Era of Light

Chapter 11

Austin was stunned for a moment and blurted out: “You haven’t had a good time in the past two years.”

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Indeed, anyone who looked at it would think Alfred had been unlucky in the past two years. The young prince, who was originally pampered, was exiled to this harsh border, with hardly any servants around him. All his titles and honours were stripped away. No matter how they looked at it, he was at the lowest point in his life.

And Austin knew more. For example, he knew that Alfred had not actually been staying in XueLi Star for the past two years, but had been secretly shuttling back and forth between various planets with dirty bombs buried on them. Sometimes Austin knew what he had done and who he had met, and sometimes he didn’t.

Now thinking about it, those things he knew should also be questioned. After all, the sudden news of the second cantilever must have been planned at that time. However, Austin had never heard a word from Alfred about it.

Over the past two years, Austin traveled to and from XueLi Star several times, in fact, secretly bringing Alfred out and back.

Generally, no one would arrange multiple interstellar trips in a short period of time, because the huge changes in climate and time difference were a great test for both physical and mental health. Ordinary people would need a lot of time to make just one interstellar journey. 

But Alfred’s time and opportunities were precious, and his itinerary was always tight. If not for the fact that he was born with excellent advanced genes, coupled with his two years of masochistic exercise, his physical fitness would have been completely exhausted long ago. 

Austin thought he could endure hardships. He underwent rigorous military training at a young age. He passed the internal assessment of the secret army “Mirror”, and then rose all the way with his hard strength, while disguising himself as having used his father’s connections. 

The Stone family’s situation under this emperor was not good. In the last two generations, their private relationship with the royal family members was not close, and the position of head of the family was too high. If it weren’t for the hidden danger of the rebels, plus the fact that Austin, the heir of the grand marshal, was a useless playboy, the top echelon of the legion would have been reshuffled long ago.

Training, managing the legion, acting, and calculating, Austin thought he had a tough life, until he saw with his own eyes how Alfred had lived through these two years.

After witnessing these hardships, he truly believed that the past two years had not been “smooth”.

Alfred raised his head and finished the remaining wine in the glass, saying, “It’s a feeling. I can’t explain it to you.”

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Austin said helplessly: “If you don’t say anything, of course I won’t know.”

“Then let’s talk about the Prince’s visit to the school a few days ago.” Alfred said, “Have you read the report?”

“I did.”

“Perfect, right? Almost every sentence has the effect I want, even if I write it myself.”

Austin said: “But the report only faithfully recounted the situation that day, and the actual situation was like that.”

“Yeah… the actual situation was so flawless.” Alfred said slowly, “Don’t you find it strange? Every aspect of this matter, every single one, went off without a hitch.”

“That’s because we’ve been preparing for it for two years.” Austin hesitated for a moment, and then continued, “And I’ll tell you the truth, don’t be upset…”

He stopped and waited for Alfred’s response. Alfred glanced at him, suddenly laughed, saying: “When did you use this set of words with your brother? Say it if you want to!”

Austin said: “The prince came in a hurry this time. The biggest reason why it was so smooth that day was obviously that my father’s people intercepted the Prince’s plan in advance and cleared up the relationship with the school for you.” He also laughed and punched Alfred’s shoulder with his fist, as usual. “My dad put a lot of effort into it, even sending me to you for your use. Now you say that it was too successful and you can’t find the reason, don’t you think that’s a bit ungrateful?”

Alfred poured himself a drink with a smile. “Okay, okay, I thought too much. I’ll punish myself with a drink. I said— don’t tell your father about this.”

What do I need this mouth for?” Austin clinked glasses with him. “Besides, even if I did, my father would only appreciate your careful consideration. He always tells me in private that the young prince’s actions suit the taste of our Stone family. To say something presumptuous, it’s quite reminiscent of his own youth.”

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Alfred laughed, but when the liquor slipped down his throat, the smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly froze.

“Do I look like your dad?” he asked.

Austin said: “You’re quite like my dad… Wait, why does it sound like you’re taking advantage of me?”

Alfred said again: “Your father really helped me with all his heart…” He looked at Austin, his speech slowing down. “Why?”

Austin felt that Alfred’s mood was a bit erratic today, but he was used to it. He and the young prince weren’t very close before. But in the past two years, Alfred had been somewhat unpredictable and moody.

Moreover, after what happened this time, Austin not only learned that Alfred had too many plans that he hadn’t informed him about, but also that this young prince was even more suspicious than he had thought.

“I have asked this question before, and he always said that he had his reasons and thought that you had a high chance of winning. Moreover, once the rebel army is eliminated, His Majesty is likely to reorganize the Royal Legion. Our family can only bet on his successor.” Austin said as calmly as possible, not wanting to provoke his inexplicable temper. “A few days ago, my father told me that the reason why he made up his mind to choose you in the first place was that you showed him a Trump card two years ago.”

“Oh, that.” Alfred seemed to have drunk too much, and said absent-mindedly, “That’s right. He saw my Trump card, so he should trust me. By the way, come on, let me show you something.”

He led Austin to his study, and pulled out a dagger from a drawer.

“The cold weapon of the ancient XueLi Star is well-known throughout the empire.” Alfred threw the dagger at Austin. “Someone just gave it to me this morning. XueLi Star’s most prestigious ancient weapons factory made it. It is a one-of-a-kind design.”

Austin looked at the expensive and gorgeous scabbard of the dagger and said, “Wow, Your Highness, is there someone here to make connections with you so soon?”

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“Not just one person. You should have seen it when you came in. There is more than one person who can sniff out the direction of the wind with a sensitive nose. Joshua is downstairs helping me deal with them. Our empire is ancient, but it is a new era now… Many people hope to seize the opportunity and change their social status.” Alfred casually took another sip of his wine and said, “Why are you just watching? Open the blade and try it out. I don’t need this, so I’ll give it to you.”

Austin didn’t refuse, and said with a smile: “Then I won’t be polite to you.”

The Stone family had been in the military for generations, so they were naturally happy to see this kind of cold weapon. Austin pulled the dagger out of the scabbard, and tested the blade habitually by lightly pressing his fingertips against it.

He suddenly felt a slight pain in his fingertips, and Alfred quickly leaned over to grab his hand, saying, “Wait, what are you doing?!”

However, it was too late. Blood had already dripped from Austin’s fingertips onto the desk.

“Hiss—what’s wrong with this blade?!” exclaimed Austin in surprise.

Alfred stood up and said, “There is a tiny amount of laser light on the blade, which cannot be touched. This is a combination of the latest technology and ancient craftsmanship. Why do you think there is only one made?”

Austin complained helplessly: “No, this is not a cold weapon. Why didn’t you remind me?”

“I was thinking of giving you a surprise when you tested the knife. Who knew you’d use your finger to test it?” Alfred let go of his hand, “You really scared me. Wait, I’ll get you the first aid kit and bandage it.”

Austin waved his hand and said: “No, no, you know our family’s genes. It’s nothing more than a small wound.”

He really didn’t take this small injury to heart. Alfred asked: “Are you really okay?”

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“I am fine,” said Austin. “There’s blood all over the desk. Let me clean it up for you. There will be a time when Joshua will come in and see that. We won’t be able to explain it.”

“No, he won’t enter my study.” Alfred said, pressing his head with one hand. “I drank a little too much just now, and the alcohol is getting stronger. Alright, don’t worry, I will clean up by myself soon.”

This little incident did not bother Austin too much. He had already achieved the purpose of coming here today, which was to confirm Alfred’s attitude—— Since nothing had changed as he expected, and the cooperation continued as planned, he could leave with confidence. 

Austin didn’t see that after he left, Alfred stared at the few drops of blood left on the desk, with a clear expression, without the slightest bit of drunkenness.

He didn’t think for too long, and quickly made a call.

After greeting each other, the other side said: “Your Highness, the last time you contacted me was two years ago. How can I help you this time?”

“I remember that two years ago, I left a blood sample with you.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Alfred said: “Good. I will send you another blood sample soon, and you can help me do a genetic test.”

“Yes, Your Highness. What are we testing this time?”

“Testing if …” Alfred said each word carefully. “This person and I have any blood relationship.” 

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