Younger Brother will collect Onee-chan’s CGs! [2] ※Little Bro’s Perspective Tentacles (Octopus)・Masturbation・Delusion

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My refreshing morning starts with shooting off one load.


This was in order to control the sexual desires of I, the protagonist of the eroge, and was a sacred deed.

I, like other typical eroge protagonists, was <peerless>. However, I was still a virgin as I could not get a lover, since I still had yet to meet the heroines.

If I were to leave this sexual desire alone, the nearby people of the opposite sex will get horny and swoop down on me, so like this I must deal with things using my own hands.

Incidentally, it is once in the morning, and twice at night. This was the standard set every day.


This morning’s side dish is the ‘Alice is Entangled with an Octopus’ scene I obtained yesterday.

When I thought that and confirmed it with the folder in my head, I found some data that I did not remember collecting.

The title was ‘Alice’s delusion’……?

I had put the titles for all of the data I collected, but I don’t remember this one. There shouldn’t have been an event like this when I played the game in my previous life either.

While feeling doubtful, I decided the replay that data.

When I clicked to select the image, an option box appeared in my head.


Please choose a point of view.

▽Younger brother

    Older sister


This is my first time experiencing this phenomenon.

For now, I decided to choose the younger brother option.




[Aren’t you embarrassed to be spreading your legs in broad daylight at the beach?]


A strange being whose upper half belonged to that of a handsome human man with red hair and brown skin, but whose bottom half was made of octopus legs, entangled my big sis’ body with its eight legs.


[Uh-oh, don’t bite, alright? I’ll make you feel good.]


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One of the legs was sent into her mouth, and began to violate the inside of it.

The other legs infiltrated the cuffs of her clothing, and began to stroke her skin.


[Oh? ……this has become quite hard. I’ll help you relax it.]


Wait, what the heck is this!?

The octopus has turned into an ikemen?

It was a picture so I couldn’t move my line of sight. However, since I chose the younger brother PoV, I could guess that <I> was watching big sis’ current state from a short distance away.


[Oi oi, even though I’m so kindly trying to relax them, they’ve become even harder you know?]


Big sis’ body quivered as the ikemen octopus lovingly caressed her chest, but since she was wearing clothes, I couldn’t tell what was happening inside.


[So you still won’t cum with just your chest, huh……]


Eventually I’ll make it so that you can cum with just that though. —Even though it was an octopus it had a stupidly good voice.

Its face and voice were completely Nee-chan’s taste……wait, don’t tell me……?


[Today I’ll play with this part too…….]


The octopus legs coiled around both her legs raised them up and spread them to the left and right, forming an ‘M’ with big sis’ legs.


Is this what Nee-chan desires……?

The title of this data was ‘Alice’s delusion’.

There’s not even any need to think about it.

It seems that I’ve somehow managed to collect big sis’ delusion as an event.


……is this God’s revelation!?


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While feeling deeply moved and trembling, I rummaged around and took out my partner that had started to harden, and decided to enjoy this present from God.


[Your clothes are soaked. It’s probably like a huge flood inside.]


The octopus brought his face close to the crotch between big sis’ thighs, and humiliated big sis’ with his words.

And then grinning, he laughed, as the octopus legs skillfully ripped away her pants.

Unfortunately, it seemed that she was still wearing underwear. Not only that, but from here I couldn’t see it well.


[Ahh~, it’s completely saturated. It’s so wet……it’s see-through, you know?]


I can’t see everything from here, but as he continued to shame her with his words, the splashing sound of water could be heard from a distance as the octopus’ legs teased big sis’ hidden place.


[Haha! You really are lewd!! To be showing such a lewd appearance!]


Saying that, as if to put big sis’ wet place on display, the octopus shifted big sis’ posture.


[……Nee-chan, amazing……is it really that great? It’s completely transparent, I can see everything……]



Just as the <me> who wasn’t me said, the wet underwear was no longer fulfilling its duty.

You could tell that pink colored place was opening and closing, moving in an indecent manner.


[Look, have a proper look at this indecent place!]

[……ts! ……Nnn——-!!!]


The moment I thought that I wanted to see more, the octopus ripped away that underwear and spread the chasm apart to the left and right.

At that moment, my partner in my hand shot out its first load.

However, seeing the octopus leg teased big sis’ bud, causing love juice to overflow, I felt it swell again as it regained its hardness.


[It’s overflowing to the point that it’s even oozing to your butt. Being teased so inhumanly, this part is becoming this soaked, twitching……your clit is also hard.]

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When he flicked at the stiffened clit, even more secretions overflowed. Moreover, as if begging for more, her hips began to sway. Big sis really was debauched, is what I involuntarily thought, seeing her restless and improper appearance.


[It seems like it’s getting quite difficult for your friend, doesn’t it? Why don’t you guys help her cum?]

[Wha-…….! Don’t be stupid!]

[Don’t screw with us!]

[If you guys don’t help her come, then she’ll be like this forever, you know? Look, you should also ask them yourself.]


Don’t tell me this development is……?

Big sis gasped as the octopus leg was pulled out from her mouth, and expectation began to throb inside my chest.


[If you want to cum, then beg with your own mouth and say please help me cum.]

[Ah…….auu…nn! Moree……!]

[Come on, try saying, please help me cum.]

[I want to cum……please, touch me…p-……please…help me c-……um!]


——Nee-chan you lewd girl!!


I swung my hips as I extended my hand towards my pleading big sis.


[Inside Nee-chan…is so hot……]

[……Alice, did you want me to touch here? This place is awfully big and indecent…….]


Two of my fingers entered big sis without any resistance at all, and began to rub her inner wall.


——dammit, even though you’re a virgin, just what kind of delusions are you having! Feel a bit of pain, would ya!


Harold pinched her clitoris with his fingers and stripped it, and the octopus legs began to caress her chest again.

Big sis gasped and demanded more with that sweet voice of hers, saying “More!”.

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[The inside is twitching, and it’s amazing how much it’s tightening……are you about to cum?]


Before I realized it, I had increased the number of fingers to three, and found the single spot where the tightening became stronger, stimulating it.

The movement of these fingers isn’t based on my own will.

……big sis knows where she feels better inside of herself. For big sis who is definitely a virgin to know that means that she had to have consoled herself with her own fingers……


——ahh…dammit…..I’m cumming again……


When I thought about how big sis used my fingers to masturbate, I couldn’t hold it in any longer.


[Alice……if I pull back this skin, the stimulus will be stronger and it’ll feel good, right? Come, cum…….!]


And then the moment Harold strongly pressed down on her clitoris, big sis let out a salt tide while cumming and at the same time, I also shot off my second round.




“Haa…haa……dammit, it’s all sticky.”


Two shots in the morning. Not only that, but seeing how it was thicker than usual, I winced back.

Even so, it seemed that my partner still hadn’t calmed down.

Big sis’ delusion……she probably didn’t desire all of that, but the places where she felt it were probably real. I’m sure she also liked being humiliated with words as well. One day if big sis were to have a lover, should I tell him……?

While thinking some rather mean thoughts, I once again held my partner in my hand.


“Nee-chan’s PoV……how exciting.”


And then I selected the data once more, this time replaying it from the older sister PoV.


From that day on, my daily morning shots went up to 3.

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