Just when I thought my field of vision had become distorted, I was lying down on top of a hard rock……completely nude.

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My skin didn’t just directly feel the chill of the rock, but the bizarre air in the area made my hair stand on end. The vicinity was filled with a sweet scent and a grassy smell. And the people were rustling.




When I tried to make sure, I couldn’t even move a single finger on my body. As I couldn’t even speak any words, I couldn’t use any magic either.

Just barely managing to move my eyes around, I understood that a number of hooded men were surrounding me.


……yeah, there’s no doubt about it. It’s the Cult Religion’s banquet.


Even though I tried so hard to avoid it, I was dragged into it as expected.

I was a little perplexed at how calm my thoughts were. My head felt absent-minded. Either it was the medicine or something else, but it wasn’t only my body that couldn’t move, even my ability to think may have been stolen away…….the sense of fear was also dull.


“Oh, bride. For the momentary tryst with our God-”

“First we must inspect that body.”

“Now, open her legs.”


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Together with those words, the men standing on both sides of me completely opened my unresisting knees, and the rustling grew louder.


——it’s been seen.


My open place was. By a large crowd. It was being looked at.

They might as well have rendered me completely unconscious instead. It was painful with just having a part of my consciousness remaining.

Even though I thought it was embarrassing and that I was scared, no other thoughts came to mind.

……however, that was capsized in an instant.




The moment one of the hooded men touched my secret place, pleasure rushed through my body. My hidden place’s chasm was spread apart, and just the man’s breath on it caused an electric current to surge through me.

And then the fact that my body couldn’t move started to feel irritating.


“Ohh! How splendid! She is a chaste bride!!”

“What! Then our God should also be delighted.”

“But if she is a virgin, then we must loosen her with our hands, or she will be unable to accept our God.”

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“Then let us begin the ceremony.”

“In order to enhance our God’s vigor, everyone should also devote their prayers to this body.”


At the hooded men’s words, the surrounding rustling transformed into aroused voices in one breath.

A wet sound and the sound of something being struck. Rough breathing and sweet screams. However, the sweet scent drifting in the surroundings became even stronger.

Ahh, I know. It’s the promised promiscuity. Even if I can’t see, I know.


“Now, bride.”

“God’s power is great.”

“In order to accept it with that body.”

“Our hands shall cleanse you.”


And then, the first place they extended their hands to was my chest. Four arms that extended from my left and right began to massage my chest, pinching and crushing the tips that had started to harden, stimulating them. That sensation was connected directly with my bottom half, and my hidden place was soaked with an unbelievable speed.

I was unable to raise my voice at this feeling that I had never felt up until now, and could only allow that heat to accumulate.

They definitely had used aphrodisiac. It was the drug’s fault. By repeating that to myself, I somehow managed to maintain my sanity. Even so, I was unable to stop the nectar that overflowed from the pleasure I was being given.


“I see. This is quite the lewd virgin.”

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“Fumu. To think that this much would come out from just her breasts.”

“While acting all chaste, she may have been consoling herself every night.”

“Her clitoris also appears to be quite big?”

“My my, then we must examine this part too.”


Just those words alone caused my body to become hotter, and the moment that sensitive part was touched, my entire body trembled and reached climax.


“……ku-……., …….!!”


The men probably understood that I had climaxed. The corners of their mouths that could be seen from underneath their hoods warped with lust. And then they all began to toy around with the part that had become sensitive as they liked.

Pulling back the foreskin, they blewed on it with their breaths, stroked it with their fingers, and licked it with their tongues.

And every time they did so, I came again.

The tips of my breasts were licked countless times, sucked, bit by their teeth, but all I could do was repeatedly let out rough breaths.


“……how magnificent. Hasn’t it become even larger?”

“The mouth over here is also opening and closing like it is speaking.”

“Then it is about time.”

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“Indeed. This time I shall take charge.”

“I will leave it to you. We shall dress this bride in a pure white gown.”


As my body continued to convulse with pleasure, it couldn’t be helped that it felt reluctant to part with the hands that distanced themselves from it. My mind had become even more hazy, but alarm bells were ringing, saying that allowing them to go any farther than this was dangerous. But even so, my body was hopelessly hot. It was painful. The heating smouldering my insides wanted something.

In order to endure such obscene expectations, I once again turned my gaze towards the men.

The men that returned were still wearing their hoods, but their bottom halves were exposed, revealing warped, erected members.


“I will use this smooth hair.”


One man said that and wound my hair around his member, while the others also said “with the chest”, “with the hands”, all of them unanimously muttering while rubbing their desires against me.


“……nn-! ……ts, ……!”


And then, the last remaining person inserted a finger into my honeypot and churned it around. First he rubbed against the opening, widening it. And then his finger advanced further in, little by little. Eventually, the number of fingers increased as he freely violated my insides. When he found a particularly sensitive spot, he persistently rubbed his finger against it. As he stroked my flower bud at the same time, I was once again made to cum countless times.

And then the men around me also came many times, spraying my body with their semen, smearing my body with it.


My body trembled so many times in pleasure that I couldn’t count it, and as I continued to pant, everything became hazy. Eventually, I became completely unable to grasp my own state.

Before I knew it, the men weren’t around me, and I didn’t even notice that in exchange a large black shadow covered me.

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