Chapter 9

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Event 5: Rampant Bug ※Bug


As we advanced within the forest, it was around the time when a faint bit of moonlight started to pierce through the clouds that a change occurred.




The vibrations as Harold walked and the clothes rubbing against my skin, as well as the wind that gently caressed my skin gradually began to stimulate my body.

The aphrodisiac in the bug’s fluids had started to eat into my body.




Seeing that my condition was strange, Harold came to a stop.


“……did he do something to you?”



Just Harold’s slightly low voice entering my ears alone sent shivers running down my spine.

I have to hurry, hurry up and remove the bug……!

Ahh, but in this state where I couldn’t exert any strength at all, would I be able to remove the bug on my own?

In the game, the one who took the bug out of the princess was the protagonist Dean. But Dean isn’t here, and I couldn’t possibly allow my little brother to do something like that.

The only one that was here was Harold. Ahhh, that’s even worse. Last time, he’s the one who I did that to. Even though he already disdained me. Even though he thought I was a pervert. To have a bug put inside me by a bandit and start feeling it while being held in his arms is……


“Nn…… -ku”


I could feel something overflowing from my chasm.

Whether it was the bug’s bodily fluids or my own love fluids, I couldn’t tell.

My mind felt dazed and my body felt unbelievably hot.

I could no longer do anything about myself and simply looked up at Harold as if I were clinging to him.


“Alice, speak honestly. What did he do to you?”


Harold put me down at the base of a large tree and patiently stared into my eyes while stroking my cheek.

That also transformed into pleasure, and I lightly shook my head.

Perhaps he felt that I was refusing to answer his question, but Harold’s brow wrinkled as he continued with a voice filled with anger.


“……even though they didn’t do anything to you, you’re spreading such a dirty smell?”


“What do you mean, no? Making me smell such an intense stench of a bitch in heat. Is Alice a lewd woman who gets wet just from being held in a man’s arms?”


I almost cried as I shook my head.

No. I’m not a lewd woman. This is, all, the bug’s fault……


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“That isn’t it, right? Alice isn’t that kind of girl, right? You’re a good girl, so tell me what they did…….it’s okay, I will help you.”


When he murmured with such a kind voice, he wiped the tears that even now seemed like they were about to fall with his lips.

After that, as if to urge me to reply, he repeatedly kissed only my cheeks and forehead, causing my reason to slowly crumble.




“……a bu-, bu-…g……insid-……”


Harold’s eyes opened wide with surprise.


“A lewd bug!?”


When I nodded, Harold put his hand on my lap.


“For a bug this is……it’s working a bit too fast……let’s take it out here.”

“No…! ……I’ll do it myself-”

“Even though you can’t move? ……it’s alright, no one will come here. Only I, will see.”


Even though it being him was the problem, as I couldn’t move, I could not put up even the slightest bit of resistance as he firmly spread my legs apart.


“……tsk, so he took off your underwear too? ……it’s already dribbling this much.”



My robe and one piece were rolled up all the way to my chest, and Harold was staring at that place steadily under the illumination of the moonlight.


“With this I might be able to get in without preparing you.”

“Ah, ……no!”


Slowly, Harold pushed his finger in to search for it.

There was only a slight feeling of oppression, but there was no pain. Rather than that, every time the finger rubbed against my inner walls, my abdomen felt itchy as a sweet numbness ran through it.


“Alice, don’t tighten so much……”

“Ku-, nn-……, I’m not tighten-……”

“It’s narrow but it seems like it’ll be okay. I’m gonna put in another finger……”


He temporarily took out the finger he had inserted, bringing it back to the entrance before taking two fingers and putting the both of them back inside.


“Ah, ow……!”

“!? Are you okay?”


Even though the bug had aphrodisiac effects, as expected having two male fingers inside was a bit difficult. I could feel stinging pain.

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Harold faltered momentarily, but began rubbing the two buried fingers against the inner wall and moving it bit by bit.

And then, that soon transformed into pleasure.

A faint thread of pain remained, but at times the finger inside me bent as if to stimulate me, causing my vaginal wall to twitch as it contracted and tightened on the fingers. That also transformed into pleasure, and several heavy breaths began to escape from my lips.


“……I’m going to go deeper in.”

“Noo……! …Ah, Aaa-”


The two fingers that went even deeper inside stirred around my insides, making squelching noises, in order to find the bug. After every movement, every single place that the fingers hit felt like an erogenous zone, and I raised my voice, just barely managing to avoid climaxing from the pleasure.

However, no matter how much time passed, he couldn’t catch the bug. Based on the movement of his fingers, in order to run away the bug that was violently struggling began to let out even more fluids, and my hidden place began to overflow with even more fluids that were soaked up by the ground.


“This won’t work. Alice, let’s change the method.”


Saying that, Harold momentarily pulled out his fingers and took off my robe, rotating my body so that I was lying face-down.




Furthermore, he wrapped the robe around my waist, wreathing it.



“It’s alright. If I don’t do this then it’ll leave marks.”


Leaving me with my stagnating thoughts behind, Harold continued to skillfully do something.

The rope equipped around my waist was just long enough to fasten me to a thick branch above, and on the opposite end, it was put around the robe wrapped around my waist……with a jerk, my waist was lifted up and when the rope’s length was adjusted, my bodily posture was positioned so that my body was on the ground while my hips were raised into the air.




It was so embarrassing I couldn’t even let out my voice.

Though it was an unpopular area within the forest, I could tell that my appearance that exposed everything to the open air was being seen by Harold right behind me.

Saying “Alright!” with a satisfied mutter at my immodest appearance, Harold spread my legs and crouched down between them.


“Like this I can pin the bug down and stopped its movements to catch it.”



Harold gripped the flesh of my butt and extended his fingers towards the hole that was exposed to the air.


“That’s…not good……you’ll get dirty, so don’t touch it……”

“Alice’s place here is clean.”


Just when I thought the entrance was going to be stimulated by his fingers, this time a damp sensation suddenly assaulted me.

I could feel Harold’s breath on my buttocks. Could he be licking me from behind——!?



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……Harold’s tongue went in through my entrance, and came in and out a number of times as if to loosen it up as his saliva soaked it.


“……I have to make this part nice and wet.”


Ignoring my refusals, Harold inserted his tongue even deeper inside.

Even though this should have been the first time my intestinal wall was being teased, my body soon began to feel pleasure.


“Aah…no way……this is……!”


Even though the thing being touched was my rear end, my hidden place was still overflowing with nectar.

Harold rubbed his left hand against that nectar, and then gradually inserted it into the place that his tongue had relaxed.


“Relax……it’s okay, the only reason why you’re feeling it is because of the bug.”


As he talked to me kindly like that, his finger completely, without any mercy, advanced deeper inside.

When he finished inserting it deep inside, he whispered, “Here comes another one”, and took time to bury a second finger into my behind.

Around that time, my love fluids were pouring down my thighs, and both my front and back were shamefully twitching with convulsions.

For me who was agonized with embarrassment, Harold said several times “It’s the bug’s fault”, and called out to me, but even so I couldn’t endure my improper appearance being exposed, and gasped as tears continued to spill over.


“I found the bug. It’s okay, I will end this quickly……”


“Just endure for a little bit longer!”


The moment he pressed down on the bug with the finger in my rear end, the bug began to act violently, flopping around like a fish.

An unbelievable amount of pleasure sent my body into convulsions, and I didn’t even notice that the love juices that spurted out soaked Harold’s face.

Harold once again pushed his fingers into the hidden place that was contracting, and clamped down on the captured bug, pulling it all out in one go.




At that moment, a pleasure that I had never felt before rushed through my entire being, and I climaxed all at once.

Love juices gushed out, and on top of that, a lukewarm fluid sprayed out, soaking my thighs.

While feeling all of the energy completely drain out of my body, I parted with my consciousness.






Feeling a slow, comfortable swaying and the unique scent of a man’s sweat, I faintly recovered my consciousness.

My head still felt absent-minded, while some sluggishness still remained in my body, but there no longer was any of that difficult to endure sensation compared to earlier.

Harold carried me and continued through the forest.

We still hadn’t gotten out of the forest, so it probably hadn’t been that long since I lost consciousness.


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“Have you woken up?”


Perhaps realizing that my consciousness had returned, Harold continued walking while calling out to me.

At that moment.




I remembered that outrageously shameful sight that I had exposed, and felt my entire body go red.


“I’m sorry!! ……even though I did such a horrible thing to you……despite that, I, again……!!”


Wrapping my arms around Harold’s neck, I trembled from embarrassment.

The reason why my body felt completely refreshed was probably because Harold wiped me down after that.

The area under my feet had been completely soaked with love juices, and not only that, at the very end I……

The sensation of my thighs being soaked revived, and I once again recalled my incontinence.

I’m sure that in his eyes, I’m outrageously lewd, and I’m reflected as a pervert……

Even so, on top of dealing with the aftermath, he still tried to send me home. Just how am I to apologize to Harold?

From here I can’t tell what Harold’s facial expression is like.

He might be mad or he might be fed up, or he might even be both.

I don’t know what kind of feeling he was having hearing my words of apology again and again, but Harold who had been silently walking forward suddenly came to a stop.


“Alice thinks that everything is your fault, don’t you?”


I nodded.


“Usually, that kind of development would make a guy think how lucky~, you know?”

“That……depends on the other party! I, even last time I did that sort of thing to you right? You disdain me, don’t you? Don’t men hate that kind of perverted woman……!”

“Alice is……no-”


Harold started speaking to me, who involuntarily started to blabber on and on, but then stopped and thought a bit before opening his mouth once more.


“I have a principle of not doing things I hate. This time I don’t think that I want you to apologize. It’s just that last time’s thing, as expected, does make me really wonder……but this time if you listen to one of my requests then we can call it even.”

“Harold’s request……?”

“We can talk about that at a later date. Will you hear me out?”

“Yes……if it is something that I can do, then anything is fine.”


When I responded like that, Harold laughed a little and murmured “I’m looking forward to it”, before walking once more.

I felt happy at that kindness and grumbled involuntarily.


“So Harold doesn’t disdain me……”

“……because I don’t have such qualifications.”


I would only understand the meaning of those words at a later date.

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