Chapter 8

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Event 4: Thief Subjugation ※Bug


Dean finally learned magic.

Since that day it’s been about a month. We’ve continued coming to Verde’s place almost every day, and he learned a protagonist-like strong, one-hit kill light magic.

One-hit kill is the perfect phrase to describe it, as since the magic consumption for it is so high, his limit during battle is one time only. Not only that, but Dean’s magic recovery is slow, so if he uses it once, he becomes unable to use it for several days afterwards.

I feel like it’d be strongest if I learned this magic, but it can’t be helped if I don’t have the aptitude. Just means that it’s the protagonist’s exclusive spell.

In exchange, with such a complicated reason like since I “showed her something nice”, Verde also lent me her guidance. I wasn’t able to learn any new magics, but I was successful in coming up with a magic manipulation method that decreased my magic consumption. It’s a development different from the game, but I’m honestly just happy about it.



For this month, I haven’t seen Harold at all.

Harold doesn’t have any aptitude for magic and most importantly, it was hard for me to face him……

Honestly, just what have I done…..the more time that passed, the more I wanted to cry about my perverted actions.

However, I cannot avoid him any longer……!

Finally! The princess’ introductory event has arrived!!

From here on out, I will head off to subjugate bandits, and after catching those bandits, if the flag is properly risen then we should meet the princess disguised as a nun.

This event has me undergoing a slightly erotic physical examination done by the bandits, but since the main this time is the princess, I haven’t made any unnecessary countermeasures. If I put on a chastity belt or something, it was possible that I might conversely end up attracting the attention of the bandits instead.

If I endure for a while, Dean should come after me, and Harold who is looking for the princess should also come to the rescue. On top of that, the neighborhood vigilante corps should come running, so it shouldn’t develop into a serious incident……probably.

I wouldn’t need to be captured if we knew where the bandit’s stronghold was in advance, but the game didn’t have such detailed maps so it couldn’t be helped.


Work hard, me!

You’ve already experienced tentacles and a boobjob, so a physical examination is nothing!!


I put in a little bit of unclear fighting spirit, and decided to face today’s event.




And so, after Dean and I divided into two groups to chase after the bandit’s underlings, I was captured as planned.

Funny that you should mention that.


——the place where I was taken didn’t have the princess at all~!!!


Even though we set up the flags!?

But even when I looked around, the princess wasn’t here……why? Why!?


At this rate, getting captured will be a disadvantage, and even if I want to run away both my hands are tied up above my head and I’m hanging in a position where I could just barely touch the ground by tip-toeing. To begin with, because of the magic-sealing choker, I can’t use magic, so even if they don’t tie me up I probably wouldn’t be able to run away.

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“What are you doing, look around like that? What happened to your composure from earlier?”


The head of the bandits had black hair and an unshaven face, with a sharp glint in his eye……if I can recall, this man who held the name of <Owl> stepped out from the circle of ten men and approached me.

This <Owl> is quick to run away as soon as the situation gets bad, so the protagonist in the game never fought him, but in reality when I encountered him he was stronger than imagined.

Though my attention was drawn by the underlings, he easily put a magic-sealing choker on me and restrained me, despite how much I had raised my level.

When I thought about that agility, it would be difficult to escape from this place with my own abilities.

Until Dean comes to the rescue, I’ll have to somehow prevent this situation from deteriorating.


“It’s been a while since we last had a woman who seemed like she’d make some cash. You’re a poor noble Ojou-sama who has to earn money as an adventurer……right?”


His discerning eye for women is far too good……

Seeing as he hit the bullseye in identifying me, I fell silent and could only bite my lips.


“If we’re gonna sell her then first we need to do an evaluation!”

“If she’s an Ojou-sama, then it could still be her first!”

“We’ll also need to check if she’s carrying any other weapons!!”

“There are a lot of holes that a woman could hide things in after all!”


Vulgar laughter and tormenting gazes were pointed towards me.

However, the reason why they wouldn’t touch me is probably because <Owl> has that much strength. The men looked at me and <Owl>, waiting for the signal to start.


“We’ll enjoy ourselves later. If a guild request has been sent out, then they’re sure to locate this place soon. Collect the luggage!”


The men that were commanded thus gave a regretful glance towards me, but after being glared at by <Owl>, they hurried away.

Thank goodness……if that group did something to me, my life would be in jeopardy.


“It’s still too early to be relieved, Jou-chan.”

“Wh-What are you……?”

“There’s a noble that just recently wanted a girl like you. If I take you to him and things go well, we’ll probably be able to get the officials to turn their eyes away from us.”


The nobles of this world are also rotten! Though our family’s people are still decent.

More importantly, this development bothered me.

This line was supposed to be said to the princess……


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“It seems like he likes lewd Ojou-samas……”


Saying that, <Owl> took out a slender, 15-cm long black tube.


“Ah……no, that’s-……”

“Do you know what this is?”


Of course I know.


——that’s the thing that’s supposed to happen to the princess!!!


Inside of it is a bug with a shape similar to an earthworm. It is, so to say, a 【Lewd Bug】 recognized as a training item.

Little by little it secretes an aphrodisiac-like component on its surface, and within half a day it creates a lascivious woman. Since it was a convenient bug that doesn’t break the hymen, there was a craze amongst men to use them on chaste nuns and toy with them, a rare item with a shady history.

It was a standard fantasy erotic item, but to use it on me – you’ve gotta be kidding me!

Pulling at the ropes, I twisted my body and desperately tried to get away.




But of course, the rope didn’t loosen at all.

<Owl> caught my right leg as I kicked it up in opposition, and tied another rope hanging from the ceiling to my knee.


“You know what this is. Then you unexpectedly might like it, right?”


The man’s hand traced along my exposed thigh.

The disgusting feeling from that hand caused goosebumps to form.


“In half a day, a lewd Ojou-sama will be all complete.”



Without any hesitation at all, he cut off my underwear with a knife, opened up my chasm with his fingers and thrust the tube shallowy inside me.




A long and narrow, slimy worm, entered me.

I could feel something moving inside me, but……luckily there wasn’t any pain.

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Pulling out the tube, this time he put in his fingers, stimulating the entrance, and I could tell that something moved deeper inside of me.


“All of it…….went in.”


After checking my hidden place, <Owl> removed the rope on my right leg, untied my hands, and I collapsed to the ground lifelessly.

Perhaps it was the bug’s influence, but I couldn’t put in any strength at all. Even though the bug was just put in, this effect…… If I don’t take it out, then I’ll end up becoming an unbelievable slut……!!


“This is my first time seeing it work so well on a woman…… were you lewd to begin with?”

“Y-You’re wrong……!”

“——we’ve played for a little bit too long, ……there’s no more time.”


<Owl> said that suddenly and began looking at the surroundings vigilantly.

I still couldn’t sense anything, but……it seems like someone came to rescue me.

The moment I felt relieved, <Owl> easily picked up my limp form and put me on his shoulder.



“Be quiet.”


No no, at this rate I’ll end up being taken away, and I can’t have that.

Somehow I have to tell the people outside that I’m here! -when I impatiently fixed my legs with my arms, <Owl> quietly opened the window and jumped outside into the darkness.

Since it was the first floor, there wasn’t much of an impact.

Just on the other side of the building, I could hear the sounds of battle.


“The vigilante corps is it……how troublesome.”


Not appearing to be worried about his comrades, the moment <Owl> ran in the opposite direction from the uproar, someone flew in front of him.




<Owl>’s body got in the way so I couldn’t see his appearance, but was this voice Harold’s……?


“Your nose works quite well.”

“Let her go!”

“……well, this time I’ll leave it at this……catch!”


In order to divert the attention of Harold, whose sword was at ready, <Owl> threw me away.

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He had some superhuman strength, because after making a high arc into the air and falling down, by the time Harold caught me, <Owl> had completely disappeared.

Like the game, it seemed he was a character that would run away without fighting.

I was a little relieved that things had ended without Harold having to fight that man.


“Are you okay?”



Though I said that, I couldn’t put any strength into my body.


“Did he do something to you!?”

“……he didn’t.”


As expected, I couldn’t exactly tell him about the bug.


“Harold……thank you very much for saving me again……um, if possible, could I have you send me home?”

“Of course, I don’t mind, but……”


It seemed that he still wanted to say something, but as expected he wasn’t a person who would continue questioning whether or not something had been done to me.

As he lifted my limp form, he began to advance within the forest where we wouldn’t be seen by the public eye.


“Was Harold also chasing after the bandit group?”

“Yeah, there was something that was bothering me……”


Ahh, upon hearing that the bandit group didn’t just steal money and goods, but would kidnap well-bred girls as well, he came to look for the princess, was it?

Even she was originally supposed to face this event……really, just where did she go?


“Incidentally, did you see Dean?”

“No, today I haven’t.”


……for a moment, some anger towards my brother who didn’t come to save me welled up, but since the princess didn’t appear for this event, perhaps something had happened.

Some irregular developments had also happened to me.

As I swung in Harold’s arms, I could only pray for my younger brother’s safety.

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