Event 2: Alice that Night…… ※Tentacles (Octopus)・Multiple

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Today I really faced an outrageous situation.

Like having tentacle play (octopus) in the middle of the day at the beach……!

Honestly speaking, I couldn’t resist at all. Before I realized it, I abandoned myself to the pleasure. Even though I thought that I wanted it to stop, I ended up thinking that I wanted more.

“Even though it’s your first time, you’re already this wet……” -it was a scene where it felt like I would be told something like that. Although the other party was an octopus. If it was directed towards girls, then it might have become a handsome anthropomorphized octopus.

Hmm, a tentacle-type ikemen would be good!

I grinned while imagining it. I loved tentacles in my previous life! -though if I said it, then those in the surroundings would draw back, but tentacles are nice. It’s a fantasy! Ah, right now it’s real life, huh.

Just, it’s not like I was desiring tentacle play myself. Even though I liked it because it absolutely would not happen in reality, and was a kind of fantasy……


“Why did it become realllllll…….!”


I threw myself onto the bed in my room while holding my head.

At the very least, make it a handsome anthropomorphized octopus!




[Aren’t you embarrassed to be spreading your legs in broad daylight at the beach?]


A red-haired, brown-skinned anthro-octopus, cleverly entangled my body with its eight legs.


[Uh-oh, don’t bite, alright? I’ll make you feel good.]


In order to prevent me from screaming, he shoved a single leg into my mouth, and a slurpy something with movements that could be left to the imagination repeated.

The other legs that infiltrated from the cuffs of my clothing, creeped about my body in a slimy manner.


[Oh? ……this has become quite hard. I’ll help you relax it.]

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Suction pads covered both my left and right nipples, sticking to them. First he used the entire tentacle…….and then the suckers used gradually were replaced by the small ones at the tip of the legs, and before I knew it, only my nipples were being stimulated.


[Oi oi, even though I’m so kindly trying to relax then, they’ve become even harder you know?]


The bouncy legs rubbed my breasts while the suction pads stuck to them even stronger than before.

Seeing my body jump with a start and tremble, the anthro-octopus laughed.


[So you still won’t go with just your chest, huh……]


Eventually I’ll make it so that you can cum with just that though, the anthro-octopus whispered.


[Today I’ll play with this part too…….]


The octopus legs coiling around both legs lifted them up into the air and spread them apart. I was hanging in the air with my legs making an ‘M’ shape.


[Ojou-chan, even though I still haven’t touched this part, you’re already soaked?  How lewd!]


Bringing his face in between my legs, he carefully stared at that part.


[Your clothes are soaked. It’s probably like a huge flood inside.]


The moment the anthro-octopus grinned, the octopus legs tore open my pants.

I was still wearing my underwear. However, the open air felt chilly, and I was made aware of how wet it was.


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[Ahh~, it’s completely saturated. It’s so wet……it’s see-through, you know?]


I twisted my body with embarrassment, but my restrained body couldn’t move one bit. I turned only my eyes at the anthro-octopus and glared.


[……if you don’t want it, then just don’t feel it. Look, I’m touching you with these legs. Doesn’t it feel disgusting?]


Firmly raising my legs above my head and spreading them further apart, the view of the octopus leg gently stroking the wet part of my underwear came into sight.

Slowly, again and again, as if to display itself, the octopus leg moved. At times, it grazed over the flower bud, but didn’t give a definitive pleasure, and before I realized it I began to sway my hips, as if I were seeking more.

Even so, the octopus leg skillfully avoided my good points.


[Haha! You really are lewd!! To be showing such a lewd appearance!]


Turning my body around, he rolled it over, as if to change my positioning in order to show someone my hidden place.


[……Nee-chan, amazing……is it really that great? It’s completely transparent, I can see everything……]



——there, were the figures of Dean and Harold.


[Look, have a proper look at this indecent place!]

[……ts! ……Nnn——-!!!]


My resistance was futile, as the anthro-octopus ripped off the underwear that had already been failing to fulfill their purpose, as though he were delivering the final blow.


[It’s even wetter than I imagined……look, isn’t it amazing? Look more carefully.]


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In order to further show it off, the octopus legs opened my hidden place, and slowly stimulated the opening. It lightly and slowly teased the petals, moving in a way as though it were luring out love fluids.


[It’s overflowing to the point that it’s even oozing to your butt. Being teased so inhumanly, this part is becoming this soaked, twitching……your clit is also hard.]


When he flicked the flower bud, even more secretions came flowing out. Seeing me sway my hips as if to seek more, the anthro-octopus grinned and laughed, turning his eyes towards the two men who were standing stock still and spoke.


[It seems like it’s getting quite difficult for your friend, doesn’t it? Why don’t you guys help her cum?]

[Wha-…….! Don’t be stupid!]

[Don’t screw with us!]

[If you guys don’t help her cum, then she’ll be like this forever, you know? Look, you should also ask them yourself.]


The two agitated men went elsewhere, and the anthro-octopus pulled out the leg sealing my mouth and licked the saliva that hung from my lips.


[If you want to cum, then beg with your own mouth and say please help me cum.]


A sweet and soft voice that was like an aphrodisiac reverberated near my ear.

My body that had been brought up to such a point could not resist that. I wanted an even stronger stimulation.

The octopus leg that had just been toying with my secret place gently stroked my inner thigh, and my breasts were also only being poorly massaged. ——-not good, this isn’t enough.


[Ah…….auu…nn! Moree……!]

[Come on, try saying, please help me cum.]

[I want to cum……please, touch me…p-……please…help me c-……um!]


Casting away my shame, I shook my hips while begging. Seeing me do such a thing, Dean and Harold, their eyes blurred with lust, slowly extended their hands out towards that chasm.


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[Inside Nee-chan…is so hot……]

[……Alice, did you want me to touch here? This place is awfully big and indecent…….]


Without any hesitation at all, Dean put two fingers inside and stimulated the inner wall, while Harold pinched my flower bud with his fingers and rubbed it. The octopus legs once again began to suck on the tips of my breasts with its suction pads.

My lewd, heavy breathing could no longer be contained as my reason further crumbled. I shed tears as I satisfied myself, shaking my hips while begging, “More!”, and was given an even stronger stimulus.


[The inside is twitching, and it’s amazing how much it’s tightening……are you about to cum?]


Before I knew it the number of fingers had increased to three, and finding the single spot where the tightening became stronger, he rubbed against it countless times. A sloppy wet sound resounded.


[Alice……if I pull back this skin, the stimulus will be stronger and it’ll feel good, right? Come, cum…….!]


And then the moment my flower bud was crushed, I who had been tortured to such heights came, letting out a salty tide.





I shook at my own double-standard delusion.

What the hell is an ‘anthro-octopus’, I don’t get it at all! Dean and Harold who I just met today were there……wait, those two were just watching like it was normal and just normally participated as well!?

Not only that, but I was actually stripped!

It didn’t go that far before!?

To be having such exhibitionist play in the middle of the day with legs widespread like that, although it was a delusion, I scare myself.


“Geez……just what kind of face am I supposed to make when I see those two……”


The feelings of guilt for enrolling my own brother into my delusions caused me to end up spending the night sleepless…..

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