Younger Brother will collect Onee-chan’s CGs! [6] ※Little Bro’s Perspective・Siblings・Foreign Body Insertion

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The day after the dragon subjugation, I went to town to purchase a contraceptive before big sis got home.

There was the thing with Harold too, but during the ceremony her entire body was coated with semen, so there was the possibility that some of it got inside her body. Just in case, I bought two types of contraceptives with a high efficacy, and while I was at it dropped by Aisha-sensei’s house to report yesterday’s incident. I requested that she investigate where the aphrodisiac was sold.

I am a capable younger brother.

Even so, just when did Harold and Nee-chan get into that sort of relationship……? I did notice that Harold was particularly concerned about Nee-chan, but it felt like Nee-chan’s side was have some complicated feelings. Did Harold get attacked by Nee-chan after she was intoxicated by the aphrodisiac? No, or maybe Nee-chan who was intoxicated by the aphrodisiac was attacked by Harold? If there wasn’t mutual consent from both parties then……no, right now there’s no point in thinking about something like that. The only thing I can do right now is get the contraceptive to avoid the worst possible situation.

Worrying endlessly as my thoughts went round and round, when I returned home in the afternoon, big sis had also gotten back.

According to mother, who had come to greet her, big sis was so fatigued that she wasn’t able to walk on her own, so she had Harold carry her all the way back to her bed.

[I want a son like Harold-kun.] – is what I was told my mother with her face dyed red like a little girl, so I had a rather complex mood…….I’m quite a good son, you know……?

Now then.

After seeing off mother as she went to do her daily routine in taking care of the kitchen garden, I headed towards big sis’ room.

As expected, I couldn’t let mother find out about the contraception. Now that she’s in the garden, this is my chance.

Even when I knocked on the door, there was no reply, so I entered big sis’ room of my own accord.

The room wasn’t that large, so as soon as I entered, the sight of big sis lying down on the bed came into view. Her chest was quietly going up and down, and it seems that she was in such a deep sleep that she didn’t even notice my entry into the room.

She was still wearing the one piece that I had delivered as a change of clothes, so she probably didn’t have enough strength to change into her night clothes.

Hmm, as expected did she go all the way with Harold and go crazy with it? I wanna know. Once she wakes up, I want to ask her a bunch of things.


Even when I called her, she didn’t react.

“Oiii, Nee-chan. Wake up. Drink the medicine.”

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Even when I shook her shoulder, she didn’t wake up.

“Nee-chan, hey Nee-chan!”

Even when I rocked her body back and forth, she wouldn’t wake up. Seriously!?

It’ll soon be around 24 hours since that ceremony happened. The contraceptive drug that I bought was about 100% effective as long as it was taken within 24 hours after the deed. Any more than that and the contraceptive rate decreases and has difficulty exhibiting its effect.

She won’t wake up……which means I’ll have to use my last resort. This is also so that Nee-chan doesn’t end up as an unmarried mother. It’s for Nee-chan’s sake.

“Nee-chan. This is because Nee-chan didn’t wake up, so it can’t be helped. By no means am I doing it because I have wicked thoughts.”

I involuntarily declared that in a smaller voice.

There were two kinds of contraceptive drugs that I bought. Both of them are things that Aisha-sensei created, so the effectiveness was guaranteed.

A red drug that is eaten by the upper mouth.

A blue drug that is eaten by the lower mouth.

These were the names of the drugs.

Sensei……it’s incredibly easy to understand!

Incidentally, the colors of the two types were different, and the shape of their bottles are also quite different.

The red drug eaten by the upper mouth is in a normal bottle resembling a test tube, but the blue drug eaten by the lower mouth was for some reason in slightly thick and long bottle decorated with some round protuberances. Not only that, but the opening was a little bit bulky……no matter how you look at it……it’s that.

The blue drug was probably more expensive because of the bottle, yup.

The fundamental method of consumption was different, but it seems the effect was the same. Apparently, the contraceptive effect lasts for around one month after drinking it. Drinking it before the act rather than after was the original method of using it.

“Umm, first I should put a cushion under her lower back……”

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I lightly skimmed over the simple user instructions, and then started to act in accordance to them.

After putting two cushions underneath big sis’ hips as she slept face-up, the position of her butt was elevated. It seems that this will allow the medicine to flow inside more easily.

I thought that repositioning her would overdo it, but as usual, big sis showed no signs of waking up…….it’s possible that rather than sleeping, she was rendered completely unconscious. I was a bit worried, but since her complexion wasn’t too bad, for now I decided to continue with the task at hand.

When I gently lifted up the hem of her one piece, first the sight of her plump white thighs, and then the special frilly thong that I had selected, came into sight. This was a gem that big sis created herself by sewing frills onto the simple white thong sold on the market! Though it was a thong made of little fabric, the frills brought about such a sense of innocence! The impact of just having a bit of string holding it up! Thank you, God! Thank you!

As I offered my thanks to God, I quietly extended my hands to the strings that were tied on both sides of the underwear. Pulling both strings to the right and left at the same time unravelled the bows, and like that the small fabric was pulled down between her legs. Seeing her pretty, well-groomed, thin pubic hair that hid her chasm to a pitiful degree, I gulped as I swallowed my saliva.

My partner was swelling up and getting bigger, but right now I couldn’t care less. Right now, I have to prioritize using the drug first.

I lifted up big sis’ knees and spread them apart, and then slowly went in between her legs.


I was rooted to the spot at the sight of big sis’ matured, red place.

……Nee-chan’s place down here has become quite lewd……

When I gently pushed my finger in, it was easily sucked in due to her unconscious state. The inside was hot and slimy, and it seemed like the medicine bottle would be able to go in even without preparing her beforehand. As expected, she’s not a virgin anymore……

When I pulled out my finger, a cloudy white fluid was coiled around it.

He completely finished cumming inside, huh. There’s an even greater need for the contraceptive.

I opened up the lid of the bottle for the blue drug, and then slowly pushed it into big sis’ vagina while making sure it didn’t spill.


The unconscious big sis’ breathing became a bit disordered, but I didn’t mind it and continued to push the bottle deeper inside. Once this gets to the entrance of her uterus, the drug should be absorbed by it and then the contraceptive magic will activate.


The moment I struck deep within her, a long sigh leaked out from big sis’ mouth.

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For a moment, I thought that she had woken up, but her eyelids remained closed. It could be that even though she was unconscious, her body was still reacting.

When I thought that, my prankster heart welled up.

I rotated the inserted bottle so that it would rub against her insides, and then pressed down on the twitching clitoris that was asserting its existence with my finger.

“Uu……, nn……”

The place that held the bottle deep inside it contracted, further increasing its lewd appearance. Every time I moved the bottle, it made a wet sound, and big sis’ breathing also became more and more disordered.

Perhaps it was thanks to those movements, but the amount of medicine in the bottle had decreased significantly.

According to the instructions, if you move it around inside, then it will be absorbed quicker. That’s why I have to move it around.

The mysterious thing was that no matter how much I moved it around inside, only transparent love juices overflowed, but none of the drug nor the semen came flowing out. Though I say it’s a drug, it is a magic drug. So as expected, it’s different from normal.

I used my finger covered in love juices to strip her clitoris, and then moved the bottle more intensely.

I burned the sight of big sis’ appearance with her eyes closed as pleasure dyed her cheeks red into my memory. Her secret place holding the bottle deep inside it, and my finger as it peeled back her clitoris’ foreskin – I burned it all into my memory.

By no means did I feel guilty while doing this. It’s just that I did not want to let go of the chance to obtain a precious CG.

After finding a place where big sis had a good reaction to, I focussed the thrusting of the bottle towards that place.


Just when big sis’ body twitched several times in convulsions, a faint light appeared from her abdomen.

“Nee-chan……did she cum……?”

The faint light that glowed in her abdomen probably meant that the contraceptive magic had been set up in her body. When I pulled the bottle out of her flaccid body, it was completely empty of its contents.

After cleaning up big sis’ hidden place that had been dirtied with love juices with a cloth I had prepared beforehand, I put her string panties back on to how they had been before and also changed her clothes. With this, once I disposed of the bottle, I’d be done destroying the evidence. If I tell big sis that I prepared the drug for the upper mouth for her to drink, then she won’t think that she’s already drunk the drug for the lower mouth already.

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The light at her abdomen gradually settled.

With this, the contraceptive effect should last for around one month. In order to figure out whether or not the effect is still continuing, apparently all you have to do is apply some magic to the abdomen.

As a test, I placed my hand on her abdomen and tried applying a bit of magic, which then made it glow slightly. Ohh, this drug is amazing.

Having confirmed the effectiveness of the drug safely, I left big sis’ room.


Returning to my room, I rubbed my bulging nether regions that were about to hit their limits over my clothes.

The memory of big sis’ foolish appearance passed through my mind, but at the same time a sense of guilt attacked me. That prank might have been a bit too much to play on my actual sister.

Waiting until my excitement cooled, I decided to not make today’s incident a side dish.

Thinking that, I searched around for another file in my brain to use as a side dish when I noticed that before I knew it, yet another file had been added in.

The title was ‘Alice’s Dream’.

This time it was Nee-chan’s dream!?

I have to see this. Taking out my erect partner from my pants, I started playing back the file.

The dazzling play between the government officials and Nee-chan.

A number of erotic items were used. Verbal attacks that were close to training.

Not only that, but based on the contents, the ingredients for that aphrodisiac was Nee-chan’s love juices……

In a place I don’t know, she was having her love juices harvested, even to the point of seeing an erotic dream like this. Considering that, my prank was just precious! -Like that, my sense of guilt was completely blown away.

Nee-chan really is way too erotic!!

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