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Eros was the Greek god of love, or more precisely, passionate and physical desire. Without warning he selects his targets and forcefully strikes at their hearts, bringing confusion and irrepressible feelings.( he 'loosens the limbs and weakens the mind'). Eros himself is a carefree and beautiful youth, crowned with flowers, especially of roses which were closely associated with the god.

Eros was one of the primeval gods who, along with Chaos and Gaia (Earth), were responsible for the Creation. However he often acts on fun and hardly ever owns up to his mistakes. Eros' arrows, often randomly aimed, made people fall in love. One of the most famous episodes involving this trick was when Apollo ridiculed the skills of Eros as an archer and the latter fired one of his arrows at the great god, making him fall in love with the nymph Daphne. Another such instance of Eros using his love-carrying arrows was when he made Medea fall in love with the great hero Jason.

His arrows have mysterious powers even he isn't fully aware of all of them (not that he cares). One time his arrow accidentally touch Aphrodite when he was flirting with her and he said come on mama lets go out and she then believed that she was his mother.So he turned into a baby and pretended he was her son...after manipulated some of her memories.

Eros is also omnipotence and there is no one who wouldn't or hasn't fell victim to him. He is considered the most beautiful being. Eros has a huge sex drive and It is also said he has slept most of the gods. Many gods and mortals are in love with him, hearts and body however he fell in love with Psyche you know that story (auxiliary chapter). He is faithful and spent a great marriage with her however as the god of lust he had to restrain himself which made him frustrated.

Due to this he caused mortals to fall in love with objects, trees, and animals. He also had many to stop loving gods just randomly and turned against each other. Eros is the reason for Zeus to have affairs with others but surprisingly blames Zeus for falling victim.

One day Hermes was sent to talk with Psyche and bring her to the gods. When she arrived surprisingly all the gods all these prideful, arrogant gods kowtowed in front of her asking her

"Psyche please for heavens sake for this universe please talk with Eros and have him stop shooting so many arrows. " one of the gods said

"Eros had made me in love with a rat so I put it in my..." a god said

"Eros had once erased the love of this mortal race and he caused a war that almost destroyed the world." a goddess said

"well causing the war was great for me" said a god

"well lets not start with each other"

The gods talked for days till Psyche said she will talk to him. when she arrived home she thought to herself 'Eros are you really the god of lust not the God of Chaos... for so many gods to bow themselves to me ' she signed and waited

When Eros arrived he was about to push Psyche down she had lust in her eyes but calmed herself first.

"Eros before this we need to talk" Psyche stopped him before he could take off his cloths she avoided looking at his perfect body.

Eros frowned 'what I need this right now...but if its from her it must be important she is more important than my lust' "sure dear what is the problem."

Psyche was happy and a little disappointed that he stopped and they were going to talk first

"Well I want to say I love you! you and passion mean everything to me"

"I feel the same I love you the most and nothing can compare to you" he bend over and grabbed her hands

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she gently pulled them away trying stop herself from getting aroused.

"but there is a problem"

Eros frowned " a problem" he thought for a while "is it our night activities? Are you not satisfied? I can make you more satisfied"

"N N No its perfect I mean your perfect in the bedroom. nothing can compare" Psyche went red thinking how many times she releases a night

" then whats the problem?"

"well its just that I notice this for a while that. "she looks down for a moment" that I'm not enough to satisfy you" tears fell down from her eyes

Eros gently wiped the tears from her eyes . "if that's all it is don't worry I am fine with only having sex with you. You are my everything being with you nothing else would be the same"

"I'm glad you say that " she smiles and kiss him on the forehead before hitting it in the head

"ouch" Eros says as he grabs his head

"stop pretending you get hurt"

Eros sticks out his tongue and winks

"Eros I know your frustrated " Eros eyes twitch" Eros I understand you love me and don't want to hurt me but seeing you suffer causes me great pains"

"So what are you saying you want me to sleep with random wom" he got hit in the head again

"NO I want you to find other woman who you can love and be worthy of you"

"But in this universe no one can match you"

"then go to another universe" Eros was shocked first that she is telling her to get other woman and the other suggesting going to other universes

"Eros you may think I would be sad if you get other woman and be honest I would be but you are the god of lust how can one woman keep you satisfied. I finish before you ever could be fully satisfied." while what she was saying was true still

"but I only need you. and what if..."

"Eros as long as you think of me as your first wife I'm ok with you having other 'WIVES' but no guys ok." Eros laughed because he knew his past

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" *sigh* ok fine but you will always be my first wife"

"but of course!"

"but where to go... I'll talk with Zeus later but first " he removed his cloths and his huge dick is up"

Psyche smiled and said"since this is going to be the last night between the two of us lets make it a night we wont forget" Psyche bent down

Psyche ripped her cloths off and looked at his huge cock. she was already wet. she started licking around the shaft with great joy. She then started to massage his balls. and one hand moved up and down his thigh

"Ah'Cmon faster "Eros said as he held her head

"get your Saliva all over the base" Ahh right there.

she sucked more till Eros came inside her mouth.

Psyche didn't stop she then begin giving a boob job. suddenly they're positions changed 69 position on the bed and he started licking her pussy'

Usually he doesn't do this not because he doesn't want to satisfy his wife but his technique is unfair.

As she trying to make him cum fast he starts attacking her pussy. licks around her clitors and puts his hand around her outer butt hole and runs his hands around it lots of water hits his face he continues attacking her knowing all her Spots...she held on and kept going up and down on his boob job and licking the shaft with her tongue till he came.

She was upset she came 5 times in the time he came once...

"Eros I want it make go crazy and brake me" Psyche says as she moved ass in his face"go wild in all my wholes. she said while cum dripped down her legs and mouth

Eros already erect dick moved from under her and ...

***2 hours later**

through out the bedroom whites stuff could be seen everywhere. Psyche could be seen on the bed with her ass out twitching. while cum is seen all over her body even her hair.

Eros got changed and waited for her to wake up when she woke up she was on cloud nine then look at him smiling" I guess you should get going now. Make sure you bring back lots of sisters so we can beat you" 'this was the first time hes used the touch of heaven...If he didn't hold back using die of pleasure' she thought with lust in her eyes but her body is sore from all the craziness

"Yeah I'm going to talk with Zeus" 'wow I guess I do need more wives! what a great wife always thinking about her husband'

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"I'm going now" Eros said after kissing Psyche on the forehead"I'll be back in maybe a few thousands years"

"why not try to create a new universe while your gone too you are more powerful than Zeus and don't think I don't know"

"ugh but that sounds like a lot of work well we will worry about that later" he waved "next time I see you I'll bring back lots of sisters for you" Eros said as he left and went to see Zeus

Psyche started crying "Finally I will not be able to last much longer. He isn't the god of lust he is the god of sex" she says and fell back in bed and went to sleep (she slept for 3 days) 'I have to train make sure I am strong enough as the first wife...I wonder if we have enough kids to start a universe..

"OH NO I FORGOT TO TELL HIM TO ENABLE HIS BODY TO HAVE SONS TOO... I Im sure it be fine..." (Eros has the ability to choose the sex of his child he set it default to female)

While Psyche was sleeping Eros was in front of Zeus

"Zeus I have a situation " Eros explained that he needs to find a wives to keep himself satisfied to make it easier on Psyche but said he cant find one on this universe

"Oh well that that's too bad but I do have something that can help you" he becons Eros to come forth and Eros did and Zeus gave him some items... lots of items... like they were there all along just for him... but Eros being Eros was not caring.

"ohh isn't that "

"with these they will aid you to find your wives... umm how long will you be gone?

"umm maybe a few thousands to million years"

" I see well let me tell you the items" Zeus said with a smile

1) Dimensional Travel ability - The user can travel between different dimensions and universes, and cross over different planes of existence or travel across various forms of reality.

2) Eye of truth- The user can see the truth. weakness and strength of anything...also increase aim...but Zeus didn't say that

3) A note saying we know you taken some of our powers so that's our gift to you when Eros saw that he laughed and burned the letter (anyone he has sex with he gains some of their powers he also can strengthen them but only did it to Psyche)

4) Zeus gave him Ambrosia and nectar after a manipulation arrow hit Zeus... He also shot all the other gods around to make sure they wouldn't have a problem with him taking it... (hes not scared of Zeus)

" well now that you have this when will you be going?"

I want to leave right now"

"ok I will see you in a few billion years right"

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"umm hopefully a thousand years"

"no no no you should try creating a universe of your own for you and your wives gain the power to be able to do it ok"

Eros thought for a while... "dont know might be work so probably not well unless I'm bored..."

Eros then created a Dimensional gate and walked through it as he walk through it he heard lots of cheering and bells ringing... on the other side you can still hear whats going on.Eros closed the gate while shaking his head, thinking maybe my greatness is to powerful that they sent me a farewell gifts even a goodbye party maybe I shouldn't create a new universe. If the other gods heard this they would cough up blood...

"So where am I... Oh I should change into a mortal first lets see one about a teenage..." Why change into a mortal. he want to experience mortal life ok he just thought it be funny to be one.

He has yellow/blond, medium long hair and Blue eyes. wearing a well-tailored suit. even through he made himself a teenage with a lot less attractive then his god self. he looked like a work of art super model.

He walks for a bit then he hears lots of talk about something called sword art online starting up tomorrow... he decides why not get it. he sees a random old couple

"hey grandma and grandpa" he shot a arrow at them and they thought he was their grandson

"Eros how are you doing its been way to long"

"Im good grandpa but I was wondering if I could stay at your place for a while"

"of course dear "grandmother hugs me and pats my head'

"but you will have nothing to do there?

"Oh I know honey why not get that new gear umm nerve gear and SAO"

"Oh Really that be amazing! I love you both"

they brought it for him and he went and set it up in the house. The grandparents were happy because their daughter passed away a long time ago so having their grandson here made them very happy.

He set it up and logged on to SAO... for some reason it kept his original form and he was able to use his powers... but he choose to remain a normal human... well a normalish then it started telling the story and said

"Welcome to Sword Art Online" Eros smiled and was happy then he frowned and thought

'why isn't it call bow art online...

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