Era of Light

Chapter 7

Alfred’s face darkened, and he asked, “Do you want me to die that badly?”

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Xiu calmly replied, “You’re blocking the way.”

Alfred realized that the man in front of him had lost his mind to ensure his authority, and it was useless to talk more.

Xiu waited to see how Alfred would handle the current situation in front of him. Suddenly, Alfred raised his fist and aimed it at Xiu.

At that moment, Xiu was slightly surprised in his heart. He did not dodge, but was rather surprised and disapproved.

However, the expected pain did not strike, and with a loud “bang”, the punch flew past his face, lifting his fine hair with the accompanying wind.

Xiu felt the glass shield behind him tremble violently. He turned around abruptly, and saw a web-like crack appearing on the top-tire nano-glass shield, which was extremely sturdy and used to protect the most valuable cultural relics and had remained completely unscathed even after being hit several times by bullets. 

“Tsk, it’s really hard.”

Alfred shook his hand and said. He took half a step forward to stabilize his center of gravity, and raised his fist again, this time with a solemn expression.

Xiu noticed that Alfred’s originally light eyes were slowly becoming darker and brighter.

A deafening bang suddenly exploded in the vast and chaotic museum hall. It was like a small bomb detonated in the hall, followed by the sound of shattering glass hitting the ground.

Everyone was frightened and involuntarily turned their attention to the sound. At this point, everyone was stunned in place, and for a moment, no one even paid attention to the situation of the battle at the front entrance.

The empire’s top-level anti-theft device for cultural relics was shattered all over the ground, while a tall figure supported himself with a jump and nimbly landed on the display stand, which was over half a person’s height. 

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The terrain was open and the high display stand was an excellent location for long-range sniping. It’s a pity that these people in the hall had all been checked by security today, and none of them had any long-range weapons. So they couldn’t help the guards outside. 

The only thing that could be called a “weapon” in this hall was that giant bow.

Without hesitation, Alfred grabbed the heavy giant bow, and forcibly pulled it out of its holder set aside.

Everyone knew his intention, and a reporter shouted in despair: “But there is only a bow, no arrows!”

Alfred seemed to forget that the bow must be equipped with an arrow. He raised the bow with one hand, and placed the other on the empty bow string, slowly pulling it back.

The legendary Glory bow, only drawn by the founding emperor at the beginning of the era, after a millennium of slumber, once more slowly curved into a bloodthirsty arc.

Now Alfred’s eyes were golden and bright, as if they were burning gold. 

There was movement in the air.

His fingers holding the bowstring and the bow generated a beam of light out of nowhere, which appeared to be as substantial as matter. The air around it was strangely twisted and compressed, as if it was forcefully squeezing the light into this extremely fine beam.

This light arrow became more substantial and dazzling as the bowstring was pulled taut. The light on the arrow continued to overflow, as if it were burning.

Alfred drew the bow to its full extent, and his eyes were like the ancient sun reappearing. Upon the bow was a miraculous beam of light. And behind him was a painting of the emperor drawing his bow, created at the beginning of this era.

“Great Emperor, the Great Emperor is alive!”

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Someone couldn’t help but shout out.

No one laughed at his insanity. Everyone else was shocked beyond words. More than one reporter was excited and, disregarding the ban, turned on their camera function.

Alfred only took a very short time to aim, and he released the arrow in a decisive manner.

In the next instant, the arrow of light went straight into the vest of a killer. The assassin couldn’t even scream, and fell straight down, leaving a smouldering hole where the arrow had passed through his body.

Without giving anyone time to react, Alfred fired another arrow quickly formed on the bow, and then took away another life.

He shot in succession. His speed became faster and faster. He didn’t need to aim at the time at all, and stood there as if the god of war had descended.

The victory balance that was originally swaying was tilted to one side in just two minutes. The guards rushed forward to subdue the last few killers.

The hall was silent, and some people were flushed, as if they wanted to applaud and celebrate the rest of their lives, but they didn’t dare move.

The pair of golden pupils that seemed to be burning looked down upon the entire crowd. The instinctual fear of higher genes made everyone who was being watched bow deeply their heads to show submission.

Everyone avoided his sharp edge, but only one person raised his head and stared back at him.

Xiu’s expression was as immovable as a mountain.

For more than two years, since he was a teenager, Alfred had often thought about a question: What kind of thing could make his elder brother lose his temper?

When he was a child, he hoped to see his elder brother smile. But now his thoughts are much more malicious. He hoped to see Xiu panicked and frightened.

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He thought he would be able to see more or less today, but no, not a single bit. Xiu’s plan for today failed. It could be said that he had failed completely. However he was still so calm to the point of being terrifying, like a dummy named “The Perfect Crown Prince”.

Alfred jumped off the stand with a longbow in his hand. He knelt down on one knee while everyone slowly came to their senses.

“Having caused trouble for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, please punish me.”

It seemed that Xiu didn’t want to respond to this sentence. He just said, “Get up quickly.”

He didn’t ask, but someone asked on his behalf. Austin said loudly and quickly: “His Royal Highness the young Prince has made great achievements in saving you today. Why should he confess?”

Alfred stood up. His eyes had already been extinguished, and turned to their usual inconspicuous light brown again. He said solemnly: “Because these people did not come to assassinate His Highness, but rather remnants of the rebel army who came after me.”

The emperor had informed the world two years ago that the rebel army had been completely wiped out, and the greatest credit was given to the crown prince. The only downside was that the eradication method was too brutal and cruel, directly destroying a small asteroid that still had residents, which was counted on the head of the third prince.

But now, the third prince personally said that there were still remnants of the rebel army, and they were actually chasing to kill him.

The most prominent figures of XueLi Star, as well as all the well-known media that XueLi Star could call upon were all present in this hall at the moment. As soon as Alfred’s words came out, this news couldn’t be concealed even if he wanted to.

There was a momentary uproar in the hall. Most people perked up their ears, afraid of missing anything, while a small minority wished they could go deaf immediately, and didn’t want to hear these royal secrets.

But no matter what they thought, Alfred continued: “Two years ago, I foiled a conspiracy that the rebels had carefully planned for decades. They hated me to the bone and never stopped hunting me down. When I heard that my elder brother had come to school, I really missed him too much and showed up today. I didn’t expect that they would come so fast, and almost caused trouble for my elder brother. It was me who acted impulsively. Please punish me.”

Conspiracy? What conspiracy? Could it be that there was something unknown about the incident two years ago, and the young prince gave such an order for a reason?

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Xiu said with concern: “Naturally, this is not your fault. Since it is involved … such an important matter, then come with me to my palace and tell me in detail.”

This implication was that he wouldn’t be allowed to continue speaking in public.

Alfred smiled and said, “Yes, Your Highness.”

He returned the longbow back to the principal next to him, and Xiu also said to the principal: “Due to the incident today, let’s end the visit here.”

“This is natural. Your Highness has to deal with state affairs…” The principal was old, and while answering, he took the longbow that Alfred handed him, and almost fell.

Alfred quickly helped him and said, “I’ll let it go, it’s a bit heavy.”

The glass shield was completely broken, and naturally it was unusable. It had to be replaced with a new one. The base on which the giant bow was placed was not broken. At this moment, it was moved down, and Alfred tried to reset the bow back.

Austin who stood next to him stepped forward and helped him adjust the angle.

 The others gathered around Xiu at this moment, listening to the Prince’s official announcement of the temporary suspension of the visit.

Austin looked up, and saw that the Crown Prince was still speaking to some officials and the media present. It seemed that he should not be able to finish in just one or two sentences. Austin lowered his head and whispered softly: “There are survivors, more than we expected. What should we do with their testimonies?”

“No matter what they said during the interrogation, I said they were rebels,” Alfred said coldly. “They are rebels.”

Austin lowered his head and said: “Understood.”

With a “click”, the giant bow was reloaded into its holder.

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