Event 6: Princess and Female Knight 【1】

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“Wai-……! Nee-chan, I’m really sorry! I’m reflecting! I’m reflecting, so-……!!!”

“Be quiet, Dean.”


I gripped Dean’s chin with my left hand and pressed it against the corridor wall.

Then, using my right hand’s fist, I struck his solar plexus several times over.


“Gu-……, wai-…, sto-……!!”


Against Dean’s thoroughly tempered abs, the damage from my fist was practically zero.

Even so, my irrepressible rage drove me to silently drive in countless punches.


“Ara, Alice. What are you doing?”

“I apologize for causing trouble, Okaa-sama. I am just giving a bit of punishment.”


When I answered mother who happened to be passing by without resting my hands, mother took out a whip from who knows where and presented it to me silently.


“Alice is a girl, so doing something like that will hurt your hands. Use this.”


The whip that was handed over to me appeared to have been used well for a very long time.

Just when was mother using this……no, let’s stop prying into that.


“Thank you very much, Okaa-sama.”

“It’s fine. ……It’s not good to trouble Alice too much, Dean.”

“Wai-……! Kaa-san, help me!”

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Ignoring Dean’s pleas for help, mother said “Do things in moderation, the two of you”, and left.

These parents of ours only had us siblings, so they were already use to things like this.

I freely swung the whip I had received .




To begin with, the reason why I was this angry was because Dean had forgotten about me while saving the Princess.

No, it was normal to save the Princess after finding her being attacked by bandits, and there was no problem with him sending her home after that.


——but, after that, he forgot about me and had even returned all the way home!!


When I had Harold send me home, mother who came to greet us told me that “It seemed that Dean arrived just in front of the house a little earlier, but then flusteredly went running off again”.

After that, when I interrogated Dean who had just come home, he confessed about accidentally forgetting to go save me……which brings us to now.

Do you know what kind of things I had to experience……! Being too embarrassed, I was unable to explain in further detail, but when Dean said “Bug?” while tilting his head, killing intent welled up. Honestly, a whip is still too lukewarm*…….!

*T/N: She needs something more hardcore and punishing.


“There will be no next time.”

“……yes, Onee-sama……”


When my hands got tired, the punishment came to an end.

Letting him off with just this, it could be that I was soft on my little brother.



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Two days after the bandit event, we visited the inn that the Princess was lodging at.

Fundamentally speaking, travelling sisters would stay at a church, but when there wasn’t any churches nearby they would use inns. As she was a fake sister, she instead took it upon herself to go to places without any churches in the vicinity so that she could stay in an inn.


“I came to see Fiina-chan.”


When Dean called out to the owner of the inn, he received a disappointing answer.


“If you’re looking for the sister nee-chan, today she mixed together with some party and headed out.”

“Eh, seriously!?”

“Yeah, she left early in the morning. She should probably return by evening?”


Sisters who could cast recovery magic were popular so it couldn’t be helped.

It seems that she intends on staying at this inn for a little while longer, so we decided to come again another time.

After thanking the inn owner, we headed towards the guild.

We were going to complete some request in order to kill time, and at night the plan was to visit the inn one more time.




Hearing the voice that called me out at the guild entrance, I stiffened momentarily.


“Huh. Has Harold also come to look for work?”


“Then, shall we take something together? If there’s 3 people, then the efficiency should increase right?”


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Dean advanced the conversation of his own accord.

As for me……when I remembered the happenings of the other day, I couldn’t look directly at Harold’s face.

Perhaps having realized my state, Harold peered at my face.


“Is Alice also alright with going together with me?”



When I responded in a confused manner, Harold smiled kindly and invited me into the guild.

……he gently placed a hand around my shoulders, and I desperately shook off the embarrassing memories that were brought back by that action.

Ahhhh, why is Harold acting as if nothing happened!


“Ah-……! Nee-chan, orcs, orcs!”


Separate from my complex mental state, Dean was rooted to the spot at the orc subjugation request posted on the bulletin board.

……it seems that I haven’t punished this guy enough.

It’s unbelievable that Dean and Harold are the same age……no, my little brother has memories of his past life, so he should have a higher mental age.


“It doesn’t seem to be that far, and if it’s orcs than the 3 of us should be just about right?”


Harold who didn’t know about the wicked feelings that Dean had towards orcs took that request and brought it to the counter.


“Dean……didn’t you used to say ‘I-I’ll kill them……!’ in this game?”

“Naw, I know but when I saw ‘orc’, it just came out”


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There was a female knight as a capture target, but this game did not have that kind of standard development. Well, if there aren’t any erotic events happening with the orcs, then it shouldn’t be a problem to take on this request.

We decided to head off to subjugate orcs.




“This cave……!”


Having not seen that written request, I regretted not properly confirming the orc’s appearance location at that time.

Normally I would have definitely confirmed it! It’s just, at that time since Harold was in front of me, my mind had completely blanked out.


“Dean……I’ll curse you.”

“It’s okay! They said that a different party took on the request for this cave!”



Dean nodded repeatedly, but I wonder if that is really the truth.

This cave was home to a plant-type tentacle monster. In the game when Alice was acting separately from the protagonist, she took this request with another party, and had erotic things done to her by the tentacles. It appeared that I had avoided such an impossible event.

Ahh, I don’t want to go……but, if we don’t go through here, then we won’t be able to reach the prairie where the orcs have been appearing.

If I trust Dean’s words, then they (the tentacle monster) weren’t very strong opponents so they should already be subjugated, and this time I was a member of the protagonist’s party. Not only that, but we hadn’t taken on that request.


“Is there a problem?”

“No……it’s okay. Let’s go.”


Uuu……I couldn’t say to Harold that it seemed like something erotic would happen so I didn’t want to go.

When it came down to it, I resolved myself to burn down the entire interior of the cave, no questions asked. Thus, I decided to advance forward.

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