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Eros arrives at his destination and find it strange.

"hmm the creatures here can talk human language. lets sneak around"

Eros is exploring watching lots of singing, then a lion blame a cub for the death of his father. The lion runs off. Eros was wondering why the elder lion didn't just kill the other lion if he wanted the herd to himself.

"I'm bored maybe I should go... wait my wives can't see whats going on right now... so I guess I can have some nectar. " Eros did his smile. "Geeze Asuna telling me to not drink Nectar anymore saying I can't control myself when I drink." Eros takes his nectar out" I am a man I do what I want.

***1 year later***

"hmm what happen.." Eros looks around hes naked and sees a beautiful place and only humaniod female lions around the area but none around him so Eros assumed he must have been made a god and worshiped or something so Eros then gets up and makes a voice heard throughout the world.

"well your Eros has a lot of things to do so he will leave this world now best wishes to all of you. Eros opened a portal and walked through and closed it. Eros didn't know or care about what happened during his blackout.

{Nala POV}

"no it can't be the God Eros is leaving us"

"how can this be he has made us stronger and made us immortal by drinking the nectar of life. we became similar forms to his." Tears of all the woman who had laid with Eros and evolved were heart broken. this is what they look like or

I have to do something as his first lioness i have to say something

"God Eros came when we needed him most. He provided food water and protection. He gave us lots and lots and lots of love." Every lioness blushed " He killed that traitor scar and made sure nothing will harm us we have shelter haha and we all have had the best sex of our lives."


"So I ask my should we get a useless man after being with a god. I say nay!


"Then we should only have us lioness together and form a group of women strong proud and noble worthy of OUR GOD EROS so when he returns he can take us and gives us lots of love and children! what do you say"

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"Then from this day until Eros returns we are the lioness amazon group of the Lust kingdom and to satisfy ourselves we will sleep with each other until our God returns "

"YEAH" Most amazon groups were formed after Eros woke up from nectar and left the girls alone.

{Eros POV}

Eros then walking around in the new world feeling like someone is talking about him but then thought isn't that normal.

'So this world is... really bad. poor education, surface of the Earth is hopelessly polluted. The sky is always hidden behind black smog, while the sun making only brief appearances every now and then. Thick, toxic fog frequently covered the cities, so almost no one goes out without wearing a gas mask beforehand. Of course, the pollution extended to the water as well as all the rivers which led to it changing into horrible colors and becoming murky. The pollution is so bad that water purification systems ceased to function, so even tap water had to be passed through a filter before it could be drunk.

The government had basically ceased functioning, and police remained only in name. Naturally, public safety worsened, and gangs of thieves and hackers operated in the open, but society as a whole wasn't actually thrown into chaos. Most people quietly commute to an office and put in their hours. Employees are treated cruelly, but they never complained, and almost no one rebels against their administration. The reason they dont is that anyone who revolted against their company would have been unable to survive in that world

There is a system that would automatically record everything which went on in the virtual world. As an aside, it would retain footage for a month, automatically deleting it after that. Naturally, a lot of people would want to avoid wearing that kind of helmet since its an indicator of giving up one's privacy.

However, most if not almost everyone had the unknown helmet on them was because it is not only mandated by computer laws, but also to protect people at the same time. The neural nano-interface was a human brain augmentation which allowed it to function as a supercomputer — a super high-performance personal computer. It was essential for daily life, but sometimes they were used in crimes as well.

But all that is boring long story short life sucks s people get a neural nano-interface to go the virtual world for escape...which i don't blame them. one such escape is by playing a game called YGGDRASIL. which is a Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (DMMO-RPG).

I decided to get this game because this world looks like fun... Ok Yui wanted to play it and I can't refuse her... So we got this game and started playing. the other girls talking about baby rooms and names when they have children...they seemed to be talking and drinking nectar so I thought it be better to leave them alone.

We both master every technique in the game then we ran into a guild called Ainz Ooal Gown.

"Hey we saw your guild and would like to join your guild" I spoke to a man named Touch me

"hmm I'm sorry but we only allow Heteromorphic Races to join our guild"

"Huh then why can't we join? I am Eros and my character is a God oh you can call me cupid as my ingame person and this is Yui shes an angel" We showed him our wings. "we also can transform to our true form oh and I have a charming power that can charm anyone with my world Item bow and Yui can use any magic and has unlimited mana weakness is close range.

"Ohh thats amazing " A skeleton came up and then we bonded with each other

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"Yup isn't she cute "

"Life isn't fair I wish I had a daughter"

"Well I have more than one"

"but you seem so young "

"haha yeah drinking will sometimes make a kid" Sweat came from everyone back

Well long story I joined the guild. You may ask why its because heavens child is here and I want to mess*cough* aid his growth. well since then not much has happen I created cerberus which guards the maids and Hydra which protects the treasury along with Pandora's actor. Oh Suzuki I mean Momonga became the guild leader for all his hard work. He works too hard he should relax more. I just sleep most of the time flirt with the girl guild mates which pisses some people off thinking I can't fight then one day i shot my arrow at the enemy they killed all their team and then themselves. Everyone was shocked and aww. I also tried to flirt with the NPCs and area guardians but they only seem to know basic commands but Yui wants to be a big sister so I cant give up. The guys started calling the god of lust. Then the game started shutting down and everyone started leaving the game. the girls gave me their contact through...Well It was just the four of us during the final time well Momonga thought it was just him and herohero then when herohero left he was super depressed.

I was sleeping till i heard the 10 minute countdown Yui was playing with Shalltear. Something about fellow flat-chess...I go to the throne and see momonga about to mess with Albedo programing.



"haha whatcha doing?"

"NO-nothing" he says pretending"I didn't know that you were logged on still"

"huh why wouldn't I be on? I just fell a sleep" 'is all you do is sleep?'

"Oh Albedo is hot right? Lets mess with her programing just a bit"

"hey I I not sure we should do that"

"come on you were about to do it but I caught you it be funny. I mean everyone but the three of us our still online"

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"three of us?"

"Yeah Yui is playing with Shalltear" Eros manipulated Albedo and added loves Eros

"I made her love me you know I love charming people"


"so how you feeling buddy you seem depressed?"

"Everyone but the three of us are left I feel kind of angry and depressed. I mean its the moment we will be able to play this game together."

"i guess but that's what happens when people grow older. People priorities changes kids, job, love all these factor in into determining if you like or how much you can enjoy something. its human nature to change."

"well i wish i wasnt human"

"i wouldn't know i'm god"

they looked at each other and laughed. They looked at the flags of and sigh

"it was fun my friend"

"you too but you should learn to have fun and do what you want"

"ok then lets have everyone bow down"

"pftt hats fun I guess acting like a overlord is a thing for you"

"10 seconds"


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"whats going on?"

"daddy daddy were stuck in this game"

Yui came hugging me

wait if thats true "Albedo"

"Yes Eros-sama"

"Do you know who I am"

"yes your the General know as the God of Lust who Lust for battle has no bonds a unbeatable person considered the strongest"

"ok stop"

"yes Eros-sama"

Eros looks at Albedo chest 'she seems to now regained her inteligence and I wonder what will happen if I do this. Eros then starts messaging Alebedo breasts and she almost passes out... but Eros stops. and looks at Momonga

"I felt that we are definitely inside the game... hey aren't you happy now your no longer human"

"I dont know how I feel about this."

"well no worries we should plan for the worse and adjust to our bodies I am going to take a nap."

"Wait" Eros goes to his room and sleeps

Momonga looks at Yui and she says Momo-chan I'm going to sleep too it was an eventful day... So have fun She teleports too.

"HOW CAN YOU TWO BE SO CAREFREE "he glows and then calmed down

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