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Fohl: Bow? I prefer at close range or using my hands

Eros looks at him and his eyes twitch

Eros: Why does everyone think like this

I shake my head to that

Eros: The bow is a better weapon

He looks confused

Eros: Let me ask you something if at close range which would win a sword or bow

Fohl thinks its a trick question but Alta answers

Alta: A bow

Fohl: the bow? but at close range, a sword would be better right?

Alta: A fully pulled bow releases such a velocity on the arrow that it's pretty hard to see the arrow coming. Certainly, through the ages, there were many swordsmen that never saw them coming. plus with a bow, you can use the arrow and the edge of the bow.

Eros pats her head

Eros: exactly! Not only beautiful your smart too...what a gem...

I look at Fohl and continue

Eros: and by the time someone got anywhere even remotely close to the striking range, a competent archer could have made him look like a pincushion. Seriously - the amount of arrows a good archer can loose accurately in a very short amount of time is astounding.

Fohl: Really? but is that really true? isn't it better to go close range sometimes?

Eros: there is NO benefit to close combat... its why people use bows in the first place... I can hit and kill my enemy from afar with 0 threat to myself.

Fohl felt like he was hit with a revelation

Eros: come close to me

Fohl did awkwardly

Eros: I bestow upon you the title of the bow Hero

Eros made Fohl a bow hero and gave him a better bow system than the one which was created for him...

Fohl: Bow...hero...

Alta grabs her brother smiling

Alta: Big brother congratulations. You're now one of the four legendary heroes of legends

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He looked at Eros with disbelief but saw his stats and it shocked him

Eros: I also name my champion

Fohl felt like he got loaded with power and felt like he could learn stuff easier...

Fohl: Eros-sensei

Fohl waned to bow down but Eros stopped him

Eros: the first lesson is to never bow your head to anyone...

Fohl took the lesson to heart

Eros smiled and looked at the girl who was still looking at Eros strangely

Eros: Alta is there anything the matter

Alta: I was just in amazement...this is the first time I could see and the first sight is you. I want the sight to be engraved in my mind (even if this a dream. My memory of this will live on)

Eros: hmm I see...well I will...Oh I will have someone else train you

Ziyun just contacted me saying...complaining she didn't have anyone to I guess her and Toph seeing how Toph was blind

She looks disappointed but Eros smiled at her

Eros: I will still have you traveling with me so don't worry

Her smile came back

Alta: thank you master

I kept looking at her...she was completely naked...the bandages she was wearing just came off when he healed her...there was so many emotion they hadn't noticed

I can see everything from her navel up to her chest. The only thing blocking my view is a thin sheet that's been placed on her chest and waist. Not only can I see almost all of her naked body but her thighs are also still visible.

I calm my lust and ask them about their past

Fohl tells me that they were originally from the shitty country.

It was typical. A wave happened their parents were killed. They were captured by slave bandits. Them being war race were sent to this country. Hoping to earn their freedom...however, the guild sent them to the front lines and abused them. The girl was blind so she was no use to them. They were planning to hold her hostage but the enemy took her and luckily he saved her before they nearly killed her and violate but he lost his leg and arm before coming back...

Eros: Well I'm glad your both are safe...

Alta goes up to Eros and bites his neck hard shocking Fohl

I prepare them some food to eat and leave the two alone in the tent. I also provided them clothes. I also told them to stay in the tent till I returned

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I'm in such a good mood. I heal people while whistling. Now that he is the bow hero and my champion. I can have him fight Wrath apprentice and when he kills her. Wrath can't attack me because it was between apprentices. She would just be bitter. Plus he seems to have qualities as a god of love...and he is also a dream walker a rare ability

As for Alta...shes looks so innocent...I bet she is a freak in bed...I want to fuck her all night long...


I was sent to the battlefield...not before grabbing the two. Fohl wanted to fight in the battle...yup definitely the love god... the love of battle...

I had Alta by my side... I would rub her butt for recharge as I auto-healed everyone...some of the men seemed frustrated at me...but they were healed and kept their complaints to themselves

Fohl didn't seem to mind...(I found out this later but when they bite you like that. In their culture its asking if you will marry them. If I push them away it means I refuse but if you let them bite and hug them it means you accept them as your spouse...)

Speaking of how very few women there are here, I can see that Dark Elf fighting amongst the soldiers on the frontline. She was wildly swinging her sword amongst a large group of enemy fighters. That Dark Elf really is amazing. She's effortlessly cutting down enemy after enemy using her sword and magic.

. Whether it was the mages shooting offensive magic from the back or the soldiers fighting at the front, nobody was as effective as her.

Without a doubt, the MVP of this fight is that dark-elf.

My apprentice is lacking experience


[Sophia's point of view]

Several days have passed since Eros left the dormitory.

There are no signs of him returning anytime soon.

Thanks to my everyday maid duties becoming easier due to his absence, I have a lot of extra time to do whatever I please. Today, as well as yesterday, I woke up early and ate a meal that was prepared for the nobility. I would then relax on the sofa in the living room while reading a book I got from a store in town.

I'm able to afford most things I want due to the money I earned from the dragon extermination party. Also, Eros had presented me with some protection. The other day a noble was rude to me but suddenly he started sweating and pissed himself and kowtowed in front of me filled with fear. I was told by Rebecca that our maid's outfit causes these things to happen, Eros called it divine energy ...

Sophia: Being a maid at the school really isn't so bad

I spoke out loud to nobody in particular as I sat on the sofa basking in the warm sunlight that was coming in through the window.

I can only hope that this peaceful life of mine can last until I'm old. I wonder if I were still living with my parents what I'd be doing now. I'd probably be drenched in sweat getting everything ready for dinner. But now?

Sophia: I am a noblewoman….

I held out my cup of tea for no reason in particular.

That sounds quite nice.

I never thought I'd be able to drink tea out of such a beautiful cup.

In my parent's house, I'd be drinking soup out of a wooden bowl right now. Well, the soup my father makes is actually really good, but what's most important is the atmosphere of the place you are in when drinking it.

Yes. The atmosphere is everything.

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I am pretty much married to Eros and soon he will push me down and use his huge dick to break my virgin pussy...

I always imagine wanting to marry a I have one...I didn't even think one would look at me but...Eros does...actually he isn't a prince...he is a god.

I can't hold back my own desires and my mind begins to fill with perverted thoughts.

When my delusion starts to become filled with these thoughts, I started to feel an extreme sense of bliss.

Ah, Prince Eros, a…actually I'm…I'm really the daughter of a commoner….

My important first time will be taken by the Prince's hard and strong….

Then, please show me it.

I want it. I want it now.

Ahn~, I'll do my best.

I'll make you feel good.

It's so good. Keep going.

I could feel my hand moving down below my waist of its own accord.

?? man: Oi!? Where is that man!?


With a loud crash, the door to the living room suddenly opened.

W-W-W-W-Who is it!?

Fahren-sama? What is Fahren-sama doing here?

I don't understand what's going on. There wasn't even a knock on the front door.

Wasn't the front door locked? Does he have his own key?

Fahren: Hmm, is he not here?

Sophia: U-umm, w-w-well, that's

I'm glad I wasn't masturbating.

Otherwise, I don't know if I'd ever been able to face Fahren-sama again.

The second I heard him enter, I immediately moved the hand that had been moving towards my crotch to my side.

Fahren: Waitress, where did he go?

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Sophia: umm, he was sent to Ester-sama's territory…."

Fahren: The territory of Richard's daughter!? No way, he hasn't gone to Tricklis, has he!?

I stumbled over my own words as I nodded repeatedly. My body was also trembling just from standing near Fahren-sama.

Fahren-sama is very scary.

For those that are talented with magic, he will treat them with great respect. However, for those that are unable to use any type of magic, he treats them as nothing more than a small stone on the side of the road. And, of course, I belong to the latter, so he doesn't even treat me like a person.

I heard he cut the legs off of one of his maids without even hesitating

I notice a girl near him...isn't that Christina...

Fahren-sama seems to be panicking from her

It's a very rare thing to see. I feel like I need to enjoy this sight.

She learns where he went

Christina: Alright, I'll be heading there straight away!

Fahren: Right, I hope you are able to find him safely.

Christina: What are you talking about? Of course, you'll be acting as my guide.

Fahren: M-Me!?

Christina: Are you saying you won't do it?

Fahren: Guh….

Fahren-sama immediately backed down.

I want to leave this room right now.

I just know something terrible will happen if I stay here.

Fahren: You, waitress, you'll be coming with. I'm sure that man will enjoy seeing you."

Sophia: Eh…."

What is he suddenly talking about?

Why do I have to go?

but her next words change my mind

Christina: when we see him we can double team him and keep fucking him till his dick breaks

Imagining it caused fluids to slightly drip luckily the noble didn't notice it...Christina smelled it and smiled like she knew what I was thinking about...

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