Event 8: And the Banquet of Madness was……【2】 ※Aphrodisiac・Loss of Virginity

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A thunderous roar that made the ground rumble caused me blank consciousness to surface.


“Listen, oh dragon!” The cheerful voice of a woman and following that, “Wai-, Female Knight-san!? UwaaAAAHHhhh, don’t walk while stripping!” a voice that I was used to hearing. For some reason, the black shadow that was near me had vanished in the blink of an eye, and I could hear the sound of footsteps that seem to be chasing after it.

“To make a dragon run away, just what is that female knight!? ——Harold, I’ll leave Nee-chan to you! I’ll chase the dragon with Fiina-chan!”, that voice said as it gradually grew farther and farther away.


“Alice! Get ahold of yourself!”


In the corner of my vision, I could see Harold with a worried-looking face. Before I knew it, my body was wrapped up in a cloth, and the members of the cult that had surrounded me were nowhere to be seen.




It cracked, but it seems that I had become able to speak somewhat. My body felt sluggish but it wasn’t like I couldn’t move it at all. The effects of the drug may have started to wear off.


“It’s alright now.”


“Further in. He headed towards the dragon.”


Ahh, so they made it in time……

It looks like things just barely ended without me crossing that line.


“Leave the dragon to them. Since the female knight is there, they’ll manage somehow. For now, let’s leave this place.”



The moment he lifted up my body wrapped in the cloth, the heat that was smouldering in me returned. The feeling of the cloth sliding across my body and Harold’s body heat that I could feel through the cloth made me shiver, bringing about a sweet numbness. Unable to endure it, I let out a voice.


“……I-I’m so….rry…”

“Until we get out of here……please endure it for a bit……”


I nodded deeply, and then hugged my body that was trembling with pleasure as if to suppress it with both hands. And then I bit down hard on my lips while continuing to resist the voice that felt like it would leak out with the vibration of Harold’s walking.






When we exited the dungeon, the first place Harold headed towards was a nearby river.

As expected, it seems that he was thinking of me, who couldn’t appear in front of others with this terrible semen-covered appearance.

Once again made bare, Harold politely washed my hair and body at a shallow part of the river. Honestly speaking, right now I didn’t have the composure to even be able to find my current state embarrassing, as my body was drowning in the sweet numbness that was rushing through it.

The chill of the river water felt comfortable for my burning body. And as Harold purified my body with his warm hands, he scrubbed my skin to properly remove the filth. Unable to endure the feeling of being directly touched, I gasped numerous times, and the aching of my lower body that was growing larger and larger melted away my reason. Harold’s hands that gently washed me felt tantalizing. When the hand scrubbed at the dripping secretions from the chasm between my open legs, I reached the limits of my endurance.


“Ha… That’s no good…… I, feel like I’m becoming weird…….my insides are, so hot……”

“……it’s this slimy……I’ll have to wash the inside too.”



Without an ounce of hesitation, Harold inserted a finger into my honeypot, repeatedly putting it in and out as he stirred it up. He bent his finger inside, rubbing the walls as if to scrape out the overflowing love juice. I opened my own legs, and placed my hands on his as if to guide Harold’s hand further inside.


“Endure it. I won’t be able to finish cleaning you up at all like this.”

“…ah, it’s imposs-……not good. Somehow, it feels good……”

“Alice really can’t be helped. ……come on, I’ll let you cum once!”

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The number of fingers inside increased, and on top of that, he kneaded my flower bud violently. Pleasure controlled my body as I pleaded, “More~”.


“Even though you’re tightening up this much, it’s still not enough?”

“……ahh, ah! ……more……deeper……!”


My sense of reason was completely paralyzed now. Swinging my hips of my own accord, I was desperate to invite his fingers even deeper within me. My head was completely filled up with the desire to cum.


“It’s impossible for my fingers to go any deeper than this. Come on, just endure with this.”


As he stripped my flower bud that was pinched between two of his fingers, it felt so good to the point where the fingers inside of me were squeezed tightly. Despite that, I shook my head in refusal like a child.


“Ah……please……inside, nn…deep……is, weird……it feels tight.”


Deep inside me just felt lonely no matter what. The pleasure that I was given only continued to give me small climaxes, making the heat rise further. Anything was fine, I just wanted something to make a mess of my insides. With such maddening feelings, I stretched my hand out towards Harold’s abdomen.


“……Alice, stop!”

“Say….., Ha…rold……”


When I caressed the part of his pants on top of the part that had become hard, Harold tightly screwed his eyes shut in pain, while spitting out the word, “Shit!”.


“Even though I was enduring it! Don’t cry and regret it later!”


Harold pulled out his member that had become completely hard from his pants, and nuzzled it against my dripping chasm. That alone made my place down there anticipate his improper actions, and even more nectar flooded out.


“Ahh, shit. Fine, I’ll make a mess of you!”



——Harold’s hard mass thrusted deep within me in a single stroke.

As I had been teased for such a long period of time, even the pain of deflowerment transformed into pleasure, and unable to take the shock of being pierced through, I let out a beast-like cry.


“You came from just having it inserted? And you’re even tightening this much……tsk, even though you were just a virgin, you’re eating up my thing, look, don’t you understand that you’re even swinging your hips on your own?”

“Ah, ah, but……I, I wanted it for all this time……! Come, more, fill me more……”

“Haa……tsk, dammit, this whore!”


Being thrust into deeply in a violent manner countless times, every time a sweet current rushed through my body, I would squeeze Harold’s member, and felt a sense of satisfaction from his size. His movements that were by no means gentle stirred up the heat within me, and I climaxed an innumerable number of times, and a hot spray filled my deepest parts over and over again. Without any reason at all, I became like a beast, and continued to pursue Harold until I lost consciousness.






After that, when I recovered my consciousness, the sun had already fallen.

The vicinity was dark, to the point where I could only barely see the area surrounding the campfire.

My body was wrapped in a cloth, and Harold’s arms were embracing me close. The refreshing wind cleared my absent-minded consciousness, and when I recalled my disgraceful behavior again and again, I felt my blood drain.


——I did it again!!


Not only that, but this time it was all the way to the end!!

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I’ve lost my virginity in such an outrageous fashion……it’s not like I was a noble that thought it was important to keep until marriage, but I did not at all want to lose it while begging lewdly due to the effects of some aphrodisiac-like substance in an typical ero event. Not only that, but to a young man that was the same age as my little brother……if Harold started to have strange inclinations or got traumatized, what will I do……

As I thought about that, my attention was turned to the dull pain in my lower half.


As expected, losing my virginity caused my hidden place to ache, prickling and giving the sensation as if something was still in——


“Eh, no, …….it’s still…inside?”


When I let out such a mutter, the arms embracing me tightened.

When I looked up, Harold’s face was right in front of me.


“You finally realized……. Seems like the drug has completely worn off?”



When I moved my body, the thing inside grew in size.


“Why……did you keep it inside……?”


When I timidly asked, Harold made a good smile that I had never seen up until now and spoke.


“You wouldn’t like it if you lost your virginity under the influence of the aphrodisiac like that contrary to your wishes, right?”

“That’s…….true, but-”


No, but in reality I’m no longer a virgin. Of course, there is some shock regarding that but……


“Ever since I first inserted it, I haven’t pulled it out once, so Alice is still in the middle of losing her virginity.”



In the middle……wait, present progressive form?

Is that allowed? Rather, wasn’t it completed once the membrane was torn?


“I’ve been waiting for you to wake up all this time. ……say, shall we continue?”

“No no! I’m fine! I’m sorry for always making Harold perform such weird roles!”


When I tried to separate from Harold’s body while saying that, the thing buried inside me grew even larger. Harold tightly held my waist so that I couldn’t run away and separate us.

Being fixed face-to-face with him, I felt a sweet sensation rising inside me once more and was unable to move.


“It seems like the drug has completely worn off.”


“According to Dean, it seems that they were using ‘Aisha’s aphrodisiac’. He found a large number of empty bottles.”



……don’t tell me it was produced from the stuff that was harvested from me the other day……?

There may be a need to inquire about the where it was sold when I return. It’ll be a problem if it was being used for crimes. If the country investigates it and inquires about the production method, then it’ll be a big problem……! Talks about the ingredient provider will happen and……of course it’ll end up with some sort of erotic development! How frightening……what could happen to me came to mind. When I return, I’ll have to take some measures.


“It seems that aphrodisiac is made from a virgin’s genital secretions. Did Alice know that?”

“Ehh……it does, yeah, seem to be the case. It is made by my teacher after all……”


It was probably information that he got by asking Dean, so for now I answered saying that since I was her disciple, I knew.

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“That’s made from Alice’s love juices, right?”



I reflexively became flustered, and squeezed the thing inside me. What should I do, it’s becoming bigger and bigger.


“Nn, Alice’s body really is honest……”

“Wha-……what are you saying……, it’s not…….made of mine?”

“But, see……Alice.”


Harold turned his finger around the area we were connect at, brushing it, and then brought that finger in front of my eyes. Showing me a string of the transparent fluid, he sniffed it to check and laughed.


“It’s the same smell as the aphrodisiac.”


Seeing Harold’s appearance as he sniffed the honey that overflowed from my body, I felt my face grow warm with embarrassment.

I can’t believe it. T-to sniff is……just what is he doing……!


“Don’t do something so weird! T-To begin with, the aphrodisiac has a special fragrance added to it, so there’s no way you could tell from the scent!!”

“No, I can.”

“It’s impossible! You aren’t a dog!!”


Even when I became red and denied it, Harold said, “I know” and laughed.

Harold entwined my still-damp hair around his finger, and then wrapped my face with both hands. He stared at me with such a straight and earnest gaze, I was unable to avert my eyes.


“My sense of smell is different from a human’s…….because the blood of a wolf beastman flows within me.”




I was unable to conceal my confusion at his sudden confession.

Even when I tried to recall the game’s setting, as a male character, Harold didn’t have much character establishment.

He was Princess Sophia’s little brother from another mother……that being the case, his mother was probably a wolf beastman. ……No, but there is a lot of royalty and titled nobility that hate beastmen. It’s possible that she was of a mixed race so you couldn’t tell from first glance.

I suddenly became curious, as I tried running both my hands through Harold’s hair.


“……what are you doing?”

“Hmm, so your ears are normal……”


The ears on both sides of his head were normal human ears.

Just a tiny bit. I was only hoping a little bit for fluffy animal ears. No, it’s not like I particularly like animal ears.




When I fiddled with his soft earlobes, squishing them, Harold caught my hands and stopped me.

Perhaps due to my lack of prudence, the thing inside me grew in size again……, if possible, I’d like him to pull it out soon.


“I have……ever since that day I first met Alice, whenever I smelt Alice’s lewd scent, I would go into heat.”


“That’s why I quickly knew that it was Alice’s scent. Because my body would react.”


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Go into heat from my scent……!?

Not only that, but ever since the day we first met……during that octopus’……? Since that time?


“The day we first met, I was drawn by that scent and arrived at that place. When I got there, Alice was going into heat because of that octopus.”

“Go-going into heat……!? I wasn’t!”

“Honestly, I wanted to violate you right then and there.”



Harold spoke in an indifferent manner, but the things he was saying were completely absurd.

I wasn’t in heat!


“I endured it at that time, but the time we went to that elf’s place was even worse. You saw Dean being violated and started to get excited. Even though I was desperately enduring it, you started to suck my thing of your own accord. Not only that, but you even exposed your breasts, and when your nipples stood from having a man’s member clenched between them, I first thought that you were a terrible female pervert.”

“Th-that was to save Dean!”

“That may be the case, but Alice was excited from stroking me with your breasts, right? The place between your legs was letting out an increasingly dense, lewd scent, and I became unable to endure it. And then, at that point, you received the thing I shot out with your mouth and drank it——”

“Th-that was just a momentary impulse!”


Wh-what’s with this shame play!

……Harold knew when I was excited from my scent……you say?


“Ever since I was affected by Alice’s scent, I’ve also become weird. I started to find a woman, that would get excited from interposing my member between her breasts and drinking my semen, to be cute. Even though I insanely wanted to violate her, from some reason I was unable to do so. So for the time being, I thought I’d wash your body and try to do something about the scent of estrus.”


So that was the reason why he brought me to the bathroom…….


“After that, I wasn’t able to meet Alice for a while and even though I thought I had gotten back my peaceful life, this time I became unable to get an erection.”


“Even when I smelt a woman in estrus, it wouldn’t stand. Even when I tried to take care of it on my own, there wasn’t any reaction. When I decided to throw myself into work to distract myself for the time being, I smelt the scent of Alice in heat. Of course, my body instantly reacted. When I followed that scent, Alice was being carried on the shoulder of a man.”


Do you remember? He peered at my face, and I nodded.

It was the story of the time I was captured by the bandit group. What allowed him to discover me was the scent of my estrus……wait, what should I do, somehow I feel like I’m about to cry from the shame.


“After I saved you, the lewd scent was getting stronger and stronger, and when I was wondering just what they did to you, a bug had been put in you.”

“Th-that wasn’t my fault!”

“Other than that, you went in heat from seeing other girls having their anuses teased by tentacles. ……ahh, after that, when I smelt Alice’s scent from the aphrodisiac being sold by the store, I was surprised. Just how did you manage to offer your love juices?”

“Please forgive me……”


Stop it already! My life points are already at zero!

Having everything that happened up until now spoken of like some sort of good memories, I became unable to withstand the embarrassment and tears started to overflow.


“Say, Alice.”


“I can’t get it up unless it’s Alice anymore.”



As he said that, Harold’s warm palm wiped away my tears.


“This is……love, isn’t it?”


-and said such a preposterous line.

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