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I looked around and saw beams of light bringing people in. 'seeing how here I can feel and breath I'm guessing the nerve gears links the mind to this 'game' It creates an artificial stimili to the brain I guess using the 'network' to justify the reasoning meaning if the network or system says something taste good it must in turn taste good. interesting but boring lets walk now'

As Eros was walking around he notice something

"whats this I think I found some fun" a smile appeared on his face. If any of the gods seen this face they would run.

"hey bro wait up" Eros is in the back and sees a Red haired man call out to a black haired man.

'oh calling out to each other in a alley way perfect' Eros thinks as he eating popcorn

'Oh the red haired man is asking him to show him how the game works. ohh that old line I see what your doing ' he drinks some soda' oh hes gently touching him good luck haha

The black hair youth named Kazuto ?oh looking at his true form hes a boy and the other is named Ryoutarou guy in his twenties... their true looks are better.

'oh Ryoutarou seems to need help fighting this boar haha classic move. and after Kazuto advice he defeats it. This is so good.'.. they fight together for a while now they are watching the sunset together.

"I want to thank you for your help today if it wasn't for you I'd don't know what I do"

"No its me who must thank you the online world is the only place I can be myself and now that I found you." Kazuto grabs Ryoutarou " I love you" he said with hearts around his eyes

"yo yo you what" Ryoutarou was scared and was backing away trying to log off but cant find the exit

"Are you trying to leave me, who the bitch who is it I have to kill "

"huh no no I cant log off... he looks into Kazuto eyes and says your the only one for me I was just scared because I wanted to be the first they looked at each other and were about to kiss when they were transferred somewhere

"What where did everyone go? it was at the good part"' oh I guess its a forced transfer....well whatever I'm going to sleep. I'm glad I granted someone happiness. ( he gave Kazuto or kirito a yandere shot because he seemed more aggressive and Ryoutarou or Klein a passive shot)

It has been two weeks since SAO has been sealed off from the world.

Eros stats are like this

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Race Primal god of Love, lust, passion. Universe Creator (LV?)

Lifespan True Immortal

World- SAO



Special- can charm anything and everyone from mortal to deity to even objects. Can acquire powers from people he slept with. Can heal anything. Max skill learning. age reversing. many more

Currently none of the players have cleared the first boss. As for Eros. he was just having fun. He flipped a coin and decided to wait a while to defeat the first boss.

"Eros Eros" the girl was waving running towards Eros. As he walked in the fields . The girl was wearing a yellow robe with a dagger and pouch strapped to her waist at the back, a silver breastplate and pauldrons, brown leather gloves with metal bands, black shorts, and yellow boots. her hair was light brown and tied into two tails by red ribbons

"Oh if it isn't Keiko! I havent seen you in a couple of days" Eros smiled and walked up to her. "I missed you"Eros wispered in her ear and licked. Keiko backed up completely red

"St Stp stop messing around" her face completely turned red. "I wanted to tell you I can now fight dire wolfs by myself." she said with a smirk "also call me silica not Keiko

"oh you did then I guess I should reward you"


"Yeah close your eyes" silica did that.

Eros walked up then he used hand to lift her chin up and he kissed her. Silica was shocked and tried to say something but Eros took advantage of that and attacked her month with his tongue. Silica tried to fight back but she couldn't even last a few seconds. then after a minute Eros moved his hands on her back and slowly slid it down. Silica had a shiver and she was already aroused and wet stuff was dripping down her legs. Eros grabbed her butt then .

A loud scream saying help

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"tstt We should go" Eros said Silica was in a daze for a second feeling relieved and frustrated.

they went to see a red hair girl being surrounded

"Now come with us back to the hotel let us relieve some stress and we wont kill you"

"Oi ganging up on a woman are you that desperate well its not like you will be able to reach it anyway." Eros shouted

{Rosalia POV}

How did this happen.

Thinking back this is to be expecting. Growing up my father abused my mother all the time and one day I tried to stop him and punched me so I threw a vase at him. Later my father left us I was happy but then my mother blamed me for the abuse saying he wasn't like that before we had you and cursed me wishing that she never had me...Those times were hard.

I decided to run away and started working at a shop but then the owner tried to take advantage of me because I was under age and I refused him and he burned my eye. Lucky I was able to get to the hospital before he... anyway my mother passed away and I acquired all her savings...I was alone

I was now covering up my eye with my hair. I heard about this SAO and thought maybe I can use that as a get away. I was lucky ... I thought because I was one of the first people to get the game. so I installed it and was like yes. I'll use this game to change my persona... or just to be happy.

I met lots of people at first and then D day happen and we were trapped I should have known knowing my luck. Then this guy talked to me and we became friends offering to take care of me. He introduce me to his team and then we were going try to get strong to get out of SAO but.. They were only after my body. when we arrived outside here they told me that if I don't give it up they will kill me. I was tempting them and its all my fault . damn don't give me that. I scream as I saw people but they just ignored me...of course people only think of themselves. I lose all hope and know after this I should only think of myself. I will kill anyone who oppose me. I'll sleep with them but eventually I will kill them and

"Oi ganging up on a woman are you that desperate well its not like you will be able to reach it anyway." a handsome man wearing black pants a white t-shirt and a black jacket shouted

"What was that brat will kill y" then something happen and all 4 guys surrounding me were on the ground their heath went red. What the hell just happen

"This is where you eyes meet mine. You are in the presence of a god usually Im fine with it but you interrupted my me time. " the men ran then suddenly they killed each other...

The man walks to me.. Im scared is he going to kill me My body shaking but when he looks at me I feel calm and protected he then says

"it was rough right" and he gives me a hug. I start crying telling him my story

"well don't worry as long as you want I'll look after you I'm strong" I look over see a girl pouting but I ignore her and I nod.. I dont know how or when but I ended up falling a sleep and wake up in a hotel room. I didn't even get his name. I then hear lots of moaning and shouting

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"Er Eros I am going dumb

Ahh Ahh yes

Yes more more

I came so many times I thought the first time was suppose to hurt..."

"Don't underestimate you man but dont worry I'm going easy on you. best thing I get to take your first time twice" he said as he started kissing her intensly.

'are they in that type of relationship why are they doing that here..' I said as I started playing with myself watching them. he saw me and told me to come to him.

He first tried to move my hair but I stopped him but he insisted and I showed my ugly scarred but he just smiled and waved his hand and it healed. I was so shocked I hugged him and kissed him... I then realize he was naked and I was drinced because. well he took advantage of that and pushed me down. then The girl named Silica started eating me while he kissed me and played with my boobs... It was a crazy night and I passed out and yelled at Eros


"I thought it was to get to know my wives" Silica and I blushed

"We haven't decided if we will even marry you yet alone the first wife"

Eros ignored me " Well Im sure you have lots of questions but they can wait till we meet in the real world"

"Yeah but first we have to beat the bosses we havent even beat the first boss" I said sadly but thinking I have nothing I become even sadder

" I regret getting SAO if I never I wouldnt have to suffer trapped in this stupid game" I cried Eros then patted my head and I looked at him strangely and he said

"Well I am in fact glad because I got to meet both Rose and Keiko." How can he just say stuff like that "plus I get to take your first time twice" He smiled like a kid. I don't know what to do with this lump head.

"But what do you mean trapped in this game?

"huh you know how we can't log out and if someone removed your helmet you die in the real world!" Silica says and did he call me rose...

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"What I thought everyone here was just NEETs are something"

""YOUR MOMs A NEET."" Both Silica and I say I move my hair showing my scar free face and say "Dont you remember when they summoned everyone and we were force to look like our true selves and told all this"

"oh I didn't go"


"I didnt go I was sleeping"

"how come they weren't able to summon you"

"Yeah and who are you"

"oh maybe cause my level is Max as for who I am well I'm Eros like I said" He smiled

Silica and I look at each other and say there is no way stop lying"

Eros just smile and said "well lets gather everyone and have a meeting to discus beating the boss because this is just sad and boring. Why dont you rest for a while I know your going to be weak for a while. He said as he got up and changed and walked to the door but stopped





"You two are now my women and nothing will hurt you again or my name isn't Eros" he said as he walked out the door.

I don't know why but I feel stronger and calmer like the ocean serine. but most of all happy and now I got a little sister too. Me and silica hugged each other and slept.

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