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Our destination is the base on the front lines.

A sizable field hospital could be seen in a field along the road.

There were shacks and tents lined up in five or six rows. The shacks were hastily put together and looked like they could collapse at any moment. Inside some of the tents, I could see dozens of injured soldiers lying on blankets.

There's a constant humming noise that can be heard throughout the camp. I believe it's caused by the recovery magic that's being used to heal all of the injured soldiers. It seems like there has been no break in the fighting. Those that are resting here are still wearing full gear and covered in blood and grime.

?? man: You guys! Can you use magic!? Can any of you use recovery magic!?

And my services were immediately needed.

The armored Old man was desperately looking at each of us.

I started working to heal all of the injured that I could.

This man is some kind of priest or healer. I'm not sure how long he's been caring for these people but he's clearly fatigued.

I started healing everyone

Almost every injured person is a man. Even worse than that they're all men with large muscles and broad chests. Even their faces are scary. Of course, I don't mind looking at these men in a normal situation. however, their injuries are all so terrible I don't even want to get close to them.

It would've been so much better if they were all cute girls.

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I activated my recovery magic.

At the same time, I pushed both of my hands out in front of me and the magic circle covered the entire tent. I must look so cool right now. After a few moments, my recovery magic started affecting the injured men.

The man holding his own entrails and even the main missing the lower half of his body…it may seem impossible to believe, but as long as they're still alive I can completely heal them.

The cries filled with agony swiftly changed to astonishment.

Injured people: "Wh-What is this…." "My legs! My legs are back!" "Ah, my arm is regrowing!?" "My penis is back! I think it's even bigger than before!" "Did he use his recovery magic to heal us all at once!?" "It hurts…eh, the pain is gone…."

Even though there were some strange reactions, they all seem to be healed.

The priest was lost for words.

After the injured were all completely healed, they all started getting their equipment on in a hurry.

Each of the men began removing their bandages and put their armor or robes on before grabbing their respective weapons.

They were a mixed unit that really didn't seem to have any sense of unity. One man had a spear, one man had a staff, and another had a sword. They look like a hastily put together party.


Following after the priest, we began visiting several more tents.

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when I saw a woman inside one of the tents, I was overjoyed.

It's my long awaited injured girl. I was filled with a wonderful feeling. however, it was short lived because she was being hugged by a guy...ignoring him

She's a pretty girl that's maybe in her late teens demi-human. She has ears and a tail...actually both do...and they look alike...maybe brother and sister but it's hard to tell if they are from the same race

I also notice that they both have slave collars... Despite being a slave, her white and black hair is glossy while her skin is smooth and pale. Her appearance has been compared to that of a porcelain doll....Well not right now though...

her body is covered entirely in bandages. Beneath those bandages hid festering and painful sores.

The boy notices Eros and gets up glaring at him but he is missing one of legs and arms

Boy: I won't let you near her

he seems to have whip marks all over his body...

Eros smiles and looks at the two...he notices that the girl is blind...

Eros: I have taken an interest in you two...

He throws them a key

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Boy: Huh?

Eros then heals their bodies curing all injuries and even healing her eyes

They both are shocked but before they can regain themselves Eros asks them a life-changing question..

Eros: I have found myself connected to both of you

Girl: connected?

the girl looks confused

Eros: Yes

I smile at her

Eros: I have healed your injuries and the key will enable you to free your sister...You can run away from this war and never come back..

The boy was thinking that is actaully what he'd do...but he wasn't sure if it was a trick...

Eros: can follow me as my apprentice...I will train you and no one will ever hurt you again ...all your fear anger and stress will be gone...I will make it so both of you will stand above the rest...

Boy: so you're saying we have to join you? otherwise, we can't escape

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Eros: No...I will freeze everyone here and give you time to run away...but how long you will last on your own...and if that will change anything...I do not know...but if you follow me you will never have to run...what say you

The girl agrees to the boy disbelief and he gritted his teeth before agreeing too

Eros smiles and says introduce yourself to your master

boy: My name is Fohl and this is my younger sister Atla

she starts looking at Eros with a strange look

Eros: Good

Alta: and master what is your name

Eros: I am the True God of Lust Phanes Erotes but you can call me Master Eros!

I'm really kind to tell them my real name...

Eros: Fohl how good are you with a bow...

Eros makes that smile

I now have a pawn *cough* I mean champion to fight for me...

//AN: Please rate, comment and review and check out my coffee page

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