Event 6: Princess and Female Knight 【2】※Tentacles・Anal・Suka・Orc

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Ahh, I knew it.

Hearing the squelching sounds reverberating inside of the cave, I felt exhausted.

Ero is unavoidable.

It seemed that this was the unwritten law of this world.

Even so, I had no intention of allowing erotic things to happen to me, but I also did not plan on going back at this time.


“……Dean, when we return it’ll be punishment.”



I quietly whispered to Dean.

I’ll go find a new whip on our way back.


“There’s something there!?”


When I used magic to illuminate the depths of the cave at Harold’s words——a lump of tentacles that had grown large enough to block up the cave was wriggling there.


“This is a bit bigger than expected……”



We cannot carelessly approach the tentacles. As that monster uses the excretion of living things as its nourishment to grow, it will attack anyone that comes near it, regardless of gender. Not only that, but that size. The number of tentacles wasn’t small.

You wouldn’t die if you were caught, and there also wasn’t any of the promised aphrodisiac secretions either. It’s just, the tentacles would directly consume the secretions from your ass, and would release you after it finished eating. It would take a bit of time for it to finish eating, but other than your spirit, you would be released unharmed, so it seems that amongst a certain portion of humans it was used to resolve constipation and for anal foreplay. I definitely do not want to use it.


“……it seems that someone’s been caught.”


Being told that, I concentrated my gaze on the tentacles.

In between the green tentacles, some pink hair could sometimes be seen……?


“Ah!! Soph——Fiina-chan!?”


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Don’t tell me, it’s the Princess!?

The arms and legs of pink-haired lady dressed in a sister outfit were captured, and the sight of tentacles moving peristaltically at her feet could be seen. It was completely in the middle of eating.

However, looking carefully, she wasn’t the only one captured.


“Ah, nn, ahh, dun—……!”


The other was a black-haired, knight-like woman.


“It won’t come out, there’s no more so—!”


On top of that was a blonde-haired swordswoman.


“Iyaa, my, in my butt……Aaann!”


Furthermore, there was a tomboyish beast girl with animal ears and a tail.

Including the Princess, a grand total of 4 women had become victims of the tentacles.

Likely……they were the party that had taken on the request to subjugate this monster, but why were all of them, including the vanguard, female……?

For a short while, we stood stock still in amazement at the scene unfolding in front of us.


“Ahn, more…….fill up my butt and mix it around~”


Ahh, it’s too late. The black-haired knight has completely fallen to the pleasure……

She, who had equipped a bikini armor with a questionable level of defensive power, had an ecstatic expression as she entrusted her body to the tentacles. Even though the tentacles should have only violated her ass, a transparent liquid was soaking the back of her thighs from the crack of the T-back style armor.


——her ass has become so……


The moment I thought that, I remembered the sensation from that time.

The finger that had churned up the inside of my anus in order to take out the bug……I gradually became accustomed to it, and was stirred up.

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The sight of the girls being violated by the tentacles overlapped with the me from that time, and a sweet numbness ran through my abdomen.

Uu, it’s different. The me of that time was only because of the bug. That time is the only time I’ll feel it from the ass!!

In order to shake off the embarrassing memories that were gradually being revived, I called out to the women.


“Are you okay—!?”

“Ahn, nn……we’re okay! It should probably……ahnn…, finish soon—!”


……no no, the Princess gave a much more energetic response than expected? Composure? You still can be composed? The tentacles are completely in your ass, right!?

Seeing her state, Dean was distracted, going “My angel’s ass is…….!”; while Harold silently stared at the wall.

The other girls weren’t replying but……even though they were about to be released, perhaps not much time had passed.

Hmm, if it’s going to end soon, I’ll shoot off fire after recovering the released girls, and then it might be good to exit the cave first.

I want to save them soon, but our butts were also important.


“Dean, after they are released, collect them! Harold and I will cover you. After all of them are released, I will shoot off fire, so let’s return to the entrance for the time being!”


Making such a simple plan, I called out to the two of them. After that, Dean’s and Harold’s butts would be exposed to danger several times, but we managed to move the released girls one by one to a safe place.

At the end, I shot fire with magic and reduced the tentacles to ashes.

Hmm, I easily defeated it. I wonder why ‘Alice’ in the game was caught by these tentacles……? Could it be she lost to the pleasure……?

No, let’s stop thinking about that. I may be ‘Alice’, but I am me. I won’t lose to some tentacles.

We returned to the entrance of the cave with the girls, and decided to wait there for the fire to settle down.


“Thank you for saving us!”

“It really was a lifesaver. I didn’t think that it would have grown to that point……”


We waited until they were released, so saying that we saved them was a misnomer. But, as we recovered them after they were violated, I couldn’t exactly correct them on that point.


“Can you girls return to the town on your own?”

“Ahh……yeah, we should be okay after resting for a bit. What are you three planning on doing after this?”


The blonde swordswoman looked at the black-haired knight who was still immersed in the lingering pleasure with a troubled face and responded thus.

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It seemed that she got like this quite often, and if left for a while she should return to her senses.

When we said that we were planning on heading on the orc subjugation as planned if that was the case, the Princess  requested to come along with us.


“Dean also saved me previously as well. I would like to be of assistance.”


When I stealthily enquired about the state of her body, worried that she was overdoing it she whispered into my ear, saying, “I am used to it, so I will be fine”.

Um, it’s because you’re using it to treat constipation, right……?

Finding it frightening, I couldn’t ask any more than that, and seeing as she still seemed quite energetic, she went together with us.




After waiting for the fire in the cave to subside, we passed through the cave.

As we advanced through the prairie, I became concerned about Harold, who had been silent up until now.

He wasn’t a talkative person, nor was he completely reticent. However, at times he would go silent like this.

When I peeped at his state, he was pretending things were normal. It was a bit scary that just his eyes were glittering.

……she had named herself as Fiina, so he shouldn’t realize that she is the country’s princess, and his elder sister yet. Plus he doesn’t appear to be paying too much attention to her, so that was probably unrelated to his current state.

Other than that there was……when I thought about it, I remembered the scene from just earlier.

He might have become a bit excited at their disheveled states. Well……although he appeared mature, he was the same age as Dean, so it couldn’t be helped.

As I thought about that, Harold suddenly came to a stop and looked over here.

For a moment, I thought that he had noticed my lukewarm gaze, but he silently made the signal to stop.

It could be that there were orcs nearby.

Making use of the huge boulders that dotted the area, we advanced forward while concealing our bodies as a group of orcs came into sight.

……there were about 4 orcs, but their state seemed rather strange.


“There’s a woman.”


Harold informed me in a small voice.

Don’t tell me it was a victim of the orcs!? -when I concentrated my eyes to check, the figure of a woman with a curly red ponytail was amongst them.


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“……that’s the female knight, right?”


I nodded at Dean’s whisper. Yup, that certainly is the one of the capture targets, the female knight Rida.

……strange, the game’s female knight didn’t have an orc event.

No, that wasn’t the only strange thing.


“What’s wrong, you pig bastards!! You won’t be able to make me pregnant like this!!”

“Buhiiiiiiii! (No, it won’t come out anymore!)”

“Buhi buhiii~……(Nooo……)”

“Buhi, buhiiiin……(K-Kill me……!)”

“……buhii…buhiiiiiin (Dammit……but I’m feeling ittttt)”


It’s strange, somehow I feel like I can understand the orc’s words. No matter how you look at it, the ones being raped were the orcs, right?

She was straddled over a fallen orc, and on top of that was knocking her hips against another orc behind her. That woman was, in each hand, gripping the abnormally large members of the orcs.

Having such large things inserted into both her front and back, is she really okay!?


“Come at me with your instincts! Come on now, is that all there is to your power!? What happened to the orc’s pride!? Mating with females is your way of life! Come on, don’t rest!!!”


Just what kind of hot-blooded coach was she?

Hmm, should we really be saving her…… No, to begin with the ones needing saving were the orcs?

——ah, it seems like they came.

The two orcs whose members were being stroked both released a large amount of cloudy fluids at the same time and then collapsed to the ground and ceased all movement.

……this is……should we just leave them alone?

In my head, the phrase “let sleeping dogs lie” came to mind. That female knight was someone that you mustn’t come into contact with, is what my instincts were telling me.


“It seems like there aren’t any orcs here. Shall we return?


As Harold said that, he had the eyes of a dead fish. ……ah, so he decided to pretend that he didn’t see anything……


In the end, we decid

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