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“At this moment in time, I would like to begin the strategy meeting on how to complete this capture!”


I gripped my fist tightly while declaring thus loudly.

Right in front of me was my 2-year younger brother who had just become 18 years old, Dean. He had the same chestnut brown hair and blue eyes as me, but due to the long bangs that hid them, you could barely see his eyes.

Although I told him several times to cut them, according to him, they apparently were the ‘identity’ of the protagonist of an eroge.


——indeed, he was the protagonist of this eroge world.


About 5 years ago, I realized that I, Alice, had reincarnated into this game world.

It was when Dean, who had become 13 years old and become relatively capable at wielding a sword, went together with me to a nearby forest on a monster subjugation job.

Dean’s equipment consisted of a bandana on his forehead, a cheap-looking leather breastplate and gauntlets, with a short sword equipped at his waist. As well as those long bangs that hid his eyes!

No matter how I looked at it, wasn’t he the protagonist of that eroge I played in my last life?!


“Ain’t this the eroge-……!?”


I wasn’t at fault for accidentally letting that out.

It just that Dean’s jaw dropped wide open as he made an idiotic face.


“Nee-chan, just now……you said eroge!?”

“……I did.”


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“Nee-chan also……?” “No, it couldn’t be……” -Dean mumbled quietly while looking my way.


“Dean, you……could it be you knew something about this being an eroge?”


When I tilted my head, Dean nodded his head in assent and began talking about how he had memories of his previous life.

He remembered 5 years prior. The moment he saw my equipment when heading out on an adventure, he realized that I was a character from an eroge that his older sister from his previous life played.


“To think that Nee-chan was also a reincarnator……”

“No, more importantly! Why, of all places, did we have to reincarnate into an eroge!? An EROGE!?”


It was important so I said it twice. An eroge. EROGE! It’s a game where this and that will happen to a girl!

This game that I seemed to have reincarnated into was, for an eroge, an unusually high difficulty orthodox RPG, but it had the conventional fantasy settings of tentacles and slimes and orcs, with a plethora of erotic events. And the protagonist’s older sister Alice was no exception to that……rather, on the other hand, for someone who wasn’t a capture target, her treatment was terrible.

There weren’t any ahegaos*, right? -and so as I recalled my past memories, I turned to look at Dean.


*Ahegao = an expression which shows a lot of euphoria and usually combines rolled up eyes with an open, panting mouth (Source:



“Nevertheless, to know about this game, could it be that Nee-chan was a man in your previous life!?”

“I get what you’re trying to say, but I was also a girl in my previous life…….I do think I was an otaku though.”

“Heeh, there surprisingly are those kinds of girls too. My Nee-chan……um, the one from my previous life was an otaku that I thought was disappointingly unpopular with guys.”

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“Oh, what a coincidence. In my previous life I also had a pathetic little brother who was an otaku and a prospective wizard…….”



The two of us exchanged glances and somehow fell silent.

What is this? Quite frankly, all I have is an unpleasant premonition.


“Umm, Onee-sama, excuse me but your name in your previous life was…….?”

“Enno Yuri.”



I watched the figure of my younger brother as he held his face in his hands while shouting with eyes that were calmer than how I actually felt.

No matter how I look at it, this definitely is ‘Yuri’s little brother.


“It’s Nee-chan! For that Alice to be Nee-chan!! It’s no good! I can’t get up on this! It’ll wither!!!”


That last bit was a staggeringly bad statement, little bro. No, I understand your feelings, but with what kind of eyes were you looking at your blood-related sister in this life? Now that I think of it, lately the numbers of my underwears haven’t been matching up, don’t tell me it was you!?

Leaving my small troubles aside, Dean was rolling about on the floor while dealing with a larger conflict.

Even in this life, he’s such a deplorable child……


After a while, perhaps his feelings had settled, as Dean sat on the floor and spoke.


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“What is Nee-chan gonna do? At this rate, you’ll be attacked by an octopus, have a forbidden bodily examination done by bandits, have a slime melt your clothes, and the Demon King will….-gufu!!”


I won’t let you say everything until the end!

Having taken the full brunt of my axe kick, Dean crouched while quaking with tremors. Well, he basically already said everything. I cleared this game several times, and despite being a mage, Alice had a high defence and was an easy-to-use character, so I’ve seen her events several times.

The things that can be avoided, I would like to avoid with all my might. But, it could be that there could be a driving force or correction system in place——-.

To begin with, with this little brother as the protagonist, will this world be alright?

While gazing at Dean, who was still crouching while at his wits’ end, I thought thus.


God of Eroges, your personnel selection was quite mistaken.




And so, let us return to the strategy meeting from the beginning.


“The objective is the true ending! I absolutely will not let Sophia-chan die!”

“Ahh, ……you’ve always been about that from way back when. ——well, to begin with, on all the other routes, Dean will end up becoming the king, so even if we reach the ending it feels like the country will go to ruins…….”


In this game’s true ending, one must make Princess Sophia your ally and then subjugate the Dragon, Demon King, and Evil God. In the other routes, where you only take down either the Dragon or the Demon King, it will lead to the endings of one of the other heroines, and Princess Sophia will die while the hero protagonist will succeed the throne.

To be a king……it’s impossible for this musclehead little brother, God of Eroges. And it would weigh on my conscious if we let the princess die even though we had prior knowledge of the event.


“……Nee-chan thinks that I’m an idiot, don’t you?”

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“Of course! I think that you’re a musclehead!!”

“Stop saying that with a smug face!”


My little brother was grumbling some complaint, but let’s ignore that.


“For now, I don’t want to needlessly spread out the distribution of experience points, so let’s only make the characters necessary for completion our companions. Also, let’s avoid Alice’s ero events!”

“Yeah, as one might expect, I wouldn’t want to see my real sister saying ahh ahh……but, ahh, umm, who was it again? To have that silver haired character to become a companion, we have to do one event.”


……silver hair?

I can’t remember the name. He was a male character, so I probably had no intention of remembering him before. I feel like I was always just calling him ‘silver-head’.

It’s true that he was a necessary character for the true end, and was actually a half-brother of the princess born from another mother, a silver-haired knight. He was an ikemen that gallantly appeared in the game opening’s ‘Alice is entangled with an octopus’ event.

His introductory event was a fixed event, but it was optional to add him to the party. If we’re aiming for the true end, we will have to add him to the party in order to raise Princess Sophia’s introductory event.


——in other words, I have to be entangled with an octopus.


“Nee-chan, I’ll try not to look, so good luck!”

“Hih, treating it as someone else’s problem!!”

“It’s alright! The octopus is just gonna stroke you on top of your clothes, right? And silver-head will come to save you too! Once he comes out, I’ll quickly take it on! I’ll definitely save you!”


Suspicion welled up at the sight of Dean’s unusually earnest and fevered persuasion, but it is true that since it was an opening event, it should only be about as sensual as some scene from a magazine for juvenile boys. If I properly wear some extra clothes, I shouldn’t show too shameful a sight!


——I want to curse the me that held such naive thoughts at that time……

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