: Lv1] [Plant Growth Acceleration: Lv1] [Nature Assimilation: Lv1] and [Spiritual Protector: Lv1]!

The [Spiritual Bark: Lv1] Skill seems to grant her the ability to enchant her bark using Spiritual Essence, practically making it way stronger than before, with additional magic damage resistance too. Shes in the middle of the country so she cant really defend too well here, but I imagine the wood and bark she conjure through magic could also receive the buff from this Skill.

The [Spiritual Sap: Lv1] Skill is quite simple, her sap has become rather magical, as both a material for alchemy and also as something that could be used for as medicine, it restores HP and MP once drank, by a little bit though.

And then [Gardening: Lv1], [Agriculture: Lv1] and [Plant Growth Acceleration: Lv1] Skills are pretty straightforward. Gardening aids at the gardening of plants, Agriculture at knowledge and handling, and then the third of these three well it does what it says it does.

Theyre pretty good for what I want Yggdra to do in the future, help plants grow all around this place, and create a massive and beautiful jungle, a dot of green in the middle of this desolate desert.

Wouldnt that be beautiful?

And well, theres the [Nature Assimilation: Lv1] and [Spiritual Protector: Lv1] Skills. The first one helps her assimilate nature she has created or helped in creating or growing. It literally helps her attain their power and make them part of her body, so the more she grows around her, the better she can become and the stronger shell grow I think.

Lastly, Spiritual Protector is a passive title skill that gives her the ability to grant spiritual protections on a selected few, I think this is a direct transformation of the spirit contract we did before but now into a skill. Pretty interesting, to say the least. She has a limit though, so I dont want her to overdo it.

Wow, she grew so big! Ariant admired Yggdra.

Shes really big, yeah, but cant she appear in her little form as well? Eriant wondered.


Suddenly, Yggdras spiritual embodiment emerged in front of the two, she seemed slightly taller, but still very much child-like. She was now sporting a beautiful dress made of flowers though, which made her look stunning to everyone else.

Shes so cute! She reminds me of lady Elfina when she was younger Fiere couldnt help but say. Can I make a contract with you too?

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Hmmm Nope, you dont have affinity with me! Yggdra said innocently, breaking Fieres heart.

Gah Fiere cried.

The tree grew very taller, just how taller can Yggdrasil Trees become? Sol wondered, he clearly didnt knew of the mighty Yggdrasil Tree Race, I suppose.

Very tall, as big as a planet, a galaxy, a universe, and beyond. There are some that have several realms in their branches. I said with a smile. Yggdra could potentially become bigger than the whole world of Rune Terra.

E-Eh? Really?! Ariant and Eriant were shocked as they glanced at the innocent girls eyes.


[The [Primordial Spirit Tree of Yggdrasil] has taken notice of what youve done.]

[The [The Primordial Spirit Tree of Yggdrasil] is happy to see her promising young daughter evolving so fast!]





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