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They walk inside and Eros takes them guest room and he served tea. Klein then came in and kiss Kirito.. and leaned on his back

"So what can I do for you?"

"oh not much we just were in the neighborhood and thought we say high and wish you a happy new year"

"oh happy new too you too" they bowed

"So how did your family take your relationship? we ran into your...sister or cousin at the door"

"She seemed angry and for some reason thought I did set you guys up"

"what if you did we thank you"

"sorry about my sister Suguha"

"haha no worries so I'm guessing issues"

"well she thinks its strange but I can't help who I love. I had no one before always by myself Klein here was the first person who understood me and hes my best friend partner and someone that makes me happy" They talked for a while then Eros said he has to go but when he was leaving he said

"In the past men had sex for men for pleasure and women for making babies so its not unusual for that to happen so no worries and you do you forget about what everyone else thinks" Eros says as he walks out.

"daddy daddy can I go to grandma and grandpas house

"sure honey, why not take Asuna to meet them I will join you in a bit"

"hmm what are you going to do now?" She knows hes going to cause trouble

"me Oh I realize there is not enough love in this world so I will help some people

"o-ok just try to limit it ..cupid"

"yeah no problem"

as they left Eros was giddy "heh I love helping people I must be the kindest God"

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then Eros started walking around town shooting people, animals and objects

he say Suguha at a school


"ah ..y-yo?"

"what are you up to up roof? you shouldn't jump suicide will end up bad for you"

"I'm not jumping just thinking about my life.." Eros stayed there in silence then she finally "ry"


"rry "

"what did you say something?"


"For what?"

"For slapping you and kicking you"

"oh that haha yeah that was a first for me. its fine"

"but are you going to be alright I take martial arts and I'm strong so I was worried I damage it"

"Oh don't worry it works just fine." Eros then sits down having his back on Suguha

"Life is funny isn't it" She was embarrassed having a handsome guy back on her

"wh whats fu funny about life"

"Humans life are short normally you live to be 80-100 always seeking the person of their dreams. Some never find it, some think they find it but lose it and some find it multiple times. A person often doesn't have a right to choose who or what they want in life. Those who can are lucky. So humans try to do whatever they can to be secure. They chose people who can make them feel safe.

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"safe? Secure?" She looks a Eros

"yeah back in the cavemen days most women would go to the strongest caveman, then it was the strongest chief, best hunter best cook, a warrior. if they've been hungry before a farmer. then nobles"

"wait thats not true anymore right now people don't do that and what does that have to do with anything"

"People are always like that even now. Celebrities, idols, models, movie stars, heroes, handsome/ attractive people, wealthy person. Let me ask you something if someone was wealthy and ugly or handsome and poor who would you choose... you more likely would choose the rich person. That doesn't make you a bad person but you feel safe with him. A man cheating with his childs babysitter why because this woman is taking care of their child or a maid taking care of my home something that feels good. thats one of the reason men find pregnant women sexy because they're taking care of our children with every action they do. "

"we-well what does that have to do with my brother"

"simple he feels more secure around men and Kleins the one he feels safest around. that attraction becomes a desire and every time they're together it feels like they're complete"Eros turns around and hugs Suguha "tell me do you feel safe and secure around me" Suguha blushed like crazy her mind went blank

"I I dont know"

"Klein saved your brother"

"huh" shes tries to turn around and realize thats his face

"Your brother wanted to kill himself he wanted to give up. Klein gave him hope and drove him to be strong. I know its difficult to understand but know this they do love and care about each other.."

"I'm still a little confused but" She looks down

"No need to change your thoughts right now. Remember this your brother will always be there for you ok take your time and let things go their course..."

"O-ok bu -but can you stop "

"mmhmm *nibble* stop what?"

"Stop AHH*moans* playing with my chest" Eros was playing with Suguha's breast

"I'm not I'm not, I'm just helping you relax" Eros starts bringing his left hand down to her thighs and right hand playing with her boobs while bitting the top of her ear

"Please stop I I am scared whats going on I never felt this before "

"don't worry" Eros says as he starts rubbing his hand down her panties and slowly "ah ahh aahh"

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"ha *breathing heavy * What was that. "

"That was your first oragasm nice right come here let me reward you " Eros then started kissing her. She didn't even know what was going on and next thing she knew his tongue was in her mouth and she was losing her mind. she then came from a kiss..

"hmm a little too much for you huh" Shes passed out with a look of love in her eyes

Eros carried her to her home

"hey Kirito I saw her crying on a bench and talked to her she cried her mind out till she fell a sleep"

she had tears from cumming much actually but Eros wont say that

"Oh thanks"

"she said she will try understand your guys relationship now"

"Thanks buddy oh and thanks for that book on techniques I will try some later '

"haha no problem" Eros then left. Kirito brought Suguha to her room but she has been awake but she was thinking

"I think I'm in love..." she looked in her pocket and his number was there. she smiled"I guess I will have to call him maybe he can help me out some more"

{Eros POV}

So after that some stuff happen. Kirito and the girls started playing a game call ALfheim Online. they have fun. I didn't play I've been busy

I had to run my company and set up certain tasks meetings Asuna father and I became good friends he is a pervert through... he asked me to have sex with his wife while he watches.. I didn't through hes a huge M. nothing wrong with it. Kyouko-nee is still trying to sleep with me ohh I made them both younger. Like she looks like shes Asuna before I gave her my powers. She says she hasn't had sex in like 15 years... scary.. unless I'm sleeping I couldn't do that. I did give her a massage through. she almost jumped me when she woke up from it.

Yuna and I made a album together and we perform together she also started singing in ALO. Her father and I are making a new game.

Yulier is now my official secretary. she is helping me lots I have to reward her later

Rose handles all meetings she can manipulate everyone to going her flow

Griselda is helping Yuna and is her aid she does her meetings and stuff like that. They also became great friends. Well they are sisters now.

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As for Suguha she playing the game ALO as a person named Leefa. she said she choose a form that I would love to touch. she is too tempting. Oh yeah she became one of my wives I couldn't hold on much longer she was at school and I took her down. I will give her blood and feathers later through a reward like if she makes a new record in ALO.

As for the rest of the girls they been going to school together and they just been gaming ugh.

My grandparents are running the company great too. They are amazing My grandfather looks like hes in the 20s and grandma looks like shes in college. They are always spoiling Yui. Yui just follows me around haha oh she became a goddess of AI... why not goddess of love.

like that 6 months have passed

So what am I doing now I am fucking Kyouko right now... what I mean I can't say know to a girl who hasn't had sex in 15 years oh Asuna is here too . mother and daughter pair. oh don't worry I found out a perfect person for papa yuuki I got him with this sadist JSDF nurse named Aki Natsuki. I hear she likes using whips and stuff like that from what he told me he's never been happier.. I turned Kyouko into my woman...gave her a feather and a drop of blood.

"ok girls girls wake up"

"mmhmm Kyouko starts kissing my dick and Asuna goes for my face."

"stop remember I'm going to start playing ALO now"

"ohh ok lets go I'll meet you later I met a cute twins that I think you will like them"

"You think that will work on me"

"yup your dick got up just thinking about twins"

"Well yeah actually before that one more time. You girls got me hard and I need some stress reliever."


"oh remember to try to finish up everything we will leaving this world in 2 years okay"

"we know come on already"


"heh what am I going to do with you two. I'll try to be gentle" The two girls passed out and woke up sore

"Now lets play some ALO" Eros was looking forward to getting some twins

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