Event 11: Chest tightening from love? 【1】

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“Dean, what should I do!?”

“About what?”

“I might be pregnant……!”

After subjugating the dragon, I got a fever and ended up stuck in bed.

Besides being naked for several hours outside, my physical strength was also whittle away until its limits. Well of course I’d at least catch a cold.

I had a high fever for 3 days, and when that fever went down, the first thing I thought about was if I had gotten pregnant from that time. Because I was laid up for so long, too much time had passed. It was already too late to use medicine. If I got pregnant……I couldn’t sit still just thinking about it.

Before I realized it, I had grabbed the arm of Dean, who had come to bring my meal all the way to my room, and started crying to him about my uneasiness.

Saying things like, [Even though Harold is still young] or [It’s my aphrodisiac’s fault] or [What will I say to Father and Mother?] and such. In any case, I was panicking.

“Calm down, Nee-chan! It’s okay!”


“If it’s about the drug, then I had you drink it! That’s why it’s okay! It also hasn’t been exposed to mom…….come on, your fever still hasn’t gone down yet, so put on your gown.”

Dean put a gown on my shoulders as I continued to sob like a child and said, “Wait a bit” before going back to his own room and bringing over a small bottle with a red liquid in it.

“I prepared this contraceptive. It’s the best one with an effect that lasts for around a month.”

After saying that while passing me the small bottle, he placed his hand on my abdomen.

“You can tell if the effect is currently continuing by applying magic here.”

The moment my abdomen started to feel slightly warm, a faint light started to glow. It is true that I could feel some magic at work there.

“See? It’s properly working, right?”

“Yeah……Dean, thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome. Now that you’ve calmed down, why don’t you eat something for now? Here, ah~n.”

Dean scooped up some soup and had me drink it. Because of the fever, I couldn’t taste the flavor too well, but since he had cooled it down sufficiently, it was easy to drink.

Perhaps it was because I was relieved at knowing that I wasn’t pregnant, but I felt like while my brain was out of it due to the fever, my body was feeling a bit more comfortable. As Dean gallantly carried soup to my mouth, I recalled how he was a little brother that used to take care of me like this when I was troubled in the past, and felt nostalgic.

“Does Nee-chan…like Harold?”

“……eh, *cough*……!”

I magnificently spurted out the soup in my mouth.

“Uwah, Nee-chan, that’s filthy.”

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The sudden appearance of Harold’s name caught me off guard.

Not only that, but to ask if I liked Harold……

As I dumbfoundedly stared at Dean who wiped the wet spots with a cloth, I finally realized it.

“Dean……why did you think that I needed contraceptive medicine……?”

Dean had prepared the medicine and had me drink it even though I didn’t say anything……now that I think of it, Harold did say that Dean was the one who brought me a change of clothes. Although I didn’t have any memory of it. In other words, Dean had come while I was sleeping. But, just when exactly was that……?

Don’t tell me……?

“Iyaa, because I mean, Nee-chan, it kinda seemed like your body was combined with Harold’s?”



Combined, he says……

Did he see that……!?

“Also, even if there wasn’t the thing with Harold, I think I would have had you drink the medicine anyways. Since Nee-chan was completely coated with semen, just in case.”

It was seen……

My little brother saw that……

When I involuntarily sat into a ‘W’ shape while holding my head, Dean pat my back in consolation and gave me the finishing blow.

“Umm, Nee-chan, congrats on graduating from being a virgin?”


Like that, the mental damage exceeded my limits, and I lost consciousness.

Apparently my fever once again went up, and I ended up stuck in bed for another week.

After Dean was scolded by our parents, asking what the heck do you think you’re doing to a patient!, it seems that he spent that entire time nursing me……

Though I did feel a bit apologetic upon seeing Dean all worn out, this time alone I absolutely won’t say any thanks nor any apologies!

My very small maiden’s heart is all in tatters.


After that, my fever went down and I completely recovered, but I didn’t encounter Harold at all since then.

It seems that he did come several times to visit, but I asked Dean to turn him away because “I didn’t want to infect him with my cold”. Honestly speaking, it was a bit hard to see him.

“I was certain that you two had become lovers.”

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“I think that Harold’s feelings for me are a misunderstanding.”

I narrated all of the events of that day to Dean, who had some doubts after having to turn Harold away on numerous accounts. Abridging the details of that, I focussed mostly on the contents of our conversation. Though since that was already seen, it doesn’t really matter much. And since Harold is the same age as Dean, he might be able to understand Harold’s feelings.

“I don’t really think it’s a misunderstanding. If he can only get erect for Nee-chan, then doesn’t that mean that he likes Nee-chan?”

“It’s because he can only get erect from me that he under the impression that he likes me.”

“Nee-chan, even though you’re a girl, you don’t have any dreams……”

“Leave me alone!”

Hmm, Dean groaned a bit in thought while looking at me.

“Did Nee-chan dislike being done by Harold?”


“Well, even if it was due to the effect of the aphrodisiac, Nee-chan was the one who initiated it, right? In other words, Nee-chan doesn’t hate Harold. It seems that the aphrodisiac of this world has the ability to kill one’s sense of reason while awakening your instincts, so Nee-chan instinctively wants Harold!”

“……is…that how it is……?”

“Yeah, yeah! That’s why you should just go with the flow and date him!”

Dean gripped both my shoulders tightly and continued on.

“If you’re gonna go out with him, then it’s definitely better to do so now!”


“If you look at the progression of the scenario, then soon Sophia-chan will announce herself to be the princess, and there will be the event where she realizes that Harold is her little brother. After that, if Nee-chan were to say, ‘actually I do like Harold after all’, then wouldn’t it kinda seem like you came to like him because he’s royalty?”


It’s true that it could be seen as the daughter of a destitute noble trying to suck up to royalty.

“But if you start going out with him now, then you can say that it has nothing to do with his status. First try going out with him! You can break up at any time anyhow!”

What Dean was saying had a point.

I don’t hate Harold…….no, it could be that I actually do like him. Even though that sort of thing was done to me, even know I don’t have any feelings of wanting to reject Harold……in other words, it’s that. But what about Harold?

“But Harold’s feelings……”

“……Nee-chan might be in denial about it, but from my eyes, Harold likes Nee-chan in a normal sense. Even though he’s cold normally, he’s kind to Nee-chan after all. And he didn’t try to do anything until you tempted him……well, no matter what I say, Nee-chan probably won’t believe it, but for now why don’t you try meeting up with Harold to talk to him? He was extremely worried, so at least show him that you’re doing well.”

“That’s…true……understood, I’ll meet with him and properly discuss it.”

I’ll go meet with Harold in the near future.

The moment I thought that, my abdomen clenched momentarily and throbbed.

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“Nee-chan’s face is red…..did you get another fever!?”

“N-No…’s nothing!”

What is this! What is this!!

I became agitated from my body that started to burn just from thinking about meeting Harold.

Why can’t it be my heart ‘throbbing’ like normallll!?

If it’s like this already, before even thinking about Harold’s feelings, my own feelings were questionable.

Earlier I thought…..that I might like him, but it could be that the one whose feelings were being taken for a loop by their sexual desire was me……

This isn’t good. The more I think about it, the more the inside of my head gets dyed pink.

I should just think about this after meeting with him.

In order to drown out the perverted recollections that had started to run around in my brain, I started to recite magic theory inside the futon.

Because of that, the doctor was called again and I was forbidden from going out for yet another 3 days. During that time, I consoled the heat in my body by myself and managed to complete my preparations to meet Harold in sage mode, so it worked out in the end.


I bathed right in the morning, so my countermeasures against the odor were complete! Preparations to go out in sage mode are complete!

Dean was already done confirming where Harold was currently staying. It seems that he moved out from the inn, and right now was renting out a house on the outskirts of town. Apparently that was more profitable for staying long-term.

I had Dean get his permission for me to go visit him ahead of time, so today he should be staying home without going to the Guild.

I was sent off by Dean, who was smiling for some reason, and headed towards Harold’s house……

Or so I should have.

While I was going through a small path with little traffic to get to Harold’s house on the town outskirts, since it was a bright morning, I walked without any caution at all.

……and then I was attacked there.

If the opponent was a normal bandit or ruffian, then I may have been able to easily repel them. However, it was a poor match-up.

In a room that wasn’t terribly large, but was furnished with good quality implements that gave off the feeling of being a noble mansion, the man that grinned broadly while looking down at me……<Owl>. The head of the thieves with black hair and an unshaven face, that man that used that ‘bug’ on me.

“It’s been a while, Jou-chan. Have you doing well?”

“……so you were still in this country.”

“Pretty much. Helping my mates escape after that took quite a bit of time. A bunch of things happened and now I’m being employed personally.”

I laid on a spacious bed placed in the center of the room. Once again on my neck was a magic-sealing collar, and both my arms were fastened with chains to the bedposts. Only my right leg was like my arms with a chain fastened around it, but for some reason my left leg was left free. Well, even if it was free, there’s no way I could escape.

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Based on this room, the one who employed <Owl> was likely a noble. Not only that, but they were a house of much better pedigree than my own. The smoothness of the sheets touching my skin and the softness of the bed were just……it was at the level where I felt like I was about to fall asleep. When I inadvertently was about to fall asleep, the sound of the chains connected to me reminded me of the situation I was in.

That was dangerous. Maybe I’ve been kidnapped so many times that I’ve started to lack any sense of tension when it happens now.

Even so, this time my luck is pretty good! I am wearing clothes after all! My shoes and rob were removed, but I was still wearing my sleeveless long dress that was underneath it! Compared to last time where I was nude and afflicted with aphrodisiac, there’s a world of difference! I’m also able to grasp my current situation too.

However, precisely because I was able to calmly think about it, I understood that it was impossible for me to escape by myself.

The gap in power with <Owl> was evident. Not only that, but with my magic sealed, I had no way of escaping from these chains.

“Jou-chan, I don’t know what you’re thinking about, but you’re surprisingly composed.”

“I’m not composed at all.”

“Really? But you know what’s gonna happen to you from after this, right?”

As that man told me that while grinning with a vulgar smile, I glared at him.

Of course……I understand. The moment I was tied to the bed, it was like that. However, if I show a frightened expression here, then it’ll just make him happy.

“Hahaha. You’ve become a better woman compared to before, Jou-chan. Ahh, I see, you were made into a ‘woman’. Was your partner that lady-killer?”

I remained silent, but the man’s hand casually pressed down on my hidden place from on top of my skirt.


He easily caught my left leg that promptly came flying and lifted it up, causing my skirt to roll up and expose up until my buttocks. Then, the man’s hand slowly ran across my thigh. That rough touch caused goosebumps to form, and I bit my lips tightly, enduring it.

“Should I put another ‘bug’ inside?”


“Oi, don’t just do whatever you want!”

Hearing that young man’s voice, <Owl> released my leg.

“I only ordered you to capture her.”

“Do you dislike lasciviousness?”

“A woman that doesn’t know shame has no value.”

The approaching man had long blond hair that reached his shoulders and blue eyes. He wore well-tailored clothes and was a tall and thin man of delicate features. He gave off the feeling of a typical noble that you could find anywhere.

He was fairly good looking……maybe. But he had a seedy-looking figure that made it seem that I would definitely win in a one-on-one battle. Yup, if it was just this man alone then I feel like I’d be able to run away. I wonder if I could do something so that I’ll be left alone with this man?


As I had various thoughts while observing him, the man looked this way.

Just when our eyes met for a bit, his gaze turned towards my legs that were peeking out from my rolled up skirt and said, “There’s no mistake” while nodding.

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