Event 3: The Stairway to Adulthood 【3】※Male Restraint・Fellatio・Boobjob

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“That man……Harold, was it? You also seem to be at your limit, so have Alice help you.”




I don’t know when he regained his senses, but having the topic suddenly turn towards him, Harold’s eyes widened.


“If Alice helps Harold cum, then I shall allow Dean to cum!”

“Oi, don’t drag me into this!”


Harold hastily stood up from the chair, but moving quicker than him was a rope that started moving on its own and coiling itself around him, tying him to the back of the chair with his hands fastened to the arms of the chair. Each of his legs were fixed to the legs of the chair.


“This is inside of my barrier. I won’t let you run.”


Though he rocked the chair, causing it to clatter, the rope did not loosen one bit. Harold, who became unable to run away from this place, directed his anger towards me, who was sitting next to him.


“You got it? Absolutely do not try to do something stupid, alright!?”



Harold’s voice was lower than usual, how scary.

I also could not understand why things had turned out this way.

Even though it was supposed to be an event for only the protagonist, and there weren’t any descriptions of the other party members.

Why did things turn out like this!?


“Alice, if you don’t work hard, then your little brother will stay like this. If it’s constrained for too long, then this place will become useless, you know?”

“Hih……AAaahh, if you move……! ——N-……Nee-chan…”



With such a dependent gaze directed towards myself, I involuntarily stood up from the chair.


“Have you become more motivated?”



When I glanced over at Harold, he was looking at me with a sharp gaze as if he would stab through me.


“What, there’s no need to worry about that. Didn’t I say that he’s also at his limit? ……come on, come on, even if he looks like that, he’s all prepared.”


Verde told me that while grinning and making a vulgar smile, and I once again peeked at Harold’s current state.

I was agitated and hadn’t noticed, but it’s true that the inner part of his pants was bulging.


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“Stop…don’t look……”


It was a voice completely different from before, laced with shyness as it trembled.

His appearance with slightly red cheeks as he looked away felt cute for his age.


“Um……what should I do……?”



It’s okay, I’m not scared. ——I decided in my heart.


The responsibility for Dean falling into this kind of state, and Harold being dragged into this, undeniably fell with me, I thought.

That being the case, I’ll take responsibility and see this event to the end!

To begin with, it’s because Dean chose the true ending with the highest degree of difficulty, saying that he wanted to save Harold’s half-sister, Princess Sophia.

The two of them need to pay some sort of sacrifice, so what need is there for me to hesitate!


“If you’re a virgin, then as expected you’ll have to use your mouth.”




Yeah, it’s okay……I think. Compared to the octopus legs, this is nothing……probably.

Perhaps he noticed my turbulent air, as Harold skillfully rocked his body in retreat with a clatter.


“Harold……I’m really sorry.”

“If you’re going to apologize for it, then don’t do it!!”


I took a deep breath, and resolutely extended my hand towards his pants.

My shaking hands loosened his belt, and unfastened the buttons at his waist one by one. When I finished taking off all of his pants, I could see something pushing up against the inside of his underwear.


“Wait……! Really, stop!! ——uwah!”


A girl’s got guts! -with a single hand, I pulled down his underwear.


“Huh……somehow the color is different……?”

“Hou, it’s already been used quite a bit, huh.”


The thing that bounced up was unlike Dean’s, and had a dark red, fiendish feeling to it.

It was rather unexpected compared to Harold’s usually clean image.

When I touched it, wrapping it up with my hand, it was hotter and harder than I imagined.


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“Right, like that, run your tongue along it.”


I ran my tongue along the penis as I was told, and repeatedly kissed it.

It was somewhat salty and had the scent of sweat and a sort of different smell, but unlike the octopus, it didn’t feel disgusting.

Peeking at Harold, who had suddenly gone silent, I saw that his eyes were closed and he was biting his lips.

Could it be that he’s feeling it?

Alright. I put some fighting spirit into it, and ushered his thing into my mouth.


“……tss-! Alice! Your teeth are……!”

“I’m sorry!!”


I carelessly grazed him with my teeth. Hastily, I released him from my mouth.

When I reattempted it, for some reason things wouldn’t go well, perhaps due to ‘Alice’s mouth being too small, or Harold’s thing being too big. I didn’t think that it’d be this hard to do this with my mouth.

I can’t keep doing this.

Dean’s anguished voice cheered me on.

It’s alright, ‘Alice’ still has that.


——if my mouth is no good, then I have my chest!


I stripped off the robe I was wearing, unfastening the buttons of my one piece down until my belly button, and nimbly exposed my chest.





Exposing my own chest is embarrassing, but this is all I have left.

Thinking that I wouldn’t be able to do it if I hesitated for even a single moment, I stripped off all the clothes I was wearing on my upper half while feeling all of the gazes around me.

And then I supported the breasts that were unthinkably large for the me in my previous life with my hands, and inserted Harold’s penis in between them.


“Ah……, just what are you……”


I feel like Harold’s thing had gotten even harder.

Though I peeked at his state while repeating various motions, his eyes remained closed as he endured the pleasure.

This is no good, I don’t have enough knowledge nor experience with boobjobs to make this go well……!


“Alice, you can use that.”


As I continued my testing, Verde called out to me.

When I turned to look at what she was pointing towards, the bottle that she used on Dean earlier was sitting there.

I see, if it’s that then it might work out.

Temporarily letting go of Harold’s thing, I poured plenty of the thick liquid from the bottle onto my hands. And then, warming it with both of my hands, I smeared it over my chest.

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When I returned to Harold’s thing, he was staring at my wetly glistening chest. Seeing the lust and expectation in those eyes, I felt confident that this would work.

Bringing my chest closer, I dropped them on Harold’s thing, inserting it between them, all in one go.




It was slippery enough that my chest smoothly went up and down.

I strengthened the power pressing my breasts together, weakened it, and every time I moved, the viscous liquid squelched, making an indecent noise.

Furthermore, as the final blow, I put the tip that was peeking from between my cleavage into my mouth.

Carefully making sure that my teeth didn’t hit it, I held it in my mouth while running my tongue across it.




Harold’s body shuddered.

Just one more push.


——with a single breath, I sucked on the thing clenched in my mouth.




At that moment, a hot and fishy smelling liquid poured into my mouth.




I unintentionally took it into my mouth, but is it okay to spit this out here?

Feeling puzzled, I finally used both hands to cover my mouth, and swallowed it down.


“……wha, you idiot! Hurry up and vomit that stuff out!”


Having reached climax, Harold’s breathing was ragged as he went into a daze, but he realized what he had released into my mouth as he hastily told me that.


“Sorry, I drank it……”



Harold lowered his head, and muttered “Sorry” in a quiet voice.

Even though Harold is the victim here, no matter how you look at it.


“I’m the one at fault, you know? It’s strange for Harold to be apologizing.”

“I didn’t…plan on letting it out into your mouth……! Dammit, this smell is……”


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All I can sense is the smell of Harold’s thing that I just swallowed though……

……huh, now that I think of it, the inside of the room is awfully quiet.


“Ah, what about Dean!?”


When I flusteredly turned around, the sight of an unconscious Dean limply lying down and Verde, who was riding on top of him with a murky white liquid dripping from between her legs, came into view.


Huh? Is it over?


When I tilted my head, Verde laughed in amazement.


“Seeing you two made me get rather serious for the first time in a while. You were engrossed and didn’t notice, but I properly let your brother cum, you know?”


It was a little too good and his consciousness went flying, she said while cackling.

What should I do, I didn’t notice at all.


“Oi, can’t you remove these ropes right about now?”

“Ohh! That’s right, my bad.”


After untangling himself from the ropes and standing up, Harold came over to me as I was fixing my clothes.


“For now, go rinse out your mouth. Wash your face too…….no, maybe a bath would be better?”

“If you’re looking for the bath then it’s just past that door. The hot water is already prepared, so use it freely.”

“Eh, wait, I can go on my own you know!?”


Harold picked me up as I was about to stand up, and for some reason carried me to the bathing area.


“Properly wash up your mouth and your entire body.”



The way he carried me and his words were so gentle I became confused.

Even though I had resigned myself to having him get mad and disparage me.


“Please don’t do such stupid things again.”


Saying that, Harold returned to the other room.


Afterwards, I purified my body with my mind still in confusion. No matter how long we waited, Dean wouldn’t wake up, and since we couldn’t just leave him behind, it was decided that we would stay the night.

Harold was kind, or rather, acted extremely gentlemanly like when we first met. But after entering the bath and letting my head cool down, my suspicious behaviors caused him some trouble.

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