What should I do, a youth has gone astray because of me!

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Just where in the world is the ‘love’ component of that? ‘An older woman that I somehow came to know is sexually aroused 24/7, and I can’t hold down my sex drive around her’. -it’s that kind of situation!

‘Love’ is supposed be more like, your chest tightens, and your heart starts beating fast, and just from having your hands touch your face goes red. It’s supposed to be that kind of sweet thing!!


“Please calm down, Harold. That is not love!”


This is where I should direct him back onto an honest path. With a feeling similar to having such a sense of duty, I remonstrated Harold.


“Since you are still young, you are just being lead around by your s-sexual desires. A moment of infatuation. It’s like having a fever.”

“Are you saying that I’m ill?”

“It’s similar to that. I’m sure……when you happen to meet the person you like properly, you’ll quickly lose interest in me!”


That’s why you can forget about my virginity, and quickly pull out the thing inside me, Harold!


“If it’s the girl I like, then she’s in front of me right now.”


Uuu, it’s no good, it’s not getting through to him at all.


“Even though she has such an innocent-looking face, she gets sexually excited easily. Not only that, but after being made to drink an aphrodisiac made of her own love juices, she’s a woman whose virginity was snatched away by a man who isn’t even her lover.”

“There aren’t any elements in there that would make you come to like her though!?”


Rather, I’m being made fun of!? That’s just a lecherous girl, right!?


“But it’s cute.”


“These feelings don’t need a reason. It’s just that I thought that all those parts were cute. For the me up until now, it would have been unthinkable to not lay a hand on a woman in estrus that was right in front of me otherwise.”


Crap, what is this. How horribly embarrassing.

……it’s as if I’m being confessed to.


“But I should have laid a hand on your much sooner.”


“If you weren’t a virgin, then you wouldn’t have been exploited for your love juice, right?”

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Huh, somehow the flow of the conversation doesn’t seem to be looking good……?


“Alice opened her legs for a child like that——”



So you’re gonna turn the conversation back to that!

No, but, even if he knew it was my love juices from the scent alone, Harold shouldn’t know the harvesting method……. Not only that, but a ‘child’, he says. Don’t tell me he met Kyle?


“After buying “Aisha’s aphrodisiac” in town, I went to find her home to meet her. Alice’s Shishou…….though I wasn’t able to meet her, there was a child who named himself as your younger brother disciple. He said that he was the one who harvested Alice’s love juices.”

“Just what were you asking about!?”

“Alice can even be turned on by that kind of child, you really are a helpless case.”

“It’s a misunderstanding.”


Even as he said things like “a helpless case”, Harold muttered, “That is also cute”……this is definitely heading in the wrong direction. He’s being awakened to some sort of inclination.

For having said that he disliked the fact that my love juices were harvested, him finding that cute was strange. It is definitely strange. NTR……no, not good. I can’t permit that kind of inclination.


“But in reality, it’s because you were turned on that he was able to harvest love juices, right?”

“E-Even so, it’s not because I was turned on by Kyle……!”


“Then, what were you turned on by?” -when I was asked that, I couldn’t continue my words.

When I recalled that time, what quickly came to mind was what made my body start to react immediately even though I had been nervous at first. ……”Could it be you’ve given a boobjob before?”, when Kyle said those words, just who was it that I recalled——.




Unable to look directly at Harold’s face right in front of me, I hung my head.

Before I realized it, the inside of my head was filled with the lewd things that Harold had done to me. Even if I tried to shake it off, I’d remembered the next thing, and then the next thing after that, and then the part where we were still connected together began to grow hot. My body that had just been drowning in the aphrodisiac and climaxing, was greedily seeking to obtain its next pleasure.

Ahh, geez, why was my body being like this in this kind of situation? Even though I need to prove that Harold’s feelings were mistaken right now. I desperately tried to search for words in my head, but the dirty wave of memories steadily washed away my thoughts, and my impatient body was trying to usher the heat drilled inside of it deeper in.


“Did you get turned on by remembering how your love juices were harvested?”


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Just as I thought, Harold realized the changes in my body. When he asked me that, I shook my head rapidly in denial. Even that slight vibration transformed into a sweet numbness to the current me.

Even though the effects of the aphrodisiac should have worn off a long time ago, my lower parts were clenching, and tightening around the thing inside of it. Unable to endure it, my hips began to sway, and the large amount of semen that had been shot inside of me began to overflow, causing a wet splashing sound to resound.


“……, Alice…….-?”

“I-I’m sorry……, ah, I……”

“……was that child really that great? For you to be unable to endure it just from remembering him.”


His voice was laced with a little anger. Harold extended his hands towards my hips, and prevented my movements that sought out pleasure.


“Alice, answer me. Did he do something so great that you’d start using my member to masturbate like this?”

“Y-You’re wron……g. Ah, I……, at that time, I also, remembered the things that, Harold, did to me……”


When I could not help but greedily seek out pleasure, I lost to my own lewd heart, and could only speak honestly.

I said it. That’s why, move this hand, and let me move. When I looked up at Harold with such hopeless feelings, he was gazing at me with a surprised expression.


“You were……turned on by me……?”


As he said that, Harold suddenly made a youthful smile appropriate for his age, and I involuntarily swallowed back the words of denial I was about to say…….honestly speaking, that expression made my heart tighten. If I had to say, since he acted mature, he didn’t usually seem younger, but right now he appeared very cute. He hesitatingly kissed my cheek, and then made a shy expression. Even though he was completely inserted, that childish gesture also made me feel embarrassed.

Ahh, this isn’t good. My head is becoming strange. My heart is racing. I have to get out of this situation somehow, and tell Harold that his feelings were a misunderstanding……


“Ahh, Alice. So cute. Become more aroused by me.”


Suddenly a hand went behind my knees, and pushed them up from below. The thing that completely swelled into battle mode eagerly struck into my deepest parts. The cloth wrapping my body slipped down, and my exposed breasts trembled and swayed with the vibrations.


“Ah, ahh, Alice, you’re so cute. Was…, being touched by me……, so good that you couldn’t forget it?”

“……Ahh, noo……, I-I dun kno……w……”

“……to get turned on just by remembering it……, haa……our feelings are mutual……”

“T-That’s, wro-……”


Harold said something crazy as he violated my insides.


“Am I wrong? Is Alice……a slut that…….gets this turned on, by a man she doesn’t even like?”

“I-I’m……not a slut……ah, ahn……”

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“Even though…the effects of the aphrodisiac have worn off, you’re feeling it this much…….if you’re not a slut, then what are you……?”


As he thrust up into me from below, his tongue crawled across the tips of my breasts while sucking them. I involuntarily squeezed the thing inside me as he whispered, “You slut” close to my ear. No matter how much I try to deny those words, in reality my body was drowning in pleasure, and I was hugging Harold’s neck while shaking my hips of my own accord.


“Y-You’re wrong……I……no, nooo.”


Even so, I was unable to accept myself like this. While gasping, I denied it in an unconvincing manner.


“Yeah, that’s right. Alice is…….not a slut…… You like me, right?”


“You like me, so you are turned on by me, and you’re feeling it this much because it’s me. Isn’t that right……?”


“Because Alice isn’t a slut, right?” -the words that Harold whispered penetrated into my slowed thoughts.


Like? I like him, and that’s why I’m feeling it?

That’s why, when I remember the movement of his fingers, I get wet and start to console myself?

I’m……not, a slut?


“……Alice feels good when I do this to you, right?”

“I…feel good……”

“You like it when I do this to you, right?”

“Y-Yes, I like…….”


He bit his teeth down on the tips of my breasts, and the pain was like a rippling shock that sent a numbing stimulus to my bottom half. Everytime he thrust upwards, the cloudy liquid and my nectar mixed together and overflowed, and I used that slipperiness to push my flower bud against Harold’s abdomen, nuzzling it against him.


“Come on, touch your clitoris with your own fingers.”

“Ahh……this is good, amazing……”


I extended my right hand to my chasm as I was told, and stroked my flower bud that had become hard and sensitive with my fingers. Harold saw my incredibly embarrassing appearance, and let out a hot sigh, saying “cute”, as he increased the speed of his thrusts.


“Ah, I’m……already……”


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I squeezed Harold’s member tightly, and ground my flower bud, crushing it. My voice cracked as I let out heavy pants, as I informed Harold of my upcoming climax.


“You’re about to cum……? Do you want to cum?”

“Cum……nn, let me…….cum……!”

“Do you like me……?”

“Noo……don’t stop……”



The speed of his thrusts decreased, and he gently rocked his hips as if to irritate me. Having been brought just to the verge of climax, all I wanted to do was cum as I clung to Harold and looked at him.

He gazed at me lovingly, the corners of his mouth brought up into a smile as he repeated, “Like?”.


……if I answer him, then I will be able to obtain that which I desire.


I didn’t even need to think anymore, as I mouthed that answer.


“Like……! I l-like……Ha…rold……so, please……”

“Yeah, I also like Alice. Come on, cum because of me!”

“Ah…aahhh, ya…….aaAAAahhh!”


That hot and hard thing that had become bigger pushed into my deepest depths from the entrance, and my quivering body went numb as I arrived at climax.

It was a pleasure that felt better than anything I had ever felt before. A new sensation.

As I felt a hot splash shooting into me, my limp body leaned against Harold’s.


Right now, I don’t want to think anymore.

I have unmistakably fallen onto the wrong path in many senses.


[Senpai is naive and lewd, so be sure to take care not to fall for someone through your body.]


As I dozed off, I recalled Kyle’s words at this point in time.

Yeah, but, it’s already too late.


……I entrusted my body to Harold as his hand gently pat my hair, and like that fell into a slumber…….

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