Eroge Reincarnation ~Please Don’t Collect Onee-chan’s CGs~

Chapter 28: Eroge Reincarnation ~Please Don&#

Chapter 28 Event 12: Confirmed Feelings ※Normal Sex・Anal

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The long sighs that occasionally leaked out from our deeply overlapping lips, and the wet sounds of our tongues entangling resounded in the quiet room.

As we exchanged kisses, we touched each other as if to ascertain each other’s existences.

Eventually, Harold’s large and somewhat rough palm trailed down my cheek to the nape of my neck. When his hand touched the magic-sealing collar that was still stuck on my neck, it stopped moving.

“……I almost wanna attach a chain to this and tie you to me so that you can never leave me.”


“It’s a joke.”

Saying that, he laughed while whispering to me [I’ll choose one that suits you better], and then before I could say anything back, he kissed me deeply again.

Harold’s hand went from the nape of my neck to my shoulder, and then went from caressing my armpit to my breast.


The tips of my chest were stimulated by the tip of his finger over my clothes as though he were drawing a circle around them. On top of that, when they started to become erect and he scratched at them roughly, love juices started to overflow. However, the thick material of the one piece prevented me from obtaining a more definite pleasure.

How irritating.

I want a stronger stimulus.

My body that had been made sensitive by the slime and turned on by the kiss, was unsatisfied by such a weak stimulus.

“Please……touch me…directly……”

Unable to endure it anymore, I undid the buttons on my upper half of my own accord, and opened the front of my one piece even while embarrassed. And then, I took Harold’s hand and placed it on my own chest.

Even for me I feel like this is the behavior of a female pervert. But right now I want to feel Harold more. Such feelings were arousing me.

“For you to strip by yourself……Alice really is lewd……how irresistable.”


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Harold’s rough fingertips tightly pinched my pointed right nipple and a sweet numbness spread throughout my entire body. Furthermore, as if to deal the final blow, he placed the other nipple inside of his mouth and started to roll his tongue around the tip.


“No matter where I touch, it’s so smooth……here too.”

Just when I thought he was sucking on it like a baby, he gently bit down with his teeth and my body twitched as it jumped up. On top of that, his wet tongue creeped all over my breast, and then slowly started to descend downwards.

When his tongue reached the pit of my stomach, Harold removed the one piece that had fallen to my hips.

“Alice, raise your hips.”

Obediently raising my hips like I was told, the one piece was pulled off from my feet and I was left stark naked. However, I didn’t show a single sign of shame as I was pushed down on the bed and my legs were spread apart.

“You’ve become this wet……”

“Hya……don’t……ah, aaahhh-”

Harold spread my labial folds apart, and without any hesitation at all, used his tongue to lick up my love juices that overflowed endlessly. Moreover, he mixed his fingertips with the love juices, rolling my flowerbud between them, and an indecent slurping sound resounded as he inhaled the love juices that flooded out. When I reflexively tried to close my legs out of embarrassment, he used his other hand to firmly prevent that. Harold’s lips attached themselves to my honeypot, and an even more lewd sound reverberated as his tongue went inside.

“No……don’t lick……that place……”

The sensation of his tongue moving around inside like a living thing caused me to remember the ‘bug’ from the past, and my insides……a part even deeper inside of me sought out an even greater pleasure, stealing away my sense of reason. That deep part that the tongue could not reach throbbed unbearably. My two hands that were supposed to be pushing Harold’s head away, right now were pushing it against my embarrassing parts.

As his tongue carefully caressed my inner parts, he pushed two fingers inside together with it, and at the same time pulled back the foreskin on my flowerbud with his fingertips——


As I pushed down tightly on Harold’s head, my entire body quivered in climax.

Escaping from my hands that had lost all strength, Harold quickly stripped off his clothes and pressed his hard member against my honeypot that was still twitching with convulsions.

“Ah, wait……I’m still cumming so……”

“Sorry. I’m already at my limit…….”

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Without a bit of hesitation, he thrust into my deepest parts, and unable to endure the excessive pleasure, I dug my nails into Harold’s back.

“Ha……amazing, are you still cumming…….? It feels like you’re gonna wring me dry……”


“Alice, between me or the slime, which is better?”

“Ha-…Harold’s is……better…….it’s ha…rd……and big……I love it……!”

Harold made a happy expression at my words, and then placed my legs on his shoulders so that he could reach an even deeper place as he leaned his weight on me.

“Ah, this…so deep……”

I had trouble breathing at that deepness that made it feel as if even my womb was being ravished.

I felt a faint pain at that hard thing that was pushing and grinding against the deepest part, but more than that, I could feel my chest becoming hot at the sense of fullness inside me that Harold gave. When I involuntarily squeezed the thing inside me, Harold let out a painfully long sigh.

“Dammit…I’m at my limit……!”

“Ahh…AH……no, so intense……”

Harold pulled out to the very entrance and then firmly held my shoulders and held them down before once again drilling me deeply. That repeated a number of times, trampling down on my soft meat.

I could hear Harold’s rough breathing. The intensity of his thrusts increased as Harold’s breathing gradually started to lose its composure.

“Kuh……I’m gonna cum inside……”


That thing that was stretched to its limit struck into my deepest parts, and as I felt the hot liquid pouring into me, I reached my second climax.

Harold fixed his rough breathing while still on top of me, and then stroked my hair as I continued to tremble from the linger orgasm.

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“Sorry……I couldn’t control myself……”

Harold who said that in a completely apologetic manner was different from his usual mature manner, and had an appropriate appearance for a boy still in his teens. Even as he said [Sorry], he slowly move his member inside me that had started to regain its hardness. His faltering appearance as he said [One more time……], intending to rush into round 2 without a single break, had a sense of loveliness to it.

I was unable to endure such a cute young boy, and I hugged him tightly.

“This time I’ll make it so it feels even better for Alice too.”

Taking my actions as acknowledgement, Harold said that and pulled out the thing inside me. Then, he lightly rolled my limp body over and placed me in a position with only my butt raised up high and my face pointing downwards——.

“……this time I will go in here.”


He once again pushed inside me, this time from the back.

“Ah……this is…ba-……”

Unlike his earlier intense thrusting, he slowly went in and out continuously as if he were searching for something, stroking my upwards pointing ass, seeming like he was enjoying the feel of it.

That sense of irritating itchiness caused my hips to naturally start to sway.

“This isn’t enough for you? Then how about over here?”


Harold touched the center of my ass with his finger, as though he were drawing a circle.

“No…that’s no good……”

“Is it? Even though you’ve been twitching greedily all this time?”

“……I haven-…kuun-”

“Look, my finger is gradually being sucked in more and more.”

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That part that had completely loosened up thanks to the slime, now easily gulped down Harold’s finger.

For my body that had already learned of the pleasure that could be obtained from my back hole, just having my intestinal walls being rubbed lightly caused both my front and back to contract repeatedly.

“Is it not enough? Then here’s the second one.”

When he added another finger on top of that, the two fingers freely teased my intestinal walls. Furthermore, at the same time, Harold accurately drilled his member into the place that I would feel it.

I was unable to endure the pleasure from both my front and back holes, and moans leaked out as I tightly gripped the sheets.

“You’re clamping down so strongly, Alice…….next time, I’ll buy something to put in here together with the collar……”

“Ah, geez……Harold…you……idiot…ah-”

“……you’re even cute when you say that……”

At that moment, for some reason Harold’s member that was buried inside me grew even more in size, and the intensity of his thrusting increased once more.


When I was pierced deeply from behind, my vision flickered and I was no longer able to think of anything.

I was trifled with by the intense pleasure, and both my front and my back felt like they were melting into a sticky mess.

The lewd wet noises and the sound of meat hitting against each other started to get louder and more violent.


“Hiih-, ah, aAAAAHHHHHH……!”

Being drilled into my deepest depths, I jumped as my spine arched back and my entire body trembled in orgasm. Harold pulled out his member against my contractions and sprayed out a hot liquid twice, then three times onto my back.

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