Eroge Reincarnation ~Please Don’t Collect Onee-chan’s CGs~

Chapter 27: Eroge Reincarnation ~Please Don&#

Chapter 27 Event 11: Chest tightening from love? 【5】 ※Slime・Anal

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Harold gradually approached me with a scary face.

He’s angry? He’s angry, isn’t he!?

If the person you thought was kidnapped was going ahn ahn like this because of a slime, well of course you’d wanna get angry!

“Uwah……! Wait a sec, Harold!”

Dean restrained Harold, who had been reaching out his hand towards me from nearby.

“What is it?”

“If you touch Nee-chan right now then Harold will also end up becoming prey to the slime! I don’t want to see a man going ahn ahn from a slime!!”


Dean declared that in the face of the scowling Harold.

Momentarily understanding the situation due to those words, Harold drew back his extended hand and took a distance from me. And then the two of them maintained a set distance from me while sitting down on some nearby chairs while observing me.

“How much longer until that will be finished?”

“Ehh……probably once it’s full? Apparently it doesn’t parasitize humans, so once it’s done I think it should leave her on its own but……ah, Nee-chan, does that thing have a container?”

“Ahh….over there……nn”

When I pointed my gaze towards the box left on the floor, Dean stood up and opened the lid of it before quietly placing it near me. My younger brother who is capable of talking to me normally in this kind of situation is scary.

“Once this finishes, I think it should go back inside on its own.”

Saying that, he once again sat back down on the chair and returned to his observation mode.

Having my brother watch my antics with the slime until the end was no joking matter. Though I was wearing a one piece, my skirt had been rolled up all the way to my abdomen, and was only hiding my chest at this point. On top of that, my legs were spread apart due to the slime and my embarrassing parts were completely exposed. Furthermore, this slime was colorless and transparent. In other words, you could see inside both my front and back holes, and such a view was being seen by my younger brother……!

“Nee-chan is really erotic. How does it feel to have the slime in you? Is it cold?”

“Don’t……watch anymore……!”

“No. As soon as I take my eyes off you, Nee-chan will go off somewhere. Right, Harold?”

“That’s right, this time I won’t take my eyes off of Alice.”

The two of them turned their gazes towards me like that, and my honeypot twitched as it contracted.

“Ah, did that make you feel it just now? Does Nee-chan get off from being seen?”

“Y-You’re wrong…….ahhh…ah…ah-”

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“Am I? Although you say that, you seem to be tightening quite a bit around the slime?”

Since the slime kept pushing in and out of my insides, my inner walls were convulsing. When I thought about how Harold’s gaze was pointed towards that place, my body reacted to an unbearable degree. I couldn’t stop my moans from leaking out.

Perhaps it had noticed my change, as the slime’s movements sped up.

The vibrations that were like a vibrator, and the peristaltic movements that became even more intense inside of me. My front and back were filled up, my chest and flower bud were violently tormented, and before I knew it, my hips rose as I bared everything in front of the two of them.

“No, don’t look…I’m already, cumming……!”

My body shook and quivered.

It’s no good. I can’t resist that sensation that I remembered on the first day.

Feeling that impulse that I could no longer stop myself, I shut my eyes tightly so that I wouldn’t have to look at the two of them.


And then, my entire body trembled at my climax.

The liquid that spurted out at the same time as my climax was completely absorbed by the slimes without spilling a single drop. During that, I kept my eyes firmly shut as I entrusted my body to the lingering reverberations of my orgasm.

Eventually, I felt the satisfied slime slowly separating from my body, but even then I still did not open my eyes.

——of all the shameful sights that I’ve exposed up until now, honestly speaking, I think this one was the worst.

Even though they came to save me after I was kidnapped, I was feeling it while being violated by a slime to the point where I became incontinent……I was so embarrassed I couldn’t properly look at them face-to-face.

“Alice, are you alright?”

As I trembled in embarrassment, Harold who had been angry at me earlier called out to me kindly.

“I’m sure it was scary. It’s alright now.”

Saying that, he fixed my one piece and stroked my head. While his warmth made me feel happy on one hand, on the other it was exceedingly rough.

“——geez……I’m so embarrassed I wanna die……”

“N-Nee-chan’s making an unbelievably negative statement……!”

Hearing my heartfelt murmur, Dean hastily came to my side.

“Ahh, sorry Nee-chan. Although I said you were going ahn ahn from the slime even though we came to save you, you actually found it unpleasant didn’t you…… If you were abducted and confined, and had erotic things done to you, of course you’d go a bit weird in the head. I’m really sorry.”

Dean had an unusually gentle tone of voice. And then Harold who was continuing to stroke my head tenderly.

After being comforted by the two of them, I finally raised my body and looked at the two.

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“I’m also……thank you for coming to save me.

Saying that, I bowed my head and the two of them let out relieved breaths and smiled.

Truthfully I was still so embarrassed I wanted to dig a hole and bury myself in it, but I was happy that the two of them had come to save me like this. I took their hands and repeated my words of gratitude numerous times.

“Now then, we can’t keep taking it slow. The Knight’s Order should be coming soon, so we gotta escape before that happens.”

“The Knight’s Order?”

“Yeah, well let’s leave the detailed explanation for later. Harold, I’ll leave Nee-chan to you.”


Harold picked me up and walked towards the window that had been busted open earlier.

The box of the slime that had been left on the floor entered my sight, and I unconciously raised my voice.

“Please wait! I will take that slime back with me!!”

——I will never forget the cold gazes of the two of them from this time.

After that I tried to explain that [That’s rare so it’ll sell for a lot] or [It has the effect of making your skin really smooth], but the two of their gazes remained cold. Even so, Dean said [If it’ll sell for a lot] and took the slime’s box back with us so for now it was alright.

“Then, I’ll take the slime back to my house.”

When we came out of the dark forest to a place where we could see the lights from the town, Dean said that.

That mansion that was built in a place not far off from our usual town was apparently a separate villa owned by that young master’s family. Dean told me that it was being used for their activities as members of the religious organization.

“Um…thank you Harold. I can walk on my own already so please put me down……eh, wait a-!?”

As Dean said, “You can do it, Nee-chan” and waved his hand, Harold started walking towards town while still carrying me.

“You promised to talk with me, right?”

“That’s true, but……eh, right now!? Please wait a bit, at least tomorrow! At least let me do it tomorrow!”

“No. Because Alice will easily disappear.”

“No way!”

“Now then, let’s ‘slowly’ talk at my house.”

As he whispered that into my ear with a voice filled with seductiveness, I involuntarily twitched in response and he blew into my ear to seal my resistance. Perhaps because the lingering memory of the slime from earlier was still around, just that alone was enough to make my lower abdomen clench as I pressed my face against Harold’s chest tightly.

“I’m even fine with doing it here, you know?”

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“WaaAAAHH! No! I understand, let’s go to Harold’s house!”

My butt was fondled as I was being carried, and having a premonition that he might start here, I hastily agreed to going to Harold’s house.


Harold’s house that I wasn’t able to reach the other day in the end due to being kidnapped, was a cabin that was a bit old, but did not appear to be that damaged. It had the appearance of a log cabin that I made in my previous life as a hobby. The inside had a single room with a simple mini-kitchen, while the furniture only consisted of a large bed with a small table next to it. The two of us inevitably had to sit down on the bed.



This was exceedingly awkward.

Ever since I went with the flow and sat on the bed, we’ve remained in silence and somehow I became a bit scared of meeting his gaze and averted my eyes. When I did so, what jumped into my eyes was a large quantity of potions lined up on the small, cramped table……

Having potions by the bed, is it that? That common trope of a peerless character using them to constantly recover so that they can do it continuously……no, if you’re an adventurer then it should be normal to have a stock of potions……this house doesn’t have any shelves, so he probably just left them there, right?

I tried to think positively like that, but after noticing where my gaze was directed, Harold picked up one of the potion bottles and presented it to me.

“Alice, drink it.”

“Eh!? No, I’m fine! I’m not injured!”

“……don’t overdo it. There are bags underneath your eyes.”

“Bags!? No way!?”

I reflexively placed my hands underneath my eyes to hide it as Harold opened the potion bottle and passed it to me. As I gratefully drank up, I felt ashamed of myself for having my thoughts turn towards erotic things all the time. Even Harold was this kind, when it came to me my head was filled with my terrible eroge brain.

“I should have come to save you earlier. I’m sorry.”

“No……to begin with, it’s my fault for being careless and allowing myself to be abducted. Harold doesn’t have anything to apologize for!”

It seemed like the bags didn’t disappear with the effects of the potion, so that unnecessarily stimulated Harold’s sense of guilt. I hastily grasped Harold’s hand tightly as he hung his head and lowered my own.

“Rather, it’s me who is truly sorry for causing you so much trouble. And, again, thank you so much for coming to save me.”

“I didn’t think of it as a trouble. Protecting the woman they love is a man’s duty.”


Having my hand tightly gripped back while being told that as he stared directly at me, there’s no way I wouldn’t become agitated. My heart throbbed violently, and the sensation of Harold grasping my hand tightly transmitted to my lower abdomen, causing it to clench as a sweet numbness ran through me.

It ‘clenched’……

——like I said before, in this sort of situation that place isn’t supposed to be the one ‘clenching’!!!!

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Retorting myself was fruitless, as my hand that was wrapped up by Harold’s was stroked by his rough fingertips. Every time he did so, it would ‘clench and clench’, causing the aching to spread, and before I knew it, thick love juices started to overflow from my hidden place.

Of course, there was no way Harold wouldn’t notice my current state.

“Have you been trained to become excited just from having a man touch you?”

“I haven’t!”

I immediately denied Harold’s murmured words as he played with my hand.

“Y-…you’re wrong.”

“With such an intensely lewd scent that you’re making, just where am I wrong? In the past you wouldn’t become excited like this just from being touched, right?”

With a jerk, he embraced my waist and Harold’s hand started to stroke my back. Just that alone sent shivers down my spine and all the way down to my toes. The tips of my breasts ached, and I could tell that that place that hadn’t been touched yet had become wet enough that it soaked through my clothes. No, right now I wasn’t wearing any underwear, so it could have created a stain on my skirt already. As I thought about how embarrassing my lewd body was, I closed my eyes at the pleasantness of it all. Perhaps this is what was meant by the [body was honest]. I felt a far greater pleasure compared to when other men directly stimulated my sensitive places, and at the same time, I felt a sense of peace. My body really was honest.

“It’s…because it’s Harold.”

That was why I was able to mouth those words unexpectedly easily.

“The only one capable of making me like this just by touching me is Harold.”

And then after putting it into words once more, I hugged Harold tightly.

I was so embarrassed I couldn’t look at his face. Pushing my face into his strong chest, I continued to speak.

“Just by thinking about Harold…I get turned on…….I can’t get this excited from other people……it’s just you.”


“It’s Harold’s fault that my body got like this, so please take responsibility!”

When I shouted that to cover up my embarrassment, my jaw was seized and pointed upwards as Harold covered my lips with his own.

“Alice. I love you, Alice!”

He murmured that countless times as he repeatedly changed the angles of his pecking-like kisses.

“I also love you……”

When I said that between kisses, he kissed me even deeper than before. His slippery tongue that infiltrated the inside of my mouth violated it as I became intoxicated by a kiss for the first time in my life.

For a moment, I thought, isn’t the order of things a bit wrong? But I figured that was a trivial matter and cast away the thought.

In the end, both my virginity and my first kiss were given to the person I loved after all.

It could be that this was just an extension of his lust to him but……such thoughts disappeared before I knew it by his passionate kisses and the [I love you]s that he murmured repeatedly.

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