I wielded my sword in an unusually earnest manner, breaking through the dungeon, and hurried to big sis’ position.

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It was at this time that I regretted leaving the mapping to big sis, as I barely remembered the layout at all. The strangely large amount of traps were destroyed just before they activated by Harold, so I simply defeated monsters while protecting Sophia-chan, and then ran down the staircase that we finally found.

At that moment, the sound of footsteps echoed from behind us, so I grasped my sword and came to a stop.


“Fumu, so there was a previous visitor?”



The one who appeared was a red haired——-female knight.

Indeed, it was that female knight who had been devouring those orcs.


“Why are you in a place like this……?”

“According to what I’ve heard, dragons have an incredible sexual desire.”

“Ahh! I got it! I more or less get it!!”


I didn’t even need to ask, yup.

So she got tired of devouring orcs and was now even planning on eating up a dragon? Was she planning on dying? Is she an idiot?

No, but this time alone we’re saved. If the female knight can redirect its attention towards her, we might be able to successfully save big sis from it.


“If you’re looking for the dragon, then it’s on the level up ahead.”

“I see……to think that you also wanted to do it with the dragon-”

“No, I don’t plan on doing that! We’re just fine with defeating it!!”

“I see.”


Stop, don’t look at my ass as if you were licking it!

For me who hasn’t even experienced anal masturbation before to have my first time in the ass taken by a dragon would be impossible! I would break!

I quietly protected my butt with a hand and once again broke off into a run towards the dragon.

Because the female knight was added in, we easily breezed through the monsters and traps while advancing forward. Perhaps it could be expected of her, having eaten up those orcs, but this female knight is quite strong. She didn’t hesitate at all while brandishing a longsword that could be mistaken for zanbato with one hand in this narrow dungeon, not caring that her momentum scraped away at the surface of the dungeon’s walls.

Her bikini armor that didn’t seem to be useful at all as a protector may actually be used so that it wouldn’t limit her movements, and was only there for desperate measures. To begin with, it didn’t feel like there was any need for armor, as she easily and swiftly dodged the enemy’s attacks.

Right now……just what level is she at, I wonder? This…she probably stronger than me, right? Rather, she makes you feel like she could defeat the Demon King in a blink of an eye, and is an existence that I’d rather like to have in our party if possible. Even now she was looking regretfully at the tentacle trap that Harold destroyed……in the game settings she was a female knight with a love of cleanliness, so why has she become such a female pervert now!?

As we advanced forward while I was thinking about such things, eventually a gigantic door came into sight ahead of us.

We arrived at the boss room.


“Is the dragon there?”

“Yeah, inside of there. Before it there’s an anteroom, and on the opposite end of it is where the ceremony is held, apparently.”


And even further inside was the dragon’s nest. In the game, the anteroom didn’t have anything other than a savepoint, but who knows how it’ll be like this time? There is a possibility that there will be new traps.

I carefully placed my hand on the door and pushed it open.


“Oh, somehow there seems to be a sort of sweet smell……?”


Sophia-chan curiously looked around the vicinity.

The anteroom didn’t have any particular traps, but a strangely sweet smell had filled the inside of the room. It was like flower nectar……a thick and sticky smell.

I feel like I’ve smelt this from somewhere before……?


“Dean, this is……?”


Harold picked up a small bottle that had fallen on the floor.


“Th-that’s! ‘Aisha’s aphrodisiac’!?”


There’s no mistake. That characteristic bottle.

Looking carefully, there were a large number of empty bottles rolling around. Likely, the true source of this sweet scent was the aphrodisiac.

However, this amount……just what kind of great debauchery was occurring deep within……?

I soothed my lower half that had begun to swell in anticipation as I headed towards the even larger door that was farther inside.

At that moment, I suddenly realized that Harold’s state was strange.

He was standing stock still while clutching the empty bottle he had picked up. No, more accurately speaking, he slightly slouching while standing.

Don’t tell me……and when I turned my eyes to his lower half, there was obviously, a…splendid tent there.




Just as I was about to call out Harold’s name, I hastily held my tongue.

Not good, not good. This wasn’t something I should be pointing out, as a fellow man. Pretend you didn’t see it – that was the kindest thing to do. But I burned the scene of an ikemen slouching forward into my eyes so that I wouldn’t forget it. This is so that I can remember it every time I get pissed off at ikemens. Since that slight foolishness made for a precious image!

Luckily, the female camp had advanced forward and hadn’t noticed Harold’s change.

I also followed after them.


“Further in here is a dragon……!”


Expectation grew in the female knight’s chest as the sound of her gulping resounded.

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“Further inside, there should be a lot of members from a suspicious cult, so be care——”


Without listening to my warning at all, the female knight who was unable to endure any longer kicked open the door ahead.


“I heard that I could do a dragon!”


Making such cheerful voice, she walked through the open door and rapidly advanced forward.

When looking around the inside of the room, what first came to view were the figures of 50 people who appeared to be members of the cult, while deeper within was the figure of an enormous black dragon.

The cult’s members only wore a black hood that was worn low over their eyes on their upper halves, while the rest of their bodies were completely exposed.

When I turned my eyes to see the remains of the anticipated debauchery, it appeared that this may have been the climax of the ceremony.


“Eek! What, who are all of you!”

“To hinder such a sacred ceremony……!”

“Not good, this location has been exposed! Before the vigilante corps comes, everyone, run!”


I thought that they would resist us more, but the members of the cult scattered like baby spiders and ran away.

……all of them were equally bare, but they desperately tried to hide their faces with their hoods. I see, they’re a group for whom it’d be bad if their faces were seen, huh? Rather than having their identities exposed while fighting, to think that they would choose to run away instead……normally we should be chasing after them, but right now big sis and the dragon were the priority. I took it upon myself to not chase them.

When I turned to look at the female knight who had entered before me, she was removing the metal fixtures of her bikini armor while walking.


“Wai-, Female Knight-san!? UwaaAAAHHhhh, don’t walk while stripping!”


Seeing the female knight not give a single glance to the escaping cult members as she headed directly for the dragon, I became flustered.

As she stripped while walking, her armor hit the ground with loud clanging noises. How fast, she’s so fast at stripping!

As I chased after her back and confirmed that big sis was lying unconscious on the pedestal right before the dragon.

In the nude. No, but……

Big sis’ entire body was dripping with semen. Her hair, face, everywhere on her body was smeared with it.

The game also had this, didn’t it? The bride’s white gown, a crazy scene where she was made to wear a semen dress. I couldn’t quite understand it.

When I cast a glance towards the area between her legs that were spread out into an ‘M’ shape, her chasm was glittering slightly, and even now was twitching slightly. As I soothed my lower half that seemed like it was about to rise up, I confirmed that there weren’t any traces of blood there and felt relieved. Yup, we at least made it in time……I guess? Seems like she was almost raped under the influence of the drug.

While I was doing all of that, the female knight who had thrown off all of her equipment drew closer to the dragon.

Perhaps it instinctively felt some danger from her strange atmosphere that couldn’t possibly be considered lewd, the dragon was slowly retreating. Still, the female knight approached. The dragon retreated.

When the female knight seemed like she was going to take yet another step forward, the dragon—-this world’s strongest class, a dragon then-! Ran backwards like a shrimp.


“To make a dragon run away, just what is that female knight!? ——Harold, I’ll leave Nee-chan to you! I’ll chase the dragon with Fiina-chan!”


Chasing after the female knight who was running after the dragon, I pulled Sophia-chan’s hand and also broke into a run.

I was worried about big sis, but it should be fine if I leave her to Harold. Although his continuing erection does worry me a bit…… Yeah, sorry Nee-chan, stay strong.


And then, after chasing after the stark naked female knight, we arrived at a room that was considerably narrower compared to the previous ceremony space. It was the dragon’s nest.

The dragon who had been driven into a corner by the female knight was staring at her from the edge of the nest. Thanks to the effect of the ceremony, its fiendish member that was glittering in a deep black color had a transparent liquid spilling from its tip.

Yup……it’s big.

It was big, but if the female knight was its partner then I didn’t feel like it was impossible to insert it. What a miraculous size.


“Even though you’re a dragon, how could you be intimidated! Now, come!!”


The female knight who was completely intending on committing a crime continued to say, “Now come!!” as she headed towards the dragon of her own accord. And then she laid flat in front of the dragon while spreading her legs, and a wet squelching sound started to resound as she provoked him.

Damn, I can’t see! I can’t see from here!

A scene with her legs spread out in an M shape while masturbating, ahhhh, I wanna see! I really want to see……but, it’s no good. I can’t make such thoughtless moves while Sophia-chan is right next to me! Endure it, me!!

I resisted the urge to walk around the scene in front of us and moved together with Sophia-chan to a corner of the nest. Honestly speaking, I wanted to hurry up and defeat the dragon, but it seemed like the female knight who was in the midst of committing a crime would transform into the last boss if I did that, so I decided to wait until she was satisfied.

Plus I get to fully enjoy the sight of Sophia-chan turning red and fidgeting restlessly after seeing the scene in front of us. There’s no doubt that this will be tonight’s side dish!

As I had such a wicked thought, the female knight started to move.

She became impatient with the dragon who didn’t swoop down to attack at all, and finally the female knight pushed the dragon’s dick into her chasm by herself.


“Ahh, amazing, it’s big!”


She drank it down in one go.

The female knight’s abdomen swelled up with an obvious bulge. The place they were connected was considerably spread apart. Seeing that scene, I gulped down my saliva.

Having had all that done to it, as expected the dragon didn’t remain silent. The sound of its roar reverberated in the air as it embraced the female knight with its front legs, and buried its dick further into her. As if to answer its actions, the female knight clung to the dragon and started to use her hips.


After that, only the sound of continued pistoning resounded. The dragon, whose movements were dull at first, now was completely entranced with the female knight as it swung its hips. The sound of splashing could be heard from afar as the female knight’s love juices flew about, and an obscene smell enveloped the area.

Perhaps the dragon had a premature ejaculation, as it came in the blink of an eye before its erection revived once more. It truly was a peerlessly fast shooter.

Before we realized it, the female knight’s abdomen was completely swelled up, and she appeared to be enjoying herself without paying any heed to that. From the front to the back, she received the dragon from all sorts of directions, and it was as if sex was a sport! She moved with an intensity that seemed to scream that.

And then, who knows how much time had passed since they started. As expected, I stopped feeling any eroticism from the act. Even if you changed the posture, the continued pistoning felt monotone, being on the side just watching them. Not only that, but the female knight didn’t seem to be feeling very good from it.

No, she did seem to be having fun. But how to say, her expression didn’t have a hint of seductiveness to it. She didn’t climax at all.

On the other hand, the dragon was……yeah, somehow it seems to be close to its limits. Its eyes didn’t have any power in them, and were kind of blank.

This should be coming to an end soon -I thought as I glanced towards Sophia-chan to check her current state……


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Her face was dyed pink as her downcast gaze concentrated on the scene in front of us……as she rubbed her legs together restlessly. Her hand was squeezing her chest tightly.

Don’t tell me! Don’t tell me this is-!?


Are you feeling it, Sophia-chan!!!


What a delicious development!

This is a sign of the beginning of an ero event right! Rather, I should make a move, right!!

Ah, no, wait, calm down. If I make the wrong choice here then it’ll end with her disdain.

Silently reaching my hand out……would be bad. It’s unreasonable to that even though we’re not lovers. Should I pretend to be oblivious and go, “Are you feeling ill?”, or should I take the high-handed ore-sama(?) route and go “Oi oi, could it be you’re feeling it just from watching them?” like that?

……uwahhhh, I don’t know. It’s impossible! I have so few experience points, that I completely don’t know what to do at a time like this! God, help me!!

The moment I thought such a stupid thing.




Something covered my head.

As it caught me by surprise, I inadvertently swallowed the thing that entered my mouth……that white fluid.

The inside of my mouth tasted terrible. It was fucking terrible. Ahh, this viscosity, this unique scent. Once I realized the true identity of the substance, my complexion paled.



“Ah, my bad, I carelessly pulled it out.”


Don’t do that carelessly!! I ended up drinking some dragon semen, you know!?

Look, even Sophia-chan is drawing back! The main culprit of the bukkake, the dragon is already all out of strength! Even though the female knight is going ‘my bad, my bad’, she’s not reflecting at all!

Ahhh, what do I do, my partner is-. My partner is having a violent erection. Does the dragon’s semen have an immediate effect? If the already peerless me drinks it, then what will happen? Ahhh, dammit, my pants are pressing so tightly on it, it hurts like crazy.




Ah, shit. The female knight is looking at my nether regions.

She got tired of just having the dragon, and now is thinking of making me her next prey!


“I see, so drinking the dragon’s semen has this kind of effect!”


She understood so fast!

The female knight very easily caught me as I tried to run away.

My resistance was completely useless to the female knight, and before I knew it, I was pushed down to the ground. And then, my partner that was pulled out in no time at all, twitched as it trembled in the female knight’s hand.

The female knight straddled my stomach and rubbed it with just the perfect amount of strength, causing my member to become even bigger. Pre-cum spilled over, causing it to become even more slippery……uuu, dammit, if I relax I feel like I’ll cum. However, Sophia-chan was also here. I can’t expose such a shameful sight to her……rather, Sophie-chan, she’s fidgeting while glaring at my partner! She was covering her eyes with her hands, but her fingers are completely spread apart!


“Oh, so it became even bigger? This is quite……”


This is bad. I reacted to being watched. The female knight became enraptured at seeing that. She grasped my member tightly in order to seal any resistance and then hovered her hips over it, putting it against her chasm that was still discharging the dragon’s cloudy fluids.


“Eh, wai-……!?”

“It’s been a while since I last had a human dick……fuu!!”



The inside of the female knight was so narrow you wouldn’t think that she had just swallowed up the dragon’s cock earlier, as it tightened around my member. Her inner walls felt rough and wriggled around like a separate organism, as if it intended on milking out every last drop from me.

This is bad, I feel like I’m gonna cum just from putting it in……!

As expected, I couldn’t allow such unsightly behavior, as I exerted strength in my lower half and desperately endured it. How dangerous, if I was still a virgin then it would’ve been an instakill……!


“Ah, uu……, good……!”

“Ah, ahh, shit! Stop it, you……”


A particularly lewd splashing noise was generated as the female knight moved her body up and down. Every time she did so, her large chest shook. Her pink nipples were hard and erect, making me instinctively want to reach my hands towards it.

Damn this female knight! It feels so good I can’t put up any resistance at all! No wonder why the dragon became so engrossed in shaking its hips.


“Ah, um……! It isn’t good to force him!”


While I was desperately trying to endure the female knight’s attack, Sophia-chan who had been covering up her eyes up until now mouthed words protesting the female knight’s actions in a trembling voice.

Ahh, as expected she’s an angel! She was trying to save me even while becoming bright red.


“Nn, ah, ahh, ……what’s wrong with putting in something that’s erect?”

“Eh, um……!”


Keep at it, Sophia-chan!


“Ahh, what. Could it be you also wanted to do him? Sorry for not noticing!”

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The female knight pulled Sophia-chan over while still straddling me, and grabbed the hem of her robe, flipping it up in a single motion.



“Hou, seems like you’re fully prepared. However, I’m using the stick. You can take the mouth.”



No no, even though it is true that Sophia-chan’s underwear is soaked! Even though it’s even dripping down her thighs! Even though I want to lick it! But normally wouldn’t that be overdoing it?

But, Sophia-chan who I thought would hate it and run away, was glancing at me intermittently while squirming around…… Seeing that Sophia-chan wasn’t exhibiting any signs of resistance, the female knight pulled the strings on her underwear to the left and right.

Fwoosh……-the white underwear fluttered as it fell to the ground.

I could see that Sophia-chan’s light pink pubic hair was wet with moisture.

Not only that, but Sophia-chan raised up her own robe, and under the female knight’s guidance, was standing above my head. The love juice that overflowed from her beautiful chasm dripped onto my face.


“Dean, I-, I……can’t endure it any longer……!”


Saying that, she dropped her hips on top of my face.

The overflowing nectar splashed onto my lips. Moving just so that my nose would hit her clioris, Sophia-chan began to wholeheartedly shake her hips.


“Ah, ahn, it’s good……, Dean-”


Wa-, wait, I, can’t breathe……!?

She pushed strongly against them, causing both my nose and mouth to be plugged up. It felt like I was about to drown in the overflowing love juices.

I hastily grabbed Sophia-chan’s hips and readjusted her to a better position, and then matched the rhythm of her hip movements, using my tongue to carefully caress each and every one of her folds as the tip of my nose kneaded against her clitoris.


“Ahh, ah, aaAahh! It’s good, it’s so good!”


Sophia-chan’s cute moans resounded. The female knight’s movements also resumed, torturing my lower half as I frantically jumped into Sophia-chan’s chasm.

I held her clitoris between my lips while holding down her hips that tried to rise in attempt to escape. On top of that, I stroked the entrance of her urethra with my tongue, stimulating it and doing whatever I wanted. I licked with reckless abandonment as my face became soaked with love juices.

……even though I thought that she was innocent.

No, I had already realized it. She was completely nonchalant when her anus was being attacked by the tentacles after all. I had just been holding some selfish delusions about her.

But I didn’t think it was to the point where she’d mount my face of her own accord! As she straddled my face, she was kneading her own nipples, and was making a supremely erotic face.

Ahh, dammit, making that face……I’ll definitely make a mess of you and have you cum!


“Ah, not good, it’s gonna come out…it’s…coming out!”


Sophia-chan’s body trembled as it convulsed. My body that had been toyed with by the female knight’s movements was also reaching its limits.

As I inserted my tongue into her honeypot and stimulated her inner walls, I pressed the tip of my nose against her clitoris and kneaded it. I thrusted my lower half, that was being toyed with as the female knight wished, upwards.


“Ahhh, iyaaAAaan! It’s coming out……!”

“Ahh, good, let’s go!”


As I felt a lukewarm liquid pour down on my face, I ejaculated as if I were being squeezed out by the female knight.


“Ahh……, I’m sorry……, my pee won’t stop……-!”


Sophia-chan’s appearance as she leaked on my face caused my member to become larger again. As I caught Sophia-chan’s urine with my mouth, this time I was unable to endure as I moved my hips.


Ahh, I don’t give a damn anymore. I’ll do it until you girls are satisfied!




And now, at the present time, I’ve cum 8 times, while Sophia-chan has cum 5 times. I don’t really know about the female knight.

It was an unreasonable stance for Sophia-chan, so as expected her hips were no longer able to stand it and she went down. Thanks to the effects of the dragon semen, my erection was still standing, but my hips were about to die. Only the female knight was still strangely energetic to the point it was frightening.


“Now, hurry up and stand!”


She was forcefully rocking her hips……it certainly did feel good, but somehow it felt lacking.

It is true that the inside of the female knight was amazing. It could maybe even be considered a rare tool. But……that was it. That was all there was to it. Her movements were monotone, and while I had been getting erect from Sophia-chan’s stimulus up until now, now that that was gone, right now I was only about half-erect. Honestly speaking, I’ve gotten tired of it.


“Oi, what’s wrong? Hurry up and-……”

“Female Knight, it’s impossible already.”

“But you still have energy, right?”

“No, it’s impossible. I can’t get hard from you anymore.”



I resolved myself and spoke to the female knight.

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“I said, I can’t get hard from you, who thinks that sex is just thrusting a pole into your hole, anymore.”

“Huh? What else is there other than that?”

“There’s a lot, but……, for the time being, why don’t you try to stop having sex for a while?”

“I don’t get your meaning at all…….what will change if I stop?”

“I also don’t know about that. But, for now try it for one month. If you can endure it for a month, then I’ll teach you the sex I know.”


The female knight pondered over it for a short while.

Truthfully, if I thought about getting erect, it wasn’t impossible for me to get erect. But I’d rather not be exploited by the female knight until I died.

The female knight probably hasn’t cum in the true sense of the word. She herself was no doubt seeking out pleasure in such quantities because she hasn’t obtained a satisfying enough pleasure. That is why she should be thinking that she wants to know of such pleasure.

If I prod at that, then she will probably get on board with it. That is what I thought.


“Fine. One month, right?”


Saying that, the female knight reluctantly pulled out my member and stood up.


“I’m Liz.”

“I’m Dean.”


We promised to meet one month later at the guild and separated.

As I watched the female knight——Liz’s back as she departed, I felt relieved at having escaped such a calamity. I don’t have any plan for one month later, but for now this is fine. I thought that as I gazed at the dragon who had been completely annihilated.




After that, while I waited for Sophia-chan to recover, I dismantled the dragon and stripped it of its essential raw materials. It wasn’t necessary for the capture route, but since it’ll make some money, I planned on using it to pay for our daily necessities.

Sophia-chan, who recovered just enough so that she could move, used purification magic to remove the remnants of the dragon’s miasma, bringing the event to an end. With this, it should be a while before the next dragon is born.

Sophia-chan had a refreshed expression and was acting like usual, but at times she would look my way with an embarrassed face while hiding her relieved appearance. It seems that she’s become more aware of me to some extent.

When we returned to the ceremony space and the anteroom, there wasn’t even a shadow of a person left behind, so for now we decided to gather up all the empty bottles of aphrodisiac for now. It seems like it’ll be necessary to confirm where they were obtained from later on.

Though I was worried since it was only the two of us, we managed to escape the dungeon without any particular problems, only to find that the outside was already completely pitch black.


“I’ll send you back to the inn.”

“Thank you very much…….um, will Alice be alright?”

“Hmm, probably? Well, if it’s Harold she should be fine.”


During the time with the ‘bug’, he saw her home properly after all. Harold sure was kind to Nee-chan.

Without mentioning the previous events, Sophia-chan and I had some silly conversations as we advanced through the forest in order to return to town.


“Oh, there’s a light……?”


When we progressed through the forest for a bit, we saw a light close to the river.

There aren’t any homes around this area. Was someone camping…… this close to a dungeon?

Thinking about it, it was probably Harold. It seemed like the aphrodisiac was used on big sis, so he probably had to wait for the drug to wear off.

Readying myself so that I could draw my sword at any time just in case, I approached and as expected, it was Harold.

He was hugging big sis, who had a cloth wrapped around her. Seeing how big sis’ body was moving at regular intervals, it seemed like she was sleeping. Big sis’ face and hair was all cleaned up, so Harold probably washed her.




I called out to Harold in a small voice so that I wouldn’t wake big sis up and silently waved him over with my hand.


“Dean, could you bring Alice a change of clothes later?”

“Ahh, clothes? Got it. Sorry for always causing you so much trouble.”

“No, it’s fine. Don’t mind it.”


Now that I think about it, I didn’t find big sis’ clothes after she was stripped. Harold also couldn’t exactly bring a bare naked big sis back home and appeared troubled. I felt exceedingly apologetic.

As I quietly spoke about the dragon’s subjugation and such, I suddenly gave big sis a glance and somehow felt that something was out of place.

……big sis’ unnatural sitting position. For some reason her legs were open, and she was straddling Harold. I couldn’t really see it because of the cloth, but could it be……


“Dean. You’re gonna send Fiina back, right?”

“Ah, yeah. Then, I’ll come back later.”


Somehow it feels like he’s completely inside?

Somehow it seems like he’s trying to drive me away after realizing that I realized that! Also, Harold’s eyes are scary!

Though I was about to open my mouth, Harold stopped me with his eyes. I stopped questioning him, and escorted Sophia-chan away.


Incidentally, when I came to deliver the change of clothes, the two of them were already separated…….

Even though Harold appeared bright and glossy, big sis was sleeping with an even more exhausted face compared to before.

Did you do it after all, Haroldd!?

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