Event 3: The Stairway to Adulthood 【1】

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Even though we were about to head out, I was a little irritated.


“Nee-chan, are you really gonna go? Even if I can’t use magic, I’ll work hard, so won’t you sit this one out?”

“No! I’ve finally remembered it, so I should go! If you die, you can’t reload you know!?”


Ever since this morning, Dean’s been a pain in the ass.

Even though today we intended on completing an event that we had planned for quite some time, and were going to head out early in the morning.

Though there isn’t any problem even if this time’s scenario doesn’t progress, it’s a precious event that allows the muscle-headed protagonist to remember a single magic. In order to make fighting even a little bit easier, it is something that I would certainly like to occur.


“You liked lolis, right!?”

“A loli-baba is different from a loli!”


The legal loli that lives deep within the forest……he will be learning magic from an elf who is 200 years of age, but looks nothing like it.

Of course, there’s no way she would teach a human for free. The compensation is paid with a body. Dean’s body!


“Nee-chan, I……I want to give up my virginity to a girl I like!!”


Are you a young maiden!?!


“Are you really fine with being a virgin? Are you planning on making Princess Sophia’s first time a painful memory? Or will you be so nervous that you won’t be able to get it up? Or conversely have a premature ejaculation instead? Will you cum before even putting it in?”


While watching Dean’s face becoming bluer and bluer, I continued on.


“If you demand it like a monkey, you might be hated, you know?”


Like a monkey = basically single-minded like a simpleton



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Dean suddenly staggered, knocking his forehead against the wall.

I wonder if he has some self-awareness that he’s become like a monkey?


“Do you understand? Come on, we’re making Harold wait, so let’s go!”


While forcefully putting the arm of the stricken Dean, I headed towards the entrance of the forest that Harold was waiting at.

This time there weren’t any events for ‘Alice’, so my steps were extremely light.

Because having erotic things only happening to me doesn’t pay off at all!!




“I was surprised to hear that there was an elf that was rather friendly towards humans. How did the two of you find out?”

“Umm, that’s, some travellers that came through the forest said that they saw something like that.”

“Heeh……for an elf that’s known as the Forest Sage to be living in a place that’s so close to human habitation, there is probably some reason for that……”


A few days ago, when we talked about elves to Harold, who was on another job, he unexpectedly jumped at the opportunity and decided to come along with us today.

For a human of this world, Harold unexpectedly lacked an aptitude in magic, so he had some interest in elves who had several times the magic capacity of humans. His expression that was more childish that usual was quite charming.

While the elves of this world are not hostile towards humans, they were by no means friendly towards them. Being a long-lived race, they detested living together with humans with such short lives. On top of that, elves hardly leave their villages——-or so Harold said.


However, amongst those elves, the girl that we were meeting today was an eccentric.

On top of having a magic that could rank as first or second place in power amongst the elves, her bodily development was slower than anyone else’s, but the sheer number of her suitors caused her to shrink back and leave the village.


[Just who would want to hold such lanky elf men!]


-is what I won’t say she said…… It is true that the production staff wrote that as a behind-the-scenes storyline.

And so, in the human world, she feasted on young and sturdy men that were to her taste.

For some reason, she came to take a liking to the protagonist that she chanced upon inside the forest, and suggested that if he let her do him, then she’d teach him some magic, leading to the start of this event.

Uuu, I can’t really say that to Harold……


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“Hmm……we’ve come quite deep into the forest, but is it further in?”

“I’m starting to hear the sound of a waterfall, so I think we should be reaching it soon but……”


While hunting the beasts that occasionally appeared, we arrived in the depths of the gloomy forest. The danger level of this area is low, but there wasn’t much to harvest, so not many people would come visit this place.

In the game, her house should have been close to the waterfall.


“What is it, humans? Are you lost?”


Suddenly, a lovely-sounding voice sounded from above us.

When we looked up, standing on a branch of a thick tree was a beautiful white-haired little girl. Slender white legs could be seen extending from underneath her short green one piece.

However, what should be deeper within that skirt could not be seen. No, I can see it!!


——you mean, she’s not wearing any!?


While crossing her arms, she who was standing on the branch with her legs spread apart wasn’t wearing any!

I could see a smooth and beautiful slit……!!

While Harold’s eyes were swimming, Dean made an ecstatic expression at her appearance and was staring straight ahead.


“What’s wrong? Are you interested in this place? Hm?”


When she rolled up the hem of the fluttering one piece to show off, that elf made a lascivious expression that didn’t match up with her appearance.

And then she gently jumped off from the branch, and slowly descended to the ground.


“Fufufu. You have quite the cute face.”


Like that, just when I thought she was approaching Dean, she began to caress all over his body.


“Ohh, you’re quite good. You’ve got quite the muscle underneath it all.”

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“Ehhhhhh! Wai-……um…!”


From his belly to his waist, she then stroked this buttocks, reaching into his inner thigh. As expected, even Dean was disturbed. Rather, I feel like a single place was lacking in prudence and was beginning to swell……

While saying that a loli-baba was no good, he really was lacking in integrity.


“I like you! How about going for a round with me?”


What a straight pitch!?

Not only that but before we knew it she had started stroking Dean’s nether regions as well.


“Come on, come on. This place here doesn’t seem to dislike it, you know?”


How to say……the young girl who was stunningly beautiful and innocent looking was saying some deplorably vulgar things. Her inside self might be some ossan……

Perhaps Dean was still shaken, but he kept looking downwards……hm?

I realized it.


From that angle, one could look into the one piece’s collar and see the tips of the flat breasts!


——he seriously is a geni-……no, a pervert!


Perhaps the elf also realized that fact, as her face heated up while making a lovely smile.


“You want to touch this place, right? There’s no need to pretend to endure, you can go ahead and do it.”

“Ah, no……but-”


For some reason, Dean glanced this way.

Hmm, maybe his maiden heart was still conflicted……even if he worshipped loli boobs, he was still a virgin so maybe he was still being fussy about it?


“Is that your woman?”

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“Ah, no. She’s my big sis. Don’t mind it.”

“An immediate reply! ……could it be that you have some business with me?”


As expected of someone who’s lived for a long time, her intuition was good.


“Actually, I was thinking of having my little brother learn some magic……if it is an elf like yourself, then I thought that perhaps you would know of some magic that even this child could use.”

“Fumu……he does seem to have some sort of aptitude, so it’s not like I can’t teach him. However……”


I see, she wants some conditions for the exchange.


“Ah, if it’s my little brother’s body, then feel free to use it.”

“I see! Very well! I’ll teach him anything.”



The delighted elf pulled Dean’s hand, and began to quickly walk off.

I waved my hand with a large smile spread across my face. When he returns, we’ll celebrate the loss of his virginity!


“What are you doing? You two should also come!”




“It’s been a while since I last played in front of others! I’m fired up!!”




Isn’t this kind of strange? Was there this kind of event?

Now that I think of it, Harold who had become like air at this point seemed like he could not accept the reality of elf that he had yearned for, as he faced a tree and sunk down to the ground, powerless.

……it feels like we’ve destroyed the dream of a young boy. Sorry for keeping quiet about the perverted elf.

While I apologized in my heart, as she called us in plural with ‘you two’, I pulled the despondent Harold’s hand and followed after the elf.

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