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With no further excitement, we managed to bring the lesbian masquerading as an Imperial Knight back to Tricklis. We traveled all day and night while I used my recovery magic to keep us going.

Mercedes had been upset ever since she lost her meat toilet and walked through the forest with little attention being paid to her surroundings.

Mercedes: By the way, where is FitzClarence-sama?

Eros: I actually haven't seen her since arriving here

Mercedes: I see

Eros: Did you need her for something?

Mercedes: Nothing, in particular, I'm just feeling a little anxious

She's constantly sending short glances to the Dark Elf's thick thighs and chest, but she's still thinking about molesting Ester-chan as well.

I wonder if any hole is good enough for her.

Ah, we really are alike...I wondering if she'll join our group

As soon as we arrive at the guild everyone was kind to they love me that much

Everywhere I go I get respect...its tough having people love me so much

After which we were sent to the castle...


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{Sophia POV}

I returned to the others after I finished exploring the castle. Apparently, their discussion has already ended. Ester-sama, Fahren-sama, and the Dragon are all sitting at a table drinking tea.

A maid stood in the corner of the room. Only her and the three drinking tea remained in the room. I wonder how long they've been waiting.


Ester: From now on, you will be working with Lord Fahren

What is Ester-sama saying?

I almost spit out the tea in my mouth.

I had to agree...

Sophia: u-umm, I-I-I'm just so honored to be working with Fahren-sama…

Before I could ask anything, Ester-sama turned to speak with the Dragon.

Ester: To be honest, I don't like the idea of a dragon freely flying around my territory. I also won't forgive you if you try to hurt him. If I had the power to stop you I'd do so. But I'm also able to understand that no matter what I say or how I try to stop you, you won't give up until you find him

Christina: Oh, that's awfully big talk for a human. Do you want me to kill you right now? You don't even know his true identity..

She smiles at her

Real identity?

Ester: what do you he some sort of noble?

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Christina: haha let's say his status is great...

I feel odd from her words

Ester: Anyway, Sophie, you'll be traveling with them. Based on the information I've been given, he's located somewhere along the frontlines. He should be stationed at a base in an open field, so I'm sure you'll be able to locate it from the sky with relative ease.

As I was falling into despair, there was a knock on the door.

Dave: The Imperial Knight dispatched to the Sapele Forest has managed to defeat an entire company of enemy troops. She was, however, left isolated in the forest, but two adventurers from the Guild managed to rescue her

Ester: I see. Then, both parties should be greatly rewarded. The Imperial Knight shall receive a promotion and the other two shall be rewarded as well. If they need don't want a monetary reward, we can raise their rank by two

Dave: Are you sure about that?

Ester: For as long as we're not receiving proper military support from the capital, we must continue to rely on the adventurers. We need to reward them properly to continue to receive their aid

Dave: B-But, to promote the Imperial Knight…

Ester: Those that achieve success should be properly rewarded, and as the Lord of this territory, I'm sure I'm within my rights to reward them as I see fit. Or am I misunderstanding something? If there's someone else in control of this territory point them out to me or obediently follow my orders.

Ester-sama is so cool.

Even though we're both women and I'm younger, I could feel my heart skip a beat.

If she were a man, I'm sure I'd be in love. She'd look really good in men's clothing...

but she has nothing on Eros-sama...

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Eros POV}

Pope: Imperial Knight of the Great Penny Empire, member of the Order, Ser Mercedes. In the few short days since you were dispatched from the capital, you have managed to single-handedly cause the retreat of the enemy's armies from Sapele Forest. For this great achievement, I award you the title of Senior Imperial Knight.

Mercedes: Thank you

Pope: In addition to this, this is certainly a rather informal ceremony, but a much greater reward from Her Highness, the Princess, shall be waiting for you upon your return to the capital

Mercedes was forced to go back to the capital she even had tears...I kind of feel bad...but its funny

She's lamenting the fact that she'll be separated from her near endless supply of meat toilets until she's able to return to Tricklis.

Pope: Now then, adventurer.

Eros: Yo

Pope: To honor your efforts in rescuing Ser Mercedes, I grant you the title of Warrant Officer.

Eros: Cool

I guess my status has increased as well.

But, what exactly is a 'Warrant Officer?'

And can this guy really raise my rank so easily?

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Pope: Furthermore, with each of you receiving a new rank, Countess FitzClarence expects continued success. We expect both of you to continue fighting for the glory of the Penny Empire


After the meeting

Mercedes: I have something to ask of you, the only person that can truly understand my interests...That's why, please, please, the dream I was so close to achieving on the battlefield…I want you to do it

Even if I managed to do it, what does this lesbian gain from it?

I could have a threesome with the prisoners I capture five days a week and she wouldn't get anything out of it...well I could have her join...

Mercedes: This is my request. Will you accept? I wholeheartedly believe the man that defeated a dragon can accomplish this. Then, one night, we can speak to each other. You can tell me about each of your conquests on the battlefield.

Eros: My sister

Mercedes: My brother

We grasp each other hands

The Dark elf and my apprentices were confused

Eros: I will capture the big boob loli and have you join and our threesome

Mercedes: your the only one who gets me...EROS I LOVE YOU

She hugged me and I hugged her back

The official thought she was wishing me good luck before we go back to battle...

//AN: Seeing how I made a mistake with the posting I thought I add another chapter instead...Please rate, comment and review

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