Era of Light

Chapter 5

XueLi Star had long days and short nights. Although it was still very early, the sky was already bright.

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Xiu had been dressed neatly in the service of his attendants.


He was more than 1.8 meters tall and had a slender body. The Crown Prince’s official dress was properly wrapped around him, and the calm nature of his temperament was filled with majesty and dignity.


For many years, the emperor has faced criticism over his personal conduct due to his mistress and illegitimate child. In contrast, the Crown Prince, who had never had any negative news, looked even more flawless.


If it weren’t for this perfect eldest son who had been occupying the title of Crown Prince, it would have been difficult to tell whether this position was the Second Prince’s or the Third Prince’s.


Xiu looked in a full-length mirror. The tall and straight man in the mirror, regardless of his clothes, hairstyle, facial expressions or movements, one couldn’t find a single mistake. And he had maintained such an ideal posture for twenty-eight years.


“It’s about to happen soon…” Xiu whispered to himself in the mirror.


The attendant didn’t hear clearly, and asked doubtfully, “Your Highness?”


Xiu said, “Let’s go.”


This was the first time the Crown Prince had visited XueLi Star. It was natural that the Royal College XueLi Star Branch was the first stop in the series of public appearances, and the scene was quite grand.


It was naturally impossible for ordinary people to enter casually. Even so, people were still outside the police cordon outside of the school. Today was not a day off. Students were all at school. It was still early, and the first class had not yet begun. Many students who were late for the first class on weekdays got up early today, just to catch a glimpse of the legendary Crown Prince from a distance.


Since Ethernet technology could transmit images, portraits of nobles who had the rank of nobleness were strictly protected, let alone members of the royal family.

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Almost all journalists and media outlets recorded the entire event. To connect the handhelds to work, sensors were implanted in their palms or wrists, which could be easily recorded.


Therefore, it was understandable that the students at this cantilever border were eager to see the mysterious Crown Prince. However, it was not easy to see the Crown Prince even from a distance.


The crown prince was surrounded by local nobles, officials, school executives and an entourage. There were many media reporters outside, and there was a heavily armed bodyguard alert circle on the outside. The prince did not bring many followers on this trip, and only a few people were on the defense team. Therefore, in addition to the prince’s own staff, XueLi Star’s local security bureau and the royal legion were responsible for this vigilante work.


“I can’t see the inside of the police cordon at all.” A girl complained. “I got up early.”


The boys who stood with her all yawned one after another: “So early, each of these people actually looked energetic. No wonder they could be officials… His Royal Highness came too early.”


The girl said, “This one, I read it. The morning news said that His Royal Highness came over before the first class in order not to affect our learning.” 


A boy whispered: “Why can’t he choose the last class in the afternoon?”


“Of course, it is because only high-performing students who get up early are eligible to see His Royal Highness.” The girl glared at him and sighed again, “Oh, but it’s useless to get up early. I can’t see anything.”


“You can see it sooner or later. Why are you anxious now?” said a young man with a smile on his face.


Several students turned around and raised their heads in unison.


Not because of anything else, but because the other party was too high!

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The boy who talked to them was tall and had a pair of almost golden brown eyes. The short golden hair sparkled in the sun. However, his handsome face was what was more memorable than blond hair.


The girl wondered: “Are you from our school?”


Such an impressive handsome appearance should be known to the whole school with a small number of people as soon as he entered the school. She couldn’t believe she didn’t know this person at all.


Some boys noticed his words and asked, “What do you mean by seeing sooner or later?”


“When the image of the emperor is public,” the visitor smiled slightly. “Won’t you be able to see it then?”


He was referring to the Crown Prince who would eventually become emperor.


The aristocratic class composed of higher genes had been high and powerful for a long time. In spite of equality being advocated currently, it remained deeply ingrained in everyone’s subconscious. None of these students dared to answer this sentence. They did not want to discuss about the royal family with strangers.


The visitor didn’t continue, but just said goodbye to them, and said, “Let’s go.”


Only then these students noticed that he was followed by a thin young man, who seemed to be the attendant of him. ” Yes.”


The visitor led his attendant straight to the police cordon where the Crown Prince was.


Several students watched in bewilderment, until the man got closer and closer, without any intention of stopping. It seemed he wanted to break into the police cordon.

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A few people thought mechanically, and hurriedly shouted.


“Hey, classmate! Come back!”


“You can’t approach. Otherwise, you will be …”


Before the word “shot” was uttered, a stunned scene appeared.


The security circle suddenly took the initiative to open a small gap, and the two walked in effortlessly, breaking all resistance. Then the police cordon closed again, and the whole process was naturally smooth as if a drop of water fell onto the water surface, and after a slight wave, it returned to calm.


“That man …” the dumbfounded student murmured, “Who the hell is that man?”


Xiu was already familiar with such a visit.


Since he was 20 years old, he has often traveled on behalf of the royal family. Besides, the XueLi Star was just a border asteroid with a simple personnel structure. Even if the visit was in progress, he did not need to spend a lot of time dealing with it. 


He silently counted the time in his mind. Now it was just the beginning, and would last more than an hour before and after the event. In the remaining hours, he couldn’t say if Alfred would arrive. The traffic situation at XueLi Star seemed to be fine and not very congested …


Of course, the Crown Prince still looked usual, and no one knew that he was absent-minded and distracted.


At this moment, there was a small commotion among the reporters outside.

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Austin, who accompanied the prince, said, “What’s going on over there?”


As soon as his words fell, a tall and erect figure passed through the crowd and walked straight in.


The reporters’ eyes almost widened, and the accompanying officers were also somewhat stunned by this sudden situation. The young man who suddenly walked in took a few steps on his long legs. He seemed to be in front of the prince in the blink of an eye.


Before anyone responded, he put his right hand on his chest, knelt down on one knee, and bowed respectfully: “Your Highness.”


This was the highest audience etiquette. He was extremely professional and impeccable. At a glance, it was obvious that he had received a high-quality etiquette education.


Xiu’s expression moved slightly, but he immediately stooped to hide his expression.


With everyone watching, the Crown Prince personally leaned over, lifted the handsome young man, and held his forearm, saying: “Alfred.”


There was silence around, and no one made a sound. But the atmosphere suddenly changed Everyone stared intently at the pair of fellow Royal Brothers.


One was the crown prince who was like the sun and the sky. The other was the young prince who was forced to disappear for two years due to unbearable bad deeds. In the hearts of ordinary people, they seemed to be heaven and earth, light and dust.


Nevertheless, at this moment no one could compare this tall young man to dust since he was so majestic, regardless of his clothing. When one saw him and the crown prince standing together, it was as if they were two lights competing with the sun and the moon. 


The young man, Alfred held the Crown Prince’s hand back and said him intimately: “Eldest Brother, it’s been two years. I miss you so much.”

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