Eroge Reincarnation – Chapter 5

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Event 3: The Stairway to Adulthood 【2】※Virginity・Legal Loli・Cowgirl Position・Male Restraint・Cock Ring


The elf’s dwelling was a single room that felt about 20 tatami mats large, and was unexpectedly spacious.

There weren’t many things, but that just emphasized the existence of the large bed in the middle of the room.


Now that I think of it, we haven’t even introduced ourselves, so for now I gave simple introductions for the three of us.


“Sorry, I didn’t give my name. I am Verde.”


As the elf——Verde, knocked Dean down onto the gigantic bed, she responded back to me.

She was probably using some kind of magic, as she easily pressed down the struggling Dean and fastened the chains from each corner of the bed onto his arms and legs. All while humming a tune.

The chains were prepared on the bed from the beginning. The posts that they were fastened to on the bed were rather worn down, displaying the frequency of their usage.

Harold and I were instructed to sit on chairs equipped with a backrest a short distance from the bed.

It was a place right on the side of the bed.

When I guided Harold to sit on the chair as instructed, I sat down next to him.


“Uu…my virginity……”

“When we return, let’s celebrate!”


I gave a good smile and a thumbs-up to Dean, who was sending a blaming gaze my way.

Honestly speaking, I did feel a faint sense of guilt and confusion…… I did, but, I also endured the octopus! In order to avoid the ero events that might happen to ‘Alice’, I wanted a decisive battle potential.

Sorry, Dean. Compared to my loss of virginity, the loss of your virginity isn’t as important.

On that note, if necessary I am willing to watch over the loss of my younger brother’s virginity here!

For Harold who got dragged into this, I will later apologize with all my heart!!




“Fufu, my long-awaited virgin……I’m looking forward to this.”

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Verde, who finished preparing a bottle filled with fluid on the side table, straddled over Dean, who was still wearing his clothes.


“P-Please be kind to me……”


Dean said that, as though he had given up.

Incidentally, that child has continued to speak refusals up until now, but I feel like during this time, his nether regions have been swelling……

Could it be that he was trying to act out a play where though he hated it, he was restrained and his virginity was forcefully taken away……!?

Now that I think of it, in the hidden folder of my previous life’s little brother, I feel like there was a collection of those sorts of things. Is this the situation that you’ve been yearning for!?


My feelings of guilt disappeared.

On the contrary, when I thought about what kind of play my brother was about to be involved in, I felt kind of mortified.


While I was anguished over such matters, Verde started to move.

As if she were checking out his body from on top of his clothes, she began to gently stroke him. From the nape of his neck to his shoulders, from his shoulders to his flank, and then his chest. Gradually, from her sensual finger movements, Dean who had initially appeared ticklish from them, bit his lips as if he were enduring something.

Before long, she skillfully finished at his abs, and then rolled up Dean’s clothes.


“Young skin is great……”


This time, she brought her lips close to his skin and began kissing, making cute lip sounds as she traced his skin.


“——Nn…um……somehow it’s…agonizing, but……ts-”

“How impatient. If I slowly prepare you like this, you’ll be able to enjoy it more, you know?”


Giggling, Verde’s hand slowly took its time making its way towards the lower half of his abdomen.

Though she looked like a little girl, right now she had completely taken control of this place. Even I, who was just watching, felt like I was about to be swallowed up by this atmosphere.


“……this part feels like it can’t wait anymore.”


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Moving between his spread out legs, Verde rubbed his groin from on top of his clothes. Dean’s body shivered and he let out a long sigh. Even from on top of his clothes, you could tell that the part that had been stretched out tightly was twitching.


“I……can’t. It’s too tight……”


Dean chewed on his frowning lips, and seemed like he was enduring something painful. The part in between his legs also looked like it was swelling to the point where it would tear his pants.

While saying, “Such an impatient guy” with an amused smile, Verde continued with her irritatingly slow actions as she loosened his belt.


And then, she put her hand into his trousers and pulled down everything, together with his underwear——!




Seeing the thing that bounced up as it escaped, I involuntarily let out a voice.

This is my first time ever seeing the real thing.

It was different from the memories from my previous life where we went to bathe together. I have seen some uncensored photos on the Internet, but I have never seen it in real life from such a close distance.

I wonder if it’s because he’s the protagonist of an eroge? It was longer and thicker than I imagined, and the tip was a little wet, making it glitter.

That thing with a pink color was extremely obscene.

When I think about how such a thing was growing from my own brother, I somehow felt that it was rather mysterious.


“Wai-……Nee-chan…you’re looking too much……”


Being told that, I rapidly averted my gaze.

Just what have I done……!

What kind of face was I making while staring at my little brother’s thing?

I could feel my own face getting red.


“Your elder sister is also quite the innocent one.”


I could hear the question “Is she a virgin?” being murmured. Sensing that there was a little bit of pity mixed into that murmur, I pretended not to hear it.


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“You have to endure a little longer, okay? Understand?”


As Verde reminded Dean a number of times, she took something from the side table.


“Just barely endure until the last moment, and then I’ll let you cum in the best situation.”

“Uwah! Not that! Stop!!”


While ignoring Dean who resisted while making a girly scream, causing the chains to clatter, she put the ring-shaped object at the base of the erect penis and equipped it.

I wonder if it’s something like a cock ring?

But for a cock ring the loop is awfully loose……and just as I thought that, Verde gently surrounded the ring with her hand.




Dean let out a scream.

In the blink of an eye, the ring shrunk and tightened around the base of the penis.

This time, she took the bottle from the side table, and started pouring a slightly sticky fluid drop by drop directly onto Dean’s penis.




Even that sensation alone was like torture to the constrained Dean.


“Now then, from here on is the main event.”


Verde flung off the one piece from her body and became stark naked.

White skin without a single stain and a flat chest with pink-colored nipples. The bottom part was……hairless. Not only that, but it was already wet. While staring at that place, the sound of Dean gulping rung out.


“Properly endure it.”


Straddling on top of Dean, Verde guided the penis with her hands and dropped her hips in one go.

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A voice that sounded like a shriek escaped from Dean’s mouth.

His arms and legs connected to the chains squirmed as he endured the pleasure he was given.


“Ahh……it’s quite big…and in quite a good condition……”

“Uu…ah, ah, don’t move……”


Her small body enveloped Dean’s thing deep within it, and as if to display it to us, she was pumping her hips up and down.

Having such improper and corrupt actions occurring right in front of me, while it was a bit late, I felt regret.


It was a live action deed that was different from watching it on a screen. Even if I avert my gaze, the obscene splashing sound and Dean’s heavy, anguished breathing, still entered my ears.

I did watch AVs in my previous life, and I played a mountain load of eroges as well.

But the raw deed being committed right in front of my eyes, truly was dirty.


In order to protect myself, am I allowing my brother do commit such dirty actions?


“Watch properly.”


Even if I was told that, I couldn’t raise my head.

Perhaps sensing my current state, Verde stopped moving her hips and said to Dean.


“Do you want to cum?”

“I…want to cum……please…quickly-”

“I see. Then, shall we have your elder sister work hard…..?”



When I reflexively raised my head, I saw Verde making an extremely malicious smile.

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