Event 1: Alice is Entangled with an Octopus ※Tentacles (Octopus)

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Amongst the glittering rays of sunlight that shone down upon us, I screamed as the large octopus’ slimy legs entangled my limbs.

Up until this day, even though I desperately raised my level, to think that I couldn’t even resist at all!

It was correct to wear the men’s pants underneath my robe as a countermeasure that I prepared in advance so that my soft fair skin wouldn’t be exposed. My legs were raised above my head and were spread apart, but with this the mental damage was minimalized.

A short distance away on the sandy beach, I could see Dean’s figure as he turned his back while squatting.


——alright, I wasn’t seen!


As long as I endure this state for a bit, that eagerly awaited person should come to save me.

The octopus’ leg wrapped around my waist was forcefully tightening, but this degree was still okay, just endure, gotta endure.

As if it were aiming at my negligence, one of the octopus’ legs wrenched open my lips and invaded the inside of my mouth.




A fishy and slimy thing penetrated my mouth, filling it up as if to violate the inside of my throat. Though I tried to bite it off, the elasticity of it forced my teeth back, and I wasn’t able to make a dent in it.  Even though it’d be delicious to eat if you just put it on some fire!

On top of that, another octopus leg infiltrated the cuff of my trousers, and stuck itself to my calves, and then my thighs.

Although I wanted to call for help, I couldn’t let out a single cry, and Dean continued to follow my instructions and didn’t even try to look this way.

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——will that person really come!?


The more I struggled impatiently, the tighter it got, and the octopus legs that came in from my trouser cuffs and collar stuck directly to my skin. At times, it would pass over the tips of my chest, causing a shiver to run up my spine.

The octopus legs that infiltrated from the left and right cuffs of my pants wriggled at the central part on top of my underwear, and on top of that the ruggedness of the suckers on those legs pressed against it while going back and forth numerous times.




That ruggedness rubbed against my flower bud, causing my body to jump and shiver.

As if the octopus had noticed my condition, it began to stimulate the same area again and again.


“Nn-……! Ts-…….!?”


——for something like an octopus to make me feel good……!


Even though I thought that I definitely wouldn’t feel anything in this kind of state, could it be that this is part of the eroge’s corrections? The octopus legs that I only thought of as disgusting were making my spine shiver just from it gliding along my skin.

The suction pads stuck to the sensitive tips of my chest and then released them, repeating such actions as the octopus legs violating my bottom half raised their speed. My hips instinctively moved, seeking a stronger pleasure.


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——ah, I’m already……cumming!


The moment I abandoned myself to that pleasure, I finally saw the silver colour I had been eagerly waiting for in the corner of my vision.




Perhaps my consciousness had flown away for a brief period of time, but before I realized it, I was in the silver-haired man’s arms.

When I followed that man’s line of sight, I found Dean dismantling the large octopus.

Ah, so that’s today’s dinner……wait, no no. Honestly speaking, I don’t want to eat something that tormented my body. I think I’ll refrain.


“Are you alright?’’


As he wiped around my face that had become sticky with mucus with his large palm, the man peered at my face.

……his silver hair reflected the sun’s light and glistened, looking even better with the contrast of his healthy, lightly tanned skin. While I’m sure that he was supposed to be the same age as Dean, his mature and fearless face, together with the close-up of such a good-looking guy, caused me to unintentionally avert my gaze.


“Umm…….thank you very much for saving me. I am alright now.”


I don’t know from when he had been watching that situation, but how horribly embarrassing. I feel like my face is even redder than an octopus’……

Honestly, I think it was a good thing my mouth was plugged up at that time. Because I definitely would have let out a weird voice!

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“Nee-chan! Today’s dinner is an octopus fiesta!”


This guy…is octopus more important than his older sister? I see. Even though my tiny maiden’s heart is all worn out, and I worked so hard!


“Dean! One moment……!”

“Oi, you! Are you her little brother!? Then why didn’t you help her out!?!”


My angry voice was drowned out by the man’s voice.

While lifting me, who still could not exert any strength, up into a princess-carry, he furrowed his brow while approaching Dean.


“You possess a weapon, do you not? What are you trying to do by pretending not to see her!?”

“Eh!? No, ummm…….!”

“Please wait! My little brother is……um, bad with octopuses!!”



How lame, even for me that’s a lame excuse.

Even though he’s someone ‘bad with octopuses’, he was just disassembling one gleefully after all.

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But there’s no way I would be so foolishly honest as to say that I was waiting for you.


“T-This child has always been bad with living octopuses ever since he was young……!”

“Right! Actually, I can’t even stand looking at them! I’m sorry, Nee-chan. I couldn’t do anything……”

“I am okay.”


An older sister who kindly called out to her younger brother who despondently hung his head.

Though the man appeared as if he wasn’t convinced, perhaps our shady performance drew the rage out of him, but his anger seemed to have settled for the time being.


“Thanks for saving Nee-chan. I’m Dean.”

“I am Alice……, I can already stand on my own.”


After having the man let me down from his arms, I once again said my thanks to the man while lowering my head.


“I’m Harold. I’m a travelling adventurer primarily staying in this town right now.”


Right right, his name was Harold!

And like this, while risking my life and working hard, we somehow managed to collect the first flag.

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