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"Eros come one we have to conquer the floor

"yeah Eros were going to do it our Sleeping Knights are going to beat this floor"

"but I'm doing my job as a sleeping knights and sleeping" Eros said as he rolled back to sleep

""Come on the guild mates are waiting""

"ugh sleep is needed"

""we'll let you touch our breast"

"ninja ninja" another girl nodded

"what do you mean let me" Eros quickly started touching both twins boobs and used his third leg to rub against the ninja girl "you three are already my women so why should I have to ask permission from you three..."

Its been a few months since Eros has started playing ALO and Eros being Eros found the twins who were friends with Asuna and started dating them. they said they were sick and stuff about dying so they didn't want Eros to become attached. the girls names are Ran (Konno Aiko), her sister Yuuki (Konno Yuuki). They have AIDS they got from a mistake a doctor did... They fell hard for Eros and and they loved him which made them sad. Then one day Ran, Yuuki, Merida and Asuna formed a guild. Eros didn't know what happened but they fought each other and became best friends. Eros knows better than to ask girls about their fights.

"There guild consisted of people who were terminally ill and Eros and Asuna Eros because they thought he was mentally dying. and Asuna for terminally ill for choosing him as a husband... Eros was shocked with their reasoning..but also found it funny.

Eros then woke up and from his "sleeping position and said ok tell me where all your hospitals I will cure your illnesses " Eros message all of the guild this

Everyone got pissed off at Eros for making such a claim but Eros said" trust me I am Eros the God nothing I or my wives can't do."

No one believed him but they begrudgingly gave in after some conniving. Ran, Yuuki and Merida were nervous to meet him because they were fearing that he would be afraid of them or find them ugly but Asuna assured them they have no worries

Eros and Sachi the now Goddess of healing created medicine and procedures that shocked the world they were able to cure AIDS, had found many painless and healty ways to cure cancer and heal wounds they shocked the world. (Actually they were working on them ever since they met the girls but it took a lot of paper work and stuff to finish up. they also had to do testing to prove it was safe) afterwards Sachi was called the goddess of medicine with her knowledge and genius many people wanted to learn from her as for Eros... God of Lust because they heard he only worked on this to heal his girlfriends and also had lots of girls. Sachi even said this

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"oh Eros he thinks with either his lower half or his fist."

Oh Eros wasted no times he didn't want his three wives to go through recovery so he gave them a feather and a drop of his blood they heal quickly. When Eros was asked what he did his response was. With true loves kiss. It kind of pissed EVERYONE OFF. but his fan club had grown

As for the three parents Eros was already good with them and was taking care of their payments and already married to them legally so they moved in with him. well after a huge foursome which turned into a twelve-some.

Eros had already informed the girls that they were leaving soon but Eros was missing something he doesn't know what...

"whats wrong Eros" Suguha asked as she gives Eros a boob job "is it not good enough" She looked sad

"what do you mean its amazing ever since I gave you my feather and blood your techniques have improved" Eros says as he sprays her with his seed

Suguha surp and swallows the cum and shows her tongue showing its all gone "then whats the problem?"

"oh well I feel like I'm missing something. here I have lots of hot girls and my grandparents here are and asuna father are going to run the company so I should have no worries but I feel I need something." Rose on the bed having cum falling out of her butt" Thats it I need a assgirl"

Eros nearly shouted


"yeah but I want to try a girl with a good personality. I don't want to choose just anyone. I'm going to try Gun Gale online. Its easier to find people from their ranking there"

"but what if its a gu...never mind eye of truth"

"Asuna , Ran want to join me?" Eros asked

"help you get another girl?"

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"I think we'll pass that would be awkward"

"Ugh fine suit yourself"

Eros then left and went to play GGO. the girls then asked

"So does anyone know what a assgirl is?"

"I'm not sure more importantly didnt you notice he chose GGO it was like he knew whom he was looking for already."

"no way he never played right?

"yeah but I remember Grendy, Eros and I were playing finger bang karokee in a office and I accidentally turned on the TV and on it was a blue haired girl shooting a gun. I thought nothing of it but he stopped and stared at her. Also they had a close up of her butt and was nice" Yuna says

Asuna look at her butt and thought maybe I should work on my butt too.

It was kind of fast actually. The girls didn't know what happen but in a month a girl named Asada Shino. She was suffering from a trauma she had at a young age of using a gun and killing a bank robber. Ever since that day she has been afraid of guns. She was playing GGO in hopes to recover. Then she met Eros and they became good friends. Eros said he saw her on TV and wanted her ass on tv and wanted it to be his. Shinon had never seen such a shameless guy in her life. But she wanted to play her cool image and said well if you want my ass you have to catch it... little did she know she walked into the lions den. Every-time she seen Eros he would flirt with her. One or off line. Sometimes she would cry and he hold her and talked with him for hours. At first it was just kindness then it went flirty then Eros started touching Shinon grabing her ass, boobs kissing her. she didn't stop him she then said he still didn't make her his. One day she was shooting some red players with Eros and Eros came behind her and well he fucked her like crazy she surprisingly didn't resist in fact she was kind of meek and they became closer. IRL Eros and her went on a date and he took her somewhere... it was unknown where he took her or what they talked about but she seemed different and was ok with weapons. Eros then made her his woman completely and well now shes one of them.

It has been a few months since then.

"So shino you settle everything correct?"

"yeah Eros I'm all good to go"

"suguha you said goodby to kirito and your mother?"

"yeah they knew our relationship so it was easy"

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"Ran, Yuuki how are you doing my little twins"

""were good and ready to play""

"Sachi is your parent good"

"mmhmm thank you for asking. "

"Keiko wait never mind Rika are your parents business doing ok"

"wait what do you mean nevermind what about my parents" "the ones who cried asking if something was wrong with me for taking you?" "yeah lets not talk about them"he looks at rika

"Thanks to you my parents are doing great"

"good now Merida whats new with you?"

"nin""say nin again ""I I was just joking haha everything is good thanks you sir"


"All deals are done"

"good, now Yuna"

"Good I sold my last album and told my father that were leaving

"Yulier "

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"Everything has been giving to Mr Yuuki oh and he seemed to be having fun with his nurse"

"Tha thats good. Griselda?"

"I put a made videos of all of Yuna tapes her poses and nice sexy poses"

"I love you Griselda" "Kyouko any news"

"no one is pregnant sadly"

"no worries were immortal "

"Asuna you do the honors"


"""""""""""YeA""""""""" Eros eyes twitch


"yes daddy?"

"You ready to have fun"

"yes daddy"

"ok girls lets go the the next world" Eros entered his true form and opens up his wings and the girls jumped into his wing

Eros then opens a portal. and said loudly heard throughout the world "Eros is now leaving and then told the world Ok everyone EROS IS NOW LEAVING BEST LUCK WITH OUT ME AROUND THEN EROS" Lots of cheering could be heard Eros thinking wow no matter where I go people will miss me I guess I'll return in a few years as he walks through the portal...if they heard this they would throw up blood. everyone was celebrating because They were scared Eros would take their girls or he would turn you gay. Everyone who got involved with Eros either fell for him or turned strange or gay or loved animals too much. Even the people affected found it strange till they realize it had something to do with Eros the only thing they could do is celebrate the god of chaos is gone . throwing salt at their doors praying that he never returns not wanting him to step foot here again.

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