Today, big sis has a mysterious meeting known as a girl’s day out and has gone out.

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That being the case, I will have a boy’s day out. And so, I came together with Harold to an adult toy shop.

At the beginning Harold came along unwillingly, but as expected he was a man in his teens. He was staring at the dildos that were lined up according to size with great interest. Incidentally, this shop will create a replica of your own member if you request it! When my partner gets a bit more proficient in appearance, by all means I want them to make one for me as well.

Since I finally managed to bring Harold with me after great pains, I tried asking the shopkeeper if he had anything interesting, and he brought back a wooden box with medicine in it from the back.


……isn’t this Aisha’s aphrodisiac!?


Big sis’ magic teacher, Aisha-sensei was an authority on magic drugs. All of the medicines she makes are highly effective, and work on both men and women alike. This aphrodisiac where you could drink it or smear it was the most popular.

However, as it was made from virgin love fluids, it seems that mass production was difficult, and this was the first time I’ve seen it in person. According to the shopkeeper, this time a little more than usual was made, so it’s been going around the retail shops as well.

I-I want it…… But it’s incredibly expensive. If I buy something this expensive, I’ll probably be killed by big sis……gununu, but, it’s too regretful to allow this chance to pass by……

Harold came to stand next to me before I knew it as I fell into conflict. When he brought his face close and stared fixedly at the bottle of aphrodisiac, he put his wallet on the counter without a single second of hesitation at the price.


“I’ll take that.”


It was such a prompt decision.

Harold-san instantly bought an aphrodisiac that was stupidly expensive despite being finished after using it one time! Are you a millionaire!

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Uuu, I regret that I wasn’t able to buy it but……a poor noble can’t waste money. I don’t know how Harold will use it, but do tell me how it is when you use it!

After that we went to eat together, and it was quite a fun boy’s day out.


But at that time, I still didn’t know.

That a few days later, I would see a large quantity of that rare aphrodisiac……




——A resounding magic aria and a roaring sound.

In order to advance the scenario, today we were exploring a dungeon.

An eroge’s dungeons will naturally have sexually harassing traps. However, this time utilizing big sis and my memories, we knew about the positioning of the traps and were just confirming them.

Big sis burned the tentacles and slimes to ashes, tore them to pieces, and froze the traps, steadily avoiding each and every one of them.

Although it seems like her magic will be used up by the time we reach the boss battle, we were planning on using my magic in the boss battle for a one-hit KO, so there weren’t any problems with that. The boss this time is a dragon after all. It was a formidable enemy for which you had to deal a certain amount of damage or else it wouldn’t get through to it at all.

Big sis took the vanguard and was destroying the traps, while Harold and I kicked away the small fry that sprung out. Sophia-chan was the reserve. She had a big job at the end of this remaining.


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“……something is weird.”


When we arrived at the floor just above the bottom layer, big sis said that, “The positioning of the traps is different”.

I don’t fully remember the details like that, but big sis who’s that passionate about avoiding the ero events was the one saying it. There’s no doubt that she was telling the truth.

……actually, I did have a bit of a premonition.

In contrast to big sis’ desire to avoid ero events, I felt someone’s desire to prevent her from avoiding them. That is why I’m sure some arrangements have been made to prevent her from avoiding one as well……is what I felt.

Dropping our speed, we destroyed the traps cautiously while advancing forward.

Eventually, the staircase leading to the lower level came into sight…….this was different from the positioning on the game map.


“What do you think, Nee-chan?”

“Hmm, the map may have been modified…….this might also be a trap, but the number of traps has increased unexpectedly, so my magic is also at its limits. Shall we try going,……!!”


The moment big sis took a single step onto the staircase while saying that.

——big sis disappeared without a single sound.


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Harold and I hastily rushed over to the place where big sis was, but she wasn’t anywhere to be found.


“The two of you, please calm down. This is……it could be a teleportation trap.”

“Teleportation trap?”


When Sophia-chan crouched down and brushed away the sand on the stairs, there certainly was something that looked like a magic circle drawn there. However, it was considerably chipped.


“……it seems that it’s a one-time only teleportation trap. There’s no way to activate it again.”

“Then just where was Alice sent?!”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know……”


It seems that Harold was irritated at the unexpected development.

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Probably……if it’s going according to the game, then she was probably sent to the boss room on the bottom floor……

I recalled what would happen below here and felt my complexion pale.


——the Banquet of Madness by the Cult Religion.


The members of the religion were promiscuous, worshipping and revering the dragon’s vigor and penis size. Thus, they would offer up a sacrifice to the dragon as its bride. Of course, if a human were to be given to a dragon as its bride, they would die. However, they don’t care about such a thing, and would present a sacrifice in order to gather up and drink the semen that the dragon shoots out.

Dragon semen is a secret medicine that preserves youth and manliness. I understand why old geezers that can’t get it up anymore would swarm towards it, but even if it is from another race, for a man to swallow the semen of another man is unthinkable. So big sis was captured by this dreadful Cult Religion.

For now it’s essential that we hurry to the boss room. In the game we would just barely make it to the boss room in time, is how things would develop, but in reality things might not go so well.

We have to save her as quickly as possible.


“For now, she might be on the lowest floor. Let’s head down.”


We quickly descended the staircase……but, our path was soon blocked by a wall. So the stairs themselves were a dummy……!

That being the case, then the location of the stairs should be in the same place as on the game’s map.

I followed my memories and plunged forward within the dungeon.

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