Era of Light

Chapter 2

In the silent deep space, a small spaceship was moving forward silently.

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The waiter pushed the dining cart out of the starship’s preparation room, passed through the gallery covered with white and expensive stone bricks, the tall and carefully crafted decorative columns, and a small holographic natural landscape.Then he stopped in front of a luxurious gold-encrusted gate.

“His Royal Highness.” He gently knocked on the door twice and raised his voice, “Your dinner has arrived, may I come in?”

The door was suddenly opened from the inside, and a young man in military uniform stood inside the door.

The waiter was slightly taken aback. He only knew that this noble son who was dawdling in his father’s army was accompanying the Crown Prince during this trip, but he didn’t expect that this person would appear in the prince’s study room. It took two seconds before he bowed and saluted, “Major Austin.”

Behind Austin was a spacious study room, and the current Crown Prince Xiu was sitting behind the elegant desk.

“Come on,” Xiu said.

His voice was persistent, and his handsome face was calm.

The images of noble children would not be exposed easily, so only a few commoners had seen the prince’s appearance, and knew how impressive the prince was.

He was neither as muscular as His Majesty today, nor as alluring as the former Empress, but as peaceful and gentle as jade.

From a well-behaved young man before to a prominent young man now, he never made any mistakes, and was always calm and decent. It seemed that he was born to be the Imperial prince—and also he was indeed born to be the heir of the empire.

Austin turned sideways and asked the waiter to push the dining cart in. Without stopping his mouth, he continued the previous topic and said indifferently: “His Royal Highness, I have visited XuelLi Star several times in the past two years, but I really haven’t seen Your Highness’s face.”

The waiter was startled and didn’t dare to listen, so he left at a faster pace.

After the door was closed, Xiu said calmly, “Your subordinates even approve to the fact that the person who gave them instructions is Your Highness. What’s going on?”

Austin was surprised: “My subordinates? Are you talking about the housekeeper and servants in my family? How is that possible, they have served our Stone family for generations!”

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“I mean that troop stationed in XueLi Star. “Xiu said.

“Oh! They.” Austin suddenly realized, “That’s nominal below my name. How could I be promoted to a lieutenant if I don’t have any soldiers? I don’t understand the twists and turns in these troops.You should ask my father.”

He was not ashamed of relying on his father’s Marshal Stone’s nepotism to rise all the way. Instead, he talked about this matter without holding back.

Xiu said: “Since you don’t care about these soldiers, why did you go to XueLi Star several times during the two years of being stationed in XueLi?”

“Surface work is still to be done.” Austin said with a smile, ” I know many people reprimand me secretly for relying on connections to rise to upper position-you see, Your Highness, at least I will inspect the army of expatriate training sent by my name. It’s much better than the high priest who just acts as a mascot and does nothing. “

The Stone family was a family of hereditary dukes and had always produced military generals. The current Duke of Stone was the Supreme Marshal, but his eldest son Austin was an ignorant dude.

Many people discreetly said that the Stone family, which had been glorious since the founding of the country, may be conquered by the next Duke of Stone.

Xiu was noncommittal, didn’t ask any more questions, and didn’t reprimand him for being disrespectful to the high priest, but suddenly changed his tone and said, “Your Highness has a lover, do you know?”

Austin’s mischievous expression froze for a moment, but it was only for a moment.

“Your Highness has already fallen in love?” He laughed twice, and said with an ambiguous expression, “Yes, he is twenty-one, an adult, and he has reached this age. back then, when I was only eighteen years old, It’s already…”

“It’s already a peachy scandals with entertainment stars.” Xiu interrupted him, “Your Highness had to use a fake identity to complete his unfinished studies at the Xueli Star Branch of the Royal Academy, and spend the rest of the time behind closed doors thinking about his mistakes, instead of having a good time in a civilian bar, flirting with a waiter, and talking to the people about his new girlfriend. “

Xiu’s tone was not intense, but Austin could feel that the prince was in a bad mood.

“It’s okay for an adult to go to a bar, besides… what does this have to do with me.” Austin muttered.

“You have been here four times in the past two years. Finding fun in bars, peachy gossip, these are all your strengths-did you teach him?”

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Austin immediately shouted: ” You are wronged, Your Highness, I have never seen him! When I first came to XueLi Star, I went to school to look for him, but I was told that he had been sick all the time and didn’t even go to school. I didn’t see his face at all! “

Xiu’s dark eyes calmly stared at him, as if evaluating his credibility.

Austin looked back at the prince sincerely.

If there is anything wrong with this perfect crown prince, it is just that he failed to inherit the superior genetic ability of the royal family, that is, he is an ordinary person.

This is not a problem for the commoners who are almost composed of ordinary people, and even because of this, the common people are closer and closer to the prince and love him.

But in the aristocratic circle, it is still inevitable to be despised.

The genetic symbol of the royal family is golden pupils, which the crown prince does not have. But Austin still felt the pressure under the gaze of these ordinary eyes, and his hands behind his back slowly clenched into fists.

Finally, Xiu said, “Then fine if not. It’s about to land, there you go.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Austin bowed to his chest, saluted and left.

Fred had dinner at a restaurant in Starship Port. while he was idly scrolling through the news on the Internet, a tall woman came to his seat and asked softly, ” Mr. Fred? “

Fred looked up at the person— the young girl looked very beautiful under the heavy makeup.

“Mei?” he asked.

“Yes,It’s me, Mr. Fred,” said Mei in a sweet voice. She was about to sit opposite Fred, but after thinking about it, she changed her mind and sat directly beside Fred.

Fred let her sit down, but he seemed to lack interest, still staring at the news on the phone and said, “You can order by yourself. I will compensate the expenses.”

“Okay.” Mei said softly, “You can call me Xiao Mei, that’s my nickname.”

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Fred finally took his eyes off the phone. He looked at Xiao Mei’s exquisite makeup for a few seconds, and couldn’t help but ask, “Why are you talking like that?”

Xiao Mei’s eyes widened, and she said with an aggrieved face, “Don’t you like it? I did everything as you asked.”

“Your voice sounds like a minor to me.” Fred said mercilessly, “change to a more mature emphasis.”

“I can,” Xiaom Mei still said in a sweet voice, “but you need to pay more.”

Fred paused: “Wait, why do I need to pay more money?”

“Because you temporarily changed the character design.” Xiao Mei said, “I have been thinking about this character design for a long time and put a lot of effort into it. Now that you are temporarily changing the requirements, I will spend a lot of effort to adjust it, and it will cost more money.”

“…All right.” Fred said indifferently, “You can change it, and I’ll add money.”

Then Xiao Mei immediately changed the tone of a mature girl and said, “No problem, Sir.”

Fred glanced at her, “Why do I feel that you didn’t put in a lot of effort?”

“No no, thanks to my solid basic skills. Although Changing the voice looks effortless, it requires a lot of adjustments.” Xiao Mei said with a smile, “Do you want me to hold you for dinner?”

Fred didn’t bother with her on the previous topic and went over the news again.

“Not yet, eat yourself, and I will tell you when the right person arrives.”

Xiao Mei naturally knew that it was impossible that this person would come to Starship Port to pick her up on purpose, so she quietly ordered a meal for herself, silently waiting for the person Fred wanted to pick up to appear.

After about half an hour, the flow of people outside gradually dwindled.

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Fred put away the phone, and got up, “Let’s go…my dear.”

Xiao Mei obediently grabbed his arms and walked out with him intimately. Xiao Mei was originally very tall, but when she snuggled up to the tall Fred, she looked small.

Fred seemed to be wandering around Starship Port aimlessly with the beauties until they bumped into a group of people at the exit of the obscure VIP path.

Xiu’s visit to Xueli Star this time did not make much publicity, and even the local area received the news temporarily only when he was about to arrive. The staff he brought was very streamlined. Except for Austin, who happened to come to inspect the army and took the initiative to accompany him, he brought only an essential set of personnel on the starship.

But someone blocked him when he left the port.

Fred discreetly held Xiao Mei, who was wearing heavy make-up, and passed by Xiu and his group.

Xiu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said, “Stop.”

The howl of the starship’s take-off can be heard from afar. Austin and the few staff present did not dare to come out, as if they were not here.

In this icy atmosphere, Fred continued to walk with a swagger as though he didn’t hear the word “stop”.


Fred stopped and turned to face Xiu.

“What’s the matter with you?” He asked with a smile on his lips.

Xiu said in a deep voice, “Is this your attitude when you see your elder brother?”

Fred took out an ID card from his pocket, and shook it cynically: “Sir, my name is Fred. You are talking nonsense…”

His tone became gloomy, “…don’t mess around, little brother.”­ 

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