Era of Light

Chapter 4

XiaoMei came out of the bathroom. After removing the heavy makeup from his face, he was a young man with delicate facial features and not very tall.

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Fred was already lying on the bed. The holographic screen was floating in front of him. He swiped the screen for a while, looking like he was just bored and uninterested.

Ever since XiaoMei met this benefactor, he seemed to have been so lazy and didn’t do much business.

However, XiaoMei ignored them and said tactfully, “Mr. Fred, I’m ready to sleep.”

Fred said without looking up, “Yeah.”

Seeing that he didn’t mean to get out of bed at all, Xiaomei said vigilantly: “I don’t sell myself. You’re not planning to sleep with me, are you?”

” Stop dreaming,” Fred said. “Isn’t there a sofa?”

XiaoMei immediately said: “The contract says that basic food and accommodation are included. I think the standard of ‘basic’ is at least to have a bed at night.”

Before Fred said something, he continued, “Of course, I can’t sleep on the sofa, but if I sleep on the sofa, this is considered to lower the standard of food and accommodation. So, you have to add money.”

Fred finally couldn’t stand the Ethernet anymore. He raised his eyes to look at XiaoMei’s original appearance and said, “This gentleman, do you know who I am?”

XiaoMei said cautiously: “I have no idea.”

“I see.” Fred smiled. “Also, the news that he was coming to XueLi Star was spread during the day. When you saw it at Starship Port, you should guess who he was.”

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“And the one who called you by name… you can’t expect me to be deaf.”

Fred said with a little interest: “Then you should know that I killed people like scything flax and didn’t save the lives of civilians. Why don’t you run?”

“It’s not that I haven’t thought about running.” XiaoMei opened the wardrobe keeping the fake breasts and said, “The main thing is that you gave too much.”

Fred: “…”

He wanted to say something, but suddenly XiaoMei pulled out several models of fake breasts from the wardrobe. Then, he stacked the one that he wore today in order of size.

The sudden impact of seeing a lot of realistic breasts dangling made Fred forget what he was trying to say.

Xiu had been very strict with his etiquette since he was a child. Where had he seen this kind of thing before? Not to mention the fake one, he had never seen it in his life. It was inevitable that he would feel very curious.

XiaoMei noticed his gaze and shook his head: “A nobleman who grew up in the Holy Golden Palace like you will find these things ridiculous, right?”

Fred didn’t speak.

“But these are what I make a living out of.” Xiaomei folded her fake breasts and put it back in the closet “I’m an ordinary person, and I don’t have the genetic ability to soar into the sky. Acting department tuition is very expensive. I still owe tuition fees… oh, you know, after all, you also promised to pay for my tuition. Everyone says we’re having a good time, that we have completely survived the most difficult crisis of civilization. They also s that this century advocates equality and relative stability, and that the entertainment industry is booming. But do you know? It is impossible for an acting student like me to receive a play since I do not have any power. Otherwise, I wouldn’t take such a high-risk job from you. So you don’t have to worry about whether I will break my contract because of what you say.”

Fred’s heart moved slightly, and he asked, “Your classmates, your friends, how do you usually talk about me?”

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“We usually don’t talk about you.” XiaoMei said. “Even two years ago … well, that thing, most civilians may scold you two words when they hear that…”

He watched the man’s expression cautiously. Not seeing any signs of anger, he dared to continue: “But that’s all. One’s own life is enough to worry about. Most ordinary people in their twenties like me are thinking about what to do for a living in the future. How can they have free energy to pay attention to the Holy Golden Palace? As long as nothing major happens, we don’t usually talk much about it, whether it is the Holy Golden Palace or the nobles.”

Fred said: “Then you should be looking forward to the next emperor, right? He is an ordinary person, and like most civilians, he has no special genes.”

“That’s not particularly expected. He just doesn’t have special abilities, but after all, he is from a noble background and not really an ‘ordinary person’.” XiaoMei thought for a while and said, “We don’t care much whoever lives in the Holy Golden Palace in the future. It is useless to care, and it is not something we can decide. As long as we can get a good life.”

“Honestly,” Fred agreed, “It is not easy for civilians to live in.”

XiaoMei didn’t seem to have expected such a response, and he was stunned for a while before saying: ” Oh? You grew up in the Holy Golden Palace, and you have nothing to do since you were a child. Even now… you can take out money that I can’t earn for half of my life. In this way, do you still feel that life is not easy?”

Fred laughed.

Is life not easy? At least two years ago, he had never really felt that way.

Even if his father had a beloved mistress and an illegitimate son long before he was born, even if his mother died early and her family was not enough to support him, he still had an eldest brother.

From as long as he could remember, his life and education were all arranged by Xiu. Xiu was the most ideal Crown Prince and a strict eldest brother. He was afraid of Xiu, respected Xiu, and loved Xiu.

In the process of growing up and being sensible, he thought about how to confront the one-party second prince so that the eldest brother could succeed to the throne smoothly. It was the most significant and difficult thing in his life.

However, he never realized that he, the prince who had perfectly inherited the golden pupils, had already been a thorn in his eldest brother’s eyes, with even greater potential danger than the second prince. Xiu couldn’t even wait for his twenty-year-old Bar Mitzvah, and was impatient to get started.

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“Life is really not easy.” Fred said, as if talking to Xiaomei, but he just seemed to be talking to himself. “I just rejoice… I know it’s not too late.”

“Your Highness, I have been telling you that you started too early. It should be later.”

Crossing trillions of etheric streams, the old male voice that was already somewhat distorted came out of the handheld.

Xiu said unhurriedly: “Teacher, I have also told you many times about this. If we wait until he grows up and builds merit, it would really be too late. Two years ago, his Bar Mitzvah was imminent, and he was about to be the crown prince. At that time, I had to do it.”

“His Majesty has never looked at him squarely, so how could he confer the title of Crown Prince at the Bar Mitzvah? It’s as good as the second prince being granted the title of Duke again.” The male voice on the phone said, “You have always been prudent. This matter is too hasty.”

Xiu didn’t argue with him, but said: “Alfred was raised by me alone. I know him better than anyone else. He has a paranoid personality and an extremely poor ability to withstand pressure. Having been hit with such a major subversive blow, he must be slumped. Now it seems that everything is as I expected. He doesn’t think about making progress in this desolate place, doesn’t even go to school, and is already wasted.”

“What’s the point of being decadent for a while? His luck is too favourable. There’s still something inside about what happened two years ago. Don’t be upset. Let him use this to get up again.”

“Didn’t I come here in person for this?” Xiu said. “Besides, from what I’ve seen with my own eyes, he couldn’t get up. Today’s joke, the teacher must have heard it, right?”

“Are you saying that he slept with a civilian woman of unknown origin tonight?” The old male voice said, “I heard. If this matter spreads in the imperial city …”

“No,” Xiu said.

“Why not? This kind of ridiculous thing, we just need to…”

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“I just landed on the XueLi Star, and Immediately afterwards, there were rumors unfavorable to the little prince spread through the Holy Golden Palace. Everyone will know that I am ruining his reputation.” Xiu said calmly, ” High priest, I hope you don’t do anything superfluous.”

There was silence. After a long time, the old male voice said, “Of course, Your Highness.”

“Now is the critical period. I am at the border, and the Holy Golden Palace is still counting on you, teacher.” Xiu lowered his voice and said “After all, Alfred is not a threat at all, the key is still in the second prince … whether or not the Holy Golden Palace can succeed, it depends on the teacher.”

The high priest’s distorted voice said, “I will naturally try my best to share the worries of Your Highness.”

Xiu said goodbye to him, and then cut off contact.

After closing his eyes and pondering for a moment, Xiu summoned an attendant.

“How was the investigation?”

“That lady’s name is Mei, a student at an art academy on the second cantilever…” The attendant said a few words, and then confessed, ” Your Highness, communication is not smooth here, it is really … it is not easy to dig deep into the information …”

Xiu held his forehead with one hand, and seemed to have a headache.

The attendant said carefully: “Your Highness, next morning, the itinerary is to visit the Royal Academy, XueLi Branch … Are you still going? His Highness the little prince may not be able to … uh, get up …”

Xiu glanced coldly at the attendant and said, “Of course, why not? Send another message to all the resident media, and ask them to be on the spot to record.”

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