Era of Light

Chapter 12

The most upscale hotel in XueLi Star was newly decorated today.

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The long tables covered with lace tablecloths were adorned with exquisite and tasty dishes and desserts, while tall waiters in tuxedos and bowties carried wine glasses and plates, weaving through the distinguished guests.

The lively and grand banquet was held to welcome the Crown Prince’s first visit to the XueLi Star – or at least that was the nominal reason.

As for why the Crown Prince only remembered to hold a welcome banquet after staying in XueLi Star for several days, and why there were even more people going to greet the Third Prince than the Crown Prince, these things, seen by those who paid attention, became signals that the wind direction had changed.

As the banquet reached the second half, the Crown Prince’s place became more and more deserted, while more and more people clamoured for a chance to meet the Third Prince. 

Although the official had not yet issued an explanation for the incident two years ago, it did not prevent people from heaping praise on the Third Prince. Some secretly inquired about his next move, some avoided this matter and merely sought to establish a connection, and some even asked with concerns when the cleanup mission of XueLi Star would finally end. 

Alfred cast a meaningful glance at Joshua. Joshua quickly came forward to make up a reason for him to get out, and took over the crowd who were talking to him.

“Are you done?” Mei asked when he saw him coming out of the crowd, holding his arm.

Mei was wearing a thick and complicated red dress today, which looked warm and conservative. However, he was naturally handsome and fair-skinned, and with makeup and adornments, he also attracted many glances.

Alfred playfully tugged at his wig, and said: “I’ve seen everything I wanted to see. The rest I don’t want to see, can be left to my subordinates to deal with.”

Mei said in a female voice, “Then what about me…”

“Look at the local woman in a black halter behind me,” Alfred said.

It is easy to tell the difference between locals and non-locals. First of all, XueLi Star natives, both male and female, are tall and pale-skinned. Secondly, although the temperature in the banquet hall has been adjusted and it is still cold, which is only equivalent to the winter of an ordinary habitable planet, it is already comfortable for XueLi Star people, and most of them dress coolly in this temperature-adjusted banquet hall. 

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Mei glanced at it calmly, and said, “I see.”

“That’s the editor-in-chief of “Xuezhisheng”, the largest news agency on the XueLi Star,” Alfred said. “But she won’t stay in that position forever. It could be as short as a few months, or as long as one or two years. However, she will definitely occupy a place in the media industry on the main planet. As far as I know, she also has some good contacts in the entertainment industry. Her social status will rise rapidly in the next year or two. These contacts will inevitably become wider. Do you know what I’m talking about?”

Mei’s eyes lit up, and he nodded vigorously.

“Go ahead and say I sent you to her,” Alfred said. “According to the contract, I have given you the opportunity. Whether or not you can seize it and become famous depends on your own ability.”

“Of course.” Mei nodded, “Then, you have already paid the fee, and we are even.”

He curtsed Alfred. His posture was surprisingly soft and elegant. Alfred couldn’t help but wonder if he hadn’t known from the beginning that this was a man, he wouldn’t have doubted his gender at all.

This person was really talented at acting. Maybe he could really become the so-called “superstar of the times”… Alfred looked at his back and subconsciously thought: By then, he will be even more useful. 

Then he suddenly froze.

When he saw that a young man might be able to achieve his dreams, his first reaction was that he would become more useful.

Alfred slowly clenched the wine glass in his hand, and raised his eyes to see Xiu.

Xiu’s gaze also focused on Mei.

He still had a calm expression on his face, but he was actually a little irritable. After all, Alfred’s social circle has been strictly screened by him since he was a child. Even his friends were carefully selected, not to mention friends with such special relationships.

According to the information he found, this girl is a commoner, without any genetic ability. She has always been studying on the second cantilever, never having been to several main planets. Regardless of background, vision or ability, she is not a good candidate.

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Alfred had never been in love before, and Xiu thought it was a beautiful first love, but today he changed his mind.

Alfred came to this banquet alone, without a female companion, and the lady entered later in a low-key manner. Alfred performed brilliantly at this banquet, but he never introduced this lady to others even once.

Xiu knew Alfred well. His behavior would never be the same if it were a passionate love that could make him ignore his identity.

It is very likely that Xiu thought with a gloomy expression that she was just a bed partner… This is even more troublesome.

Thanks to His Majesty, the public already had a bad impression of the royal family’s private life. If Alfred were to reveal such news, it would definitely be a big blow to his image. 

Xiu was thinking about it, when suddenly he saw Alfred walking outside.

Alfred walked to an empty place and answered his communicator.

“Good evening, Your Majesty,” he laughed. “Receiving your private communication makes me really nervous. Even as your son, this is the first time for me.”

The most honorable person in the current empire spoke on his handheld device: “My communication officer sent you a letter. Didn’t you see it?”

“Restore my Duke title, and want me to issue a statement saying that everything in the past two years was arranged by the royal family? I saw it all,” he said. “But Your Majesty, why should I make such a statement? Honesty is a valuable trait, isn’t it? The fact is that you convicted me without hearing my explanation back then. It was not that you temporarily wronged me for the sake of avoiding panic.”

Two heavy gasps came from the handheld device, and then the emperor said, “Tell me, what do you want?”

Alfred smiled and said: “I haven’t spoken much with His Majesty, and I didn’t expect Your Majesty to be so straightforward. So let me say it directly. Duke is not enough. I want the honorable title of Prince, and also the commander of the Royal Legion.”

“That is the privilege reserved for the Crown Prince.” The emperor said coldly.

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“I know.” Alfred said.

The emperor said: “It’s good that you know. Give up on that idea. Do you think if you don’t issue a statement, I can’t characterize things?”

“That’s right, my statement is just to make your prepared explanation sound more credible. But in fact, how to explain this matter is still up to you, not me. Whether I say it or not, it is not that important.” Alfred suddenly changed the topic and said, “By the way, you say it is a coincidence that the eldest sons of the Grand Marshal, the High Priest, and Your Majesty are all gathered on XueLi Star now. I’m at a banquet right now. The director of XueLi Star’s Public Security Bureau just came to me for a drink. He said the border was bitterly cold and law and order were chaotic. Anything could happen. I reminded him just now to strengthen security management and not let the distinguished guests have any accidents.”

“Are you crazy?” the Emperor growled in a low voice.

“Not yet.” Alfred smiled. “But if I don’t get the compensation I want, I might really go crazy. After all, the past two years have not been good. Well, you should think about it, and we will talk later.”

Xiu suspected he had taken the wrong path.

The surrounding scenery became more and more strange. Now there was a place that sounded like a brothel.”

Alfred walked out of the banquet intentionally. It was impossible for him to come to such a place.

Xiu took a breath of cold air, shivered uncontrollably, and turned around to go back.

The Crown Prince’s ceremonial dress was out of place here. Two drunken guests were about to enter a shop when they spotted him. 

Ordinary people wouldn’t recognize the royal dress. They only saw that the waistline of this luxurious garment made this handsome man even more striking. 

“Is this a guest or…” One person said to the other ambiguously, “Waiter?”

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The other replied: “It looks like a foreigner, probably a tourist.”

Xiu overheard their arguments but ignored them, and just walked back on his own.

This ceremonial dress is the main planet’s winter dress. It is not suitable for wearing on a planet with an extreme climate like the XueLi Star. Even in the banquet hall, Xiu felt extremely cold but endured it for the sake of appearances. Now that he was outside, it was so cold that he couldn’t hold it anymore.

The two customers were about to enter the shop when they heard someone collapse in the snow.

When Alfred returned to the banquet, the first thing he noticed was that Xiu was missing.

He had been about to find Xiu when the emperor’s communication interrupted him. So he stepped out to take the call, but when he returned, he couldn’t find Xiu.

He looked around the venue, and Austin approached him through the crowd, whispering: “I saw the Crown Prince follow you out just now. What’s the matter, are you okay?”

Alfred frowned and said, “Did the Crown Prince follow me out?”

He had learned anti-reconnaissance in military school and received additional training in two years. He was sure that no one was following and eavesdropping when he spoke to the emperor just now. 

He thought for a moment, then had him monitor the venue while he slipped out the back door again.

The road behind the banquet hall of this big hotel was forked. Since Xiu didn’t follow him, he must have taken the wrong path. And the other path led down two streets to XueLi Star’s famous red-light district.

When Xue walked to the red light district, he should have found he had taken the wrong way. Therefore, he would have turned back and returned to the banquet hall. But there was still no sign of Xiu…

Alfred’s mind was a little messed up, feeling that this unexpected incident had made things out of his control. In the past two years, he had rarely experienced this sense of helplessness.

Without thinking carefully about consequences, Alfred followed his instincts and ran.

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