Eroge Reincarnation ~Please Don’t Collect Onee-chan’s CGs~

Chapter 26: Eroge Reincarnation ~Please Don&#

Chapter 26 Event 11: Chest tightening from love? 【4】 ※Slime・Anal

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“……w-what’s that……?”

“What do you think it is?”

Carrying that box as it clattered and moved, came closer.

It was an item that I never saw before in the game. If it was a wooden box, then there’d definitely be tentacles in it but…….the metal box’s lid was firmly shut, and thus wasn’t suitable for tentacles that needed to breathe.

In other words, inside that airtight box was a living thing that didn’t need to breathe.

……on top of that, this current situation. There only one thing that comes to mind.

“Don’t tell me……a slime……!?”

“Ohh, correct. I’m surprised you knew!”

“What do you plan on doing with something like that……!?”

Seeing me on guard, grinned broadly.

“Well of course I’ll be doing……this!”

drew close to me and then took off the metal fixture that was keeping the lid in place. The lid gradually lifted upwards from the inside. Quickly leaving the box at my feet, immediately jumped backwards.

I also have to run away……! -I thought as I hastily crawled on top of the bed, but my fatigued body couldn’t move quickly at all. Without any time to resist, I was soon caught by the slime.

The slime intertwined my legs and sealed my movements. Seeing the colorless and transparent slime that creeped up my legs, I reflexively screamed, “Ahh!!”.

“Isn’t this that super rare clean slime!?”

“Iya, Jou-chan, that’s not how you’re supposed to react to this sort of situation!”

“Isn’t it a top quality product!?”

The slime that’s said to make you rich quick if you were able to catch it, that’s the clean slime! It’s the number one monster that adventurers want to find!

The slime parasitizes other monsters and uses their filth and excretions as nutrients, but if it was just that it wouldn’t justify the high price. The amazing part about this slime is that it will definitely not cause harm to the one it parasitizes.

It wouldn’t dissolve your flesh nor your clothes, and on top of that it wouldn’t close up your nose or mouth and suffocate you. It is said to only dissolve things that its host would find unpleasant, truly a beneficial monster. However, as it was a parasite found on other living things, it was a highly difficult-to-find monster, and would only be used by royalty and titled nobility when they travelled afar instead of a bath and had an extremely high price.

Such a precious gem is……no, calm down, me. I was involuntarily distracted by its rareness, but this is a slime.

In an eroge, a slime – and a high-class item slime at that – is always going to be an ero monster……!

I tried to rip off the slime that was climbing up from my ankles and aiming for my knees, but the slime coiled itself around both my hands and completely sealed my resistance.

It was too late the moment I came into contact with it. Once you’ve been captured by it, you can only use magic to get it off, or destroy its core……or wait for it to finish its meal. For me whose magic has been sealed……I no longer had any means to resist it.

“What are you planning on doing to me!?”

“I need to keep the merchandise clean, ya know? Since that young master has a fastidious nature.”

“Th-…there’s no way that foot-licking person could be fastidious!?”

“Hahahaha, that’s true. I would’ve been fine with a bath, well, as a time-killer.”

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I was about to continue by saying, “Don’t screw with me!”. However, before I knew it the slime that had covered my legs started to crawl onto my crotch, as if it were licking it, and I reflexively bit my lips at that sensation. On top of that, it creeped up my arms, grinding against my armpits and violating them. Then, it infiltrated into my clothes from the armholes of my sleeveless one piece.


Tracing along the line of my chasm, the cool feeling moved, and at the same time the slime’s membrane started to cover my back, the nape of my neck, as well as my abdomen. It moved particularly vigorously around my armpit and belly button, causing my body to stiffen at the ticklishness.

Eventually reaching my breasts, the slime encircled them like it was drawing a circle and traced the tips of my chest. When it extended its body to my nipples that had become completely erect, it started to screw its body into the small gap at the tips of them.

“Ah, no……uwah……!”

My breasts caved in as if something had been inserted into them, and the tips of my breasts oscillated finely as it licked them. As the slime went further and further inside, ravishing the tips of my breasts, my waist jumped up at that sensation I was experiencing for the first time. When I did so, at that very moment it infiltrated my chasm from between my slightly parted legs, covering my entire secret place, making a squelching sound as it expanded its body in between my narrow folds relentlessly.


Before I realized it, it had penetrated the foreskin of my flower bud, and was slowly but persistently teasing that place. That sensation caused my honeypot to twitch and convulse as love juices started to spill out, and as if the slime had been waiting for that, it started to invade that place.


Though it was slow, a sufficiently filling mass streamed into the entrance, spreading it apart. It crawled about the inner walls without a single gap, and was certainly advancing deeper inside.

On top of that, the slime was continuing its fierce attack.

“Ah, n-…no……that’s-”

This time a cold sensation started to infiltrate my butt.

It softly stimulated that small and narrow place while slowly increasing its size inside bit by bit, acting in concert with the part that had entered from my front hole as it advanced deeper inside.

Both my front and back holes were filled with the slime, causing the sight of my swelling abdomen to come into view.

was laughing on the other side of the room.

“It’s pretty amazing, Jou-chan, I can see everything inside.”

Even if I was being looked at with repulsive eyes, the pressure in my abdomen was so painful I couldn’t bring up the energy to talk back.

Due to the slime, all of my embarrassing places were on full display, and when I thought about how that was being seen by that man, it was so shameful I couldn’t stand it.

However, the movements of the slime inside were slow and it wasn’t like it was moving in a way to specifically stimulate my senses. I’m sure that if I endure it for a bit longer, I will be released. Believing that, I withstood the pain but……

“Did you think that would be it?”

“Wh-…at are you……?”

spoke such unsettling words.

“In exchange for not dissolving meat, that thing has the trait of eating whatever it can.”

“That means……?”

It has already violated my insides. Just what else are you saying that it’ll eat?

As if to answer my doubts, the part of the slime that had covered my secret place started to vibrate bit by bit, causing my flower bud to quiver.

“Nn, wha-……hya, ah-”

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Before long, the vibrations spread to its entire body. To the tips of my breasts, and naturally the parts inside me as well.

It was as if my entire body was being exposed to a vibrator. That impossible sensation attacked me. I couldn’t stop my unrestrainable moans from leaking from my mouth. The slime whose movements had been slow increased in speed, and it extended its body further into my back end. Furthermore, as if it were trying to draw out the senses of my front end, it started to rotate while making a squelching noise as it repeatedly made peristaltic movements.

Just that alone felt like it was going to make my head go crazy, but on top of that the slime extended a tentacle towards a part of myself that still remained hidden.

As it stroked my flower bud, it went further below it……and bit by bit started to go into that small hole that was originally just an instrument of excretion. It continued to repeatedly vibrate as it pushed open that small hole, and as it violated the inside of the hole, it increased in mass and placed pressure on my internal organs.


——the sudden feeling of fullness caused the urge to urinate to attack me.

This slime was trying to eat that which I had been enduring ever since I had been brought here.

“It’s bad for your body to hold it in too much.”

“I’m no-…enduring……!”

Even if my legs were spread in such an unladylike manner, exposing everything inside, I do not want to show such a shameful sight in front of this man with such a dirty smirk.

Thinking that, I put strength into my abdomen to endure the feeling. When I did so, the slime placed pressure onto my bladder. The vibrations in my front and back holes increased bit by bit, rubbing my inner walls, and together with the vibration on my flower bud, the feeling of the desire to urinate was further enhanced.


The slime became impatient at its meal that would not end no matter how much time passed and then infiltrated my urethra. The moment it did that, I exceeded the limits of my endurance.

“No way…it’s coming out….——haaAAAAaaa……!!”

When I climaxed, my entire body’s muscles loosened, and as I pushed out the slime, the liquid I had been holding in gushed out.

The slime skillfully caught it without spilling a single drop and steadily sucked it up.


On top of that, as if to drain every drop, it repeatedly expanded and contracted inside of me. The places that had become sensitive due to my climax were poked at several times, and once my trembling body finished releasing everything, the slime slowly separated from me as if it was satisfied.

“That was amazing……hm? What’s wrong, was it so good that your voice won’t come out anymore?”


I don’t even have the energy to talk back anymore.

The embarrassment and anger at having everything seen – stuff like that was just trivial now.

——ahh, I’m sleepy.

I rubbed my cheeks against the smooth, high quality sheets.

The places that were all sticky earlier were also cleaned up by the slime, so right now it was clean and felt good.

In order to escape, I first had to recover my strength……it doesn’t seem like there’s any need to worry over my life……so right now……I just, don’t want to think about anything……

It’s quite bold of me to sleep in this kind of situation……-as I admire myself over such matters, I allowed myself to fall to the overwhelming drowsiness.


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Since then, around 3 days have passed.

As usual, the young master is completely entranced with legs. He ejaculated countless times with just my legs and then would return to work satisfied.

I did try engaging in some conversation with him, but it seems that he’s been diligently doing his work.

After the young master, instead of a bath it would be the slime’s turn. This……I reluctantly became used to it. In order to make the young master accustom to women, has been guiding him to play with me in moderation, so that has to some extent served to blow off some of my frustration.

At first I was so embarrassed at being seen by that I wanted to die, but once I started to think of that man as some sort of ornament, I started not to mind it so much. As expected, was amazed but……he couldn’t do anything worse to me, so perhaps he felt that he couldn’t expect me to fall due to the pleasure.

Incidentally, my skin that has been cleaned by the slime has become very smooth, so starting from the second time onwards I requested that it clean my face as well. As expected of a high class slime, I’d like to bring it home with me.

Three meals are given a day, which I have been accepting gratefully. Naturally, it will be a problem if I cannot move when it comes down to it, and above all else it was delicious. Although I am a captive, I’m being fed even better than when I’m at home! Apparently this was due to the young master’s consideration so that I (my legs) wouldn’t grow too scrawny.

That unexpectedly kind (to legs) young master’s member has also now completely grown to a fine size, and was perhaps a little smaller than Dean’s? It was around that size. Originally, I don’t think that a man’s member is supposed to have such a rapid growth, but well, since this is the world of an eroge……it may be made to be kinder towards men. The young master’s growth compared to since the first time I met him was deeply moving. When I think about how I was the one who raised that……it was as if my son had grown to adulthood……no, that is the young master’s son……meaning that in other words, the young master and I were like mo-……

“Wait, no that’s wrong!!”

……that was dangerous. My train of thought strayed.

I was planning on maintaining a normal way of thinking, but this confined lifestyle is giving me more mental damage than expected. I can’t stop trying to run away from reality.

“Jou-chan, what are you making a racket about all on your own?”

“It’s nothing!”

It wasn’t like was watching me 24/7, so there were times when he would go off elsewhere.

I feel like I could run away during that time, but the door was locked and there were bars on the window……it was quite difficult.

Three days have already passed, and I have started to become anxious about whether or not help will really come. I believed that they would be looking for me but……my escape plan depended largely on Harold’s good will. If Harold didn’t even try to look for me……no, I don’t think the kind him would do something like that……

Ahh, it’s no good.

As expected, I’m starting to lose out mentally.

These sorts of negative thoughts are not good. There is also Dean, so I’m sure he will find this place. That is why I believe in them and wait, no matter what is done to me.


And then, the fourth night came.

“Ahh…so good……more…ahhnn”

The slime violated my entire body, and today too, I indulged in the pleasure.

Both my front and back were filled up, and for my skin to become even prettier on top of that was the best. The inside of my head was filled with the good feelings, and it was only now that I didn’t have to think at all.

I changed my posture a number of times in order to make it easier for the slime to move around, as I coveted an even deeper pleasure.

“Ahhh, Jou-chan’s become completely engrossed by the slime. Right now’s just about the right time——……!?”

who was muttering in an amazed manner suddenly corrected his posture.

And then, he distanced himself from the window-side, and moved next to me, as I continued to let out moans due to the slime as usual.


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I felt like I heard Dean’s voice coming from far away——at that moment.

The sound of an explosion resounded, and the bars on the window were blown away.

“That’s quite a crazy rescue method.”

Next to me, brushed the dust off his clothes as he laughed.

Looking carefully, his skin had cuts here and there, blurring it with blood. However, I was unharmed. I was being covered by the slime, but……could it be he was protecting me……?

“Alice, are you alright!?”


Harold and Dean jumped in from the place where the window used to be.

“Couldn’t you guys do things a bit more peacefully?”

Yeah, that’s right.

Were they planning on blowing me away too?

“Nee-chan isn’t someone who would die from something like this! Look, even though we’ve worked this hard to come save here, even now she’s still going ahn ahn from the slime……!!”


“It seems like you’ve been looking forward to seeing that slender man quite a bit too.”


Harold and Dean are both making scary faces, while was making a troubled face saying, “That’s true~”. The slime didn’t read the atmosphere and was still continuing its meal, and I couldn’t refute that the voices leaking out of my mouth were moans. I…even though I’m the victim, I don’t have any allies!?

“So, do you guys think that you’ll be able to beat me with just the two of you? Are you really okay with picking a fight with a high class noble?”

“Even if it is a high class noble, the Cult religion is illegal in this country. We’ve finished investigating and know that the previous head of this house is a major member of the religion!”

“The knight’s order has already captured the current head of the family.”

……so they’ve caught that young master?

“I see, if my employer isn’t around anymore, then my contract ends here.”

Without appearing surprised at all, he readily declared that before turning around suddenly and looking at me.

“I’ve enjoyed myself in various ways with Jou-chan, so I’ll give you that slime. Next time we meet, let’s do something even better……then, see ya later.”

“Oi, wait a-……!”

In the blink of an eye, had slipped past the two men and disappeared from the place where the window used to be.

Leaving behind me, whom he had been watching over throughout these few days, he had escaped so readily in such an anticlimactic manner as Dean blankly saw him off, while Harold……for some reason he was making an incredibly scary face while looking at me.

Huh……th-this is bad……?


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