Era of Light

Chapter 6

Just yesterday, Alfred deliberately intercepted Xiu at the Starship port to provoke him. After just one night, he seemed to have forgotten what had happened the day before, and called him “Eldest brother” as affectionately as when he was a child.

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As everyone watched, Xiu suddenly remembered many things from the past.


He remembered that Alfred had been the most disdainful of posturing and cheating since he gradually became sensible. He had never been impatient with mumbo-jumbo, especially he hated the aristocrats’ playfulness in public. He used to make the emperor and the second prince feel ashamed in public for this and didn’t know how many times he had been scolded by the Emperor.


Just one month before the accident two years ago, he was also reprimanded by the Emperor for calling the second prince “an illegitimate son who can’t stand on the stage” in public. But Alfred had only followed his eldest brother’s instructions. He confronted his father face to face that day. The Emperor was so angry that he wanted to confine him to prison. Xiu rushed to rescue him.


Such a proud young prince, Alfred, who would rather be imprisoned than hypocritically change his words, now respectfully knelt down to salute Xiu in public, holding his hand intimately. His eyes were full of respect and love for his elder brother, as if they had never been separated.


It’s only been two years.


All the media reporters were extremely excited and generally writing at tremendous speed. The etheric stream quickly passed over the sensor screens embedded in their flesh and blood. The holographic screen that stopped in mid-air recorded the scene of this brotherhood.


The hand that Xiu was holding suddenly became cold. He thought he would be gratified. But at the same time, when he heaved a sigh of relief, he actually felt some inexplicable sadness.


“You have grown up.” Xiu said with a calm expression on his face. “You have also developed skills.”


A deepened smile spread across Alfred’s face, and he replied respectfully, “Eldest brother is overly praiseful. It was my eldest brother who taught me everything I need to know about my temperament and abilities. Of course, my eldest brother naturally knows better.”


Xiu just glanced at him and stopped talking.


The pair of honourable royal brothers who were directly descended from the royal family stopped talking for a while before the others dared to greet them.


The thin man behind Alfred got on one knee and said, “Your Highness.” 


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Xiu said: “Get up, Joshua. You have been with His Royal Highness for two years, hard work. Before I came, I went to see the teacher, and he asked me to bring you a message. He wants you to accompany His Highness wholeheartedly, and also pay attention to his health.”


Joshua bowed his head and said, “Yes, Your Highness, I will definitely do my best.”


Joshua Bai was the only son of the current high priest. The Bai family’s connections had always been withered, and the current high priest had a son, Joshua only when he was over fifty years old. If nothing else, he would be the next high priest.


The exile of the prince did not happen during the reign of the emperors for nearly three generations. When it was first announced two years ago, it caused some controversy. Fortunately, Joshua, the only son of the high priest at that time, offered to accompany the young prince to think about his mistakes. That matter sounded a bit more reasonable.


The position of high priest was now just a spiritual symbol with no real power. In that case, it was most appropriate for the son of the high priest to accompany and supervise the young prince to go to the border to reflect on his mistakes.


Without waiting for Joshua to say anything, Austin, who was standing beside Xiu, bowed his chest and said, “Your Highness.”


Alfred responded with a smile: “Austin, it’s you. When was the last time we met? It’s been a few years.”


Austin gave a dry laugh, and glanced at Xiu uncomfortably. Xiu looked at him again with a calm expression. Obviously, he was not planning to have the provocation that happened at Starship Port last night take effect.


“It’s been a long time…” Austin said vaguely. “Are you getting better? His Majesty and His Royal Highness are worried about your health, and my father also wants me to greet you.”


“I have made my father and eldest brother worried.” Alfred smiled. He was obviously much taller than Xiu, but now he looked well-behaved and obedient, like some kind of large dog.


“It’s much better now, but I wasn’t used to the climate when I first arrived, and I rested for a few days. Now I have returned to normal campus life. ” Alfred seemed to think of something, and said coquettishly, ” Eldest brother is also really too much. Why didn’t you tell me in advance when you came to school? I would have come over early to greet you.”


After a pause, he looked at him and said slowly, “I thought you couldn’t catch up.”


“How come?” Alfred seemed to be unaware of this sentence, and laughed, “No matter how big the school is, the dormitory is only five minutes away from here.”


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He did arrive five minutes after the opening, and the reporters recorded: When the young prince got up early, he learned of the prince’s visit and hurried out of the dormitory.


They didn’t need to think or guess how reporters would understand this conversation. However, as far as Xiu knew, Alfred had been at XueLi Star for two years, and he never even lived in the students’ dormitory for a day, let alone any “normal campus life”.


However, none of the senior leaders and professors in so many schools responded to Alfred’s remarks, as if he was telling the ordinary truth.


Xiu seemed to be aware that Alfred was holding his arm at this moment. Although it looked like a respectful act, the strength of his arm prevented Xiu from breaking free. 


“Eldest brother, let’s go. I’ll take you to the school.”


A group of people visited the school museum in a mighty manner as part of the original schedule.


The reason why this border planet like XueLi Star had a branch school of the Royal Academy was because it was a very historic planet.


The founding emperor of this dynasty and the founding marshal once fought side-by-side here against the cult army that opposed genetic technology at that time.


It was here that the golden pupil became famous in the first battle and the world instantly became aware of it.


The guide turned his palm toward a huge portrait covering half the wall: “This is the ‘XueLi Star Battle Map’ dictated by a famous painter from the report about the battle. Of course, what we see now is a realistic hologram, and the real thing is featured in the Holy Golden Palace.”


In this huge portrait, a majestic man in his prime was holding a giant bow and was about to shoot. He was surrounded by corpses and gun smoke. His pupils were like two dazzling ancient days, golden and shining.


This famous painting depicting the heroic battle posture of the founding emperor was well known. However, the people present had not seen it before, not to mention whether the two princes had even seen the real thing in the Holy Golden Palace.


However, it was the first time that many people present saw the descendants of the protagonist in this painting. At the same time, they couldn’t help but have some thoughts in their minds.


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The prince was an ordinary person and had no genetic ability, which was naturally not mentioned. But the young prince was said to have inherited golden pupils. Yet, his eyes were only light yellow-brown, which was not the same color as the painting.


It seemed that the battlefield reporter at that time might have been shocked by the heroic posture of the emperor fighting bravely to kill the enemy, so he added a lot of his own imagination when he dictated …


The guide didn’t spend too much time on this well-known painting, and soon introduced another collection with much enthusiasm.


“Your Highness, my Lords, please move here. We will then see XueLi Star’s most precious and important historical relics. Maybe you have seen holographic images elsewhere, but the real thing has been preserved in XueLi Star. After the great emperor won the victory, he gave this item as a gift to the aborigines on the spot in the snow. This was in order to thank them for their help in the battle. This is also the origin of the name XueLi Star.”


The guide raised his palm and pointed to the huge glass shield behind him with a respectful gesture: “Please look, this is the Bow of Glory used by the founding emperor!”


Inside the glass shield, a huge longbow with a length of more than two meters, which was long at the top and short at the bottom stood there quietly.


“Not only is this bow huge, but it’s also heavy and hard to pull away,” said the guide. “According to records, although many powerful aboriginal people of XueLi Star attempted to pull this bow, no one succeeded. This is the Bow of Glory that only the Great Emperor was eligible to use. It symbolizes … “


While the guide was talking, an alarm suddenly sounded from very close. 


“——Enemy Attack! Enemy Attack!”


Someone in the police cordon shouted loudly. As soon as this shout fell, only a few loud bangs could be heard. And something was hit hard on the glass shield covering the giant bow.


In fact, it didn’t need to be guessed that it was a bullet.


Suddenly, everything was chaotic. Most of the reporters were ordinary people. When they saw the scene of bullets flying indiscriminately, they were in a bind. Even the officials and nobles fled to find a bunker. Screams and roars sounded like one.


“Run, run!”

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“Protect the Crown Prince!”


“Don’t run around! Let the guards handle it!”


The prince’s personal entourage, Austin, and his followers gathered around Xiu’s side. In this way, they also protected Alfred together.


At such a chaotic moment, Alfred and Xiu seemed to be incompatible with this scene because they were neither panicked nor angry. Just by looking at the two brothers’ expressions, one wouldn’t know why nothing happened.


“Why is Your Highness so unmoved?” While the reporters were busy saving their lives and no one noticed them, Alfred whispered softly, “No way, you already knew this would happen, right?”


The close-fitting warning circle was very small, and the entourage’s backs were almost attached to the clothes of the two princes. They could only lean against the glass shield and squeeze together each other.


At such a close distance, Xiu could only look up at him and say, “You … have grown a lot taller.”


Alfred was stunned for a moment, as if he hadn’t expected Xiu to say something like that.


Then he suddenly noticed that Xiu’s neck was white and slender, especially when he raised it up like this, as if he was offering a sacrifice…


This sudden thought occupied Alfred’s mind for a second, and then he resolutely cleared out the inexplicable thoughts and said, “Is there anything else you want to tell me?”


Another bullet hit the glass shield and bounced out. Xiu didn’t say a word. 


“Well.” Alfred said, glancing at the situation not far away. “If someone dies today as a result of this, I will count it all on you.”


“No,” Xiu suddenly whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear. “They will only kill you.”

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