Era of Light

Chapter 3

He said that he had received an identity and stormed out, holding his “girlfriend”.

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Xiu stood in his place, looking as usual. There was nothing that seemed to have been touched. However, he didn’t speak, and no one dared to break the silence.

After an unbearable silence for a while, Xiu said, “Major Austin, suit yourself.”

Austin immediately saluted and left.

“Go and find out,” Xiu said again.

One of his attendants bowed and turned away.

“What happened today does not need to be reported to my father.” Xiu said coldly, stepping forward.

The remaining two attendants followed him, and one of them asked, “Your Highness, what if His Majesty asks about the recent situation of His Royal Highness the Third Prince?”

“If father asks, naturally I will answer.” Xiu calmly responded. “Father has been busy attending the graduation ceremony of the Second Prince recently, so don’t disturb his pleasant mood. Disciplining His Royal Highness is my duty.”

Top villa area of XueLi Star, a hidden villa hidden in a snowy forest.

The door was knocked on three consecutive times before Fred said, “Come in, it’s unlocked.”

The door opened with a crack, and a figure wrapped in a large cloak flashed in. As soon as he entered the door, he jumped twice to shake off the snow on his cloak. He threw off the hood all at once, and then started complaining loudly.

“The climate of this broken planet is really cold at night, and you still have to live in this wilderness.”

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The visitor was tall, with strong features and a pair of bushy thick eyebrows. He was Major Austin.

“speaking as if you are afraid of the cold,” Fred said without looking up, turning a page of the book in his hand.

The Stone family, where Austin belonged, was known as the “Cornerstone of the Empire”. A strong physique far beyond ordinary people was the genetic advantage of this family.

“Not being afraid of the cold doesn’t mean I’m willing to freeze.” Austin took off his cloak, rubbed his arms, looked around and said, “You are kidding, my little prince. Why don’t you turn on the thermostat?”

In the course of the conversation, he noticed that the young man in front of him was wearing a short-sleeved shirt that looked like it was midsummer in the Imperial City.

“Why didn’t I remember that the golden pupils of your royal family still had the ability to withstand the harsh weather?” Austin said. “You are wearing so thin clothes, are you masochistic?”

Fred closed the book, smiled and said, “I just reminded myself not to forget the lesson. Was it safe on the trip in such a hurry?”

” Don’t worry. There’s no one who tailed us.”

“Of course, I am relieved of the anti-reconnaissance capability of the ‘Mirror’ though,” Fred said.

Legions who were loyal to the Royal Family were commonly known as the “Army of Light and Shadow”, because several legions operating on the bright side used “Light” as the pseudonym prefix, and there was also “Shadow” that didn’t usually show up and was used for maintaining internal stability. However, only a few people knew that there was a small and fine secret legion, with an internal code name “Mirror”, which was generally disguised as “Light” to perform missions that could not be exposed.

” Thank you. I’m flattered.” Austin sat in the soft chair opposite Fred familiarly, ” I am looking for you in a hurry. It’s too cold here, so I don’t talk nonsense-I ask you, when did you start dating that little girlfriend of yours? How many people know?”

“Speak straight,” Fred asked. “When did the Prince know?”

“I only knew that half an hour before the spaceship landed, the prince suddenly called me and asked if I taught you ‘ bar fun ’and also said that you had a girlfriend.”

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Fred sneered and said, “Half an hour before your spaceship landed, I spread the news to some of your subordinates. Depending on your distance at that time, communication between the planet and the spaceship takes time…count it for yourself. As soon as I left the bar, someone handed the news to the prince.”

Austin said with a gloomy face: “Last time you said that the inside of the ‘Mirror’ was not clean. I checked it and there was nothing wrong with it. I haven’t believed it yet….Which people did you drink with? Do you have a list?”

As Fred slowly tapped the armrest, he said, “I sent it to you, only a few. The scope has been reduced enough, Major, it can’t be justified if I can’t find it.”

Austin unconsciously respected him a bit and promised, “Of course, I will give you the results soon.”

Fred said: “Your team is very powerful, and the mission is progressing much faster than expected.”

“It’s not just XueLi Xing’s mission, but throughout the empire … all the tasks are ending.” Austin slowly said, “Do you think the prince has already known everything?”

“Know what?”

“Know that we are performing the secret mission of clearing long-range dirty bombs.” Austin simply stated, “Know that your decision was not wrong two years ago, and it saved the entire empire.”

“He is the Crown Prince anyway. If he hasn’t found anything wrong for two years, isn’t that a waste?” Fred smiled sarcastically. “But … does it matter if this is right or wrong?”

“Of course, it is important! You did it right, and the empire survived a catastrophe.”

“That’s for the empire,” Fred said. “It’s not a necessity for a prince to be right or wrong.”

Austin was shocked: “Why?”

Fred looked up at Austin. His eyes appeared to be yellowish and pale brown, as if the ancient suns had been extinguished.

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But Austin knew what kind of power would erupt once those two suns burned. He subconsciously lowered his eyes to avoid the gaze, which was engraved in the genes, making the strong surrender.

“This is a matter between me and the prince. You don’t need to know,” Fred said lightly.

Austin stopped discreetly.

As the eldest son of Marshal Stone, Austin had known members of the royal family since he was a child. He recalled that the Crown Prince and the Third Prince were born of the same mother. The former Empress left early, and the Emperor favoured the second prince. In almost all cases, the Crown Prince raised the little prince.

As the youngest prince, despite his defiance and willfulness, Alfred absolutely respected and loved his eldest brother so much.

It was until two years ago when the rebel annihilation war broke out, and the prince personally came to supervise the battle. When the overall situation was determined that victory was in hand, several students, including Alfred, were transferred from the Royal Military School to the battlefield, saying that this was to let the students study in battle. In fact, they were granted a meritorious service, which was not an uncommon procedure.

Nevertheless, such a stable thing ended up turning upside down.

With a single missile aimed at destroying the planet, there was no grass left on the entire planet. The cruelty of that method shocked the empire. Austin remembered that when the emperor was furious, it was the Crown Prince who tried his best to plead for mercy, and in the end Alfred did not suffer from any imprisonment. Instead, his title was taken away and he was exiled to the border.

Said to be exiled to the border, actually, the prince personally made a false identity for him, let him send to XueLi Star on the border, and continue his studies here.

In Austin’s opinion, Xiu had done everything he could.

He also knew that what he saw and heard was far from the truth. Because it could not explain why the eldest prince and the Third Prince who had always supported each other in the Holy Golden Palace suddenly fell apart. Soon after this incident, his father, Marshal Stone, secretly changed sides and favoured the Third Prince. And the Stone family’s bargaining chip was placed on the exiled little prince.

The eldest prince was born noble and prestigious. The Second Prince and his mother were deeply favoured by the emperor. The Third Prince seemed to have a hopeless future. But Austin knew that the Third Prince had spent two years accumulating chips, and once he re-entered, he would inevitably turn this game upside down.

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The rebellion had subsided, but the empire as a whole was growing rapidly.

“I’m going out.” Fred stood up and interrupted Austin’s thoughts. “You can sleep here if you wish, no one will come tonight.”

Austin nodded and said, “Okay … no, wait, it’s too late at night, where are you heading?”?”

“It’s natural for me to go to my girlfriend,” Fred replied.

Austin asked a little confusingly: “Did you really find a girlfriend at this critical time? Are you still going to find her overnight?”

Fred didn’t answer, but asked, “Can all the tasks be finished tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow?” Austin said. “Of course not tomorrow. No matter how fast it is, it will take several days, but soon…”

“So before that, I’m better to be a waste who doesn’t learn and is addicted to beauty. This is more reassuring, isn’t it?”

Then Fred waved at him and he left the villa with a thin coat in his hand.

Half an hour later, Fred knocked on the door of a hotel suite.

The door opened and Xiao Mei welcomed him in. She still had heavy makeup on her face and said shyly: “Darling, you are here. I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

After closing the door, Fred pushed her away with one hand: “While there are only the two of us, you don’t need to act.”

“Hey, you should have said it earlier. ” A young and clear male voice came out of Xiao Mei’s mouth. “Let me say it first, the money will not be returned, and it is still considered a whole day. “

After finishing speaking, she—he reached out and pulled the fake breasts out of her collar.

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