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Its been a few days since then. Our group has been having fun! we went to a guild bar. I drunk I fucked the Dark elf and Alta some more! Fohl has been training some more...he's should be at the same level as Christina...but his stills should be higher!

Well, the enemy is having it rough...since the Enemy general had lost to me...I can't wait to put my dick in between her chest! Haha, that loli is going to be shaking like crazy...speaking of loli...I remember a True goddess that was a big boobed loli...umm Hes... something like that. I never fucked her before I got married...I have to remember to do her later!

Oh shit we arrived...This kid named Klein is talking to us...his name is...

Eros: i'm not calling you Klein

Klein: eh

Eros: I have a Klein friend and your not are now number two

Number 2: I'm....number 2

Eros: good

Dark elf: huh?

He showed me a bright smile...

Hmm he seems a shota type...

Then he talked about the prime minister...oh didn't I accidentally poison the prime misister...and made him admit his horrible deeds before the poison takes effect...strange... it was an accident...not because he wanted me to bow to him...he should be alive for a couple more weeks...

After that, he brought us to our camp...

hey isn't that...fuck I forgot his, Allen

Hmm, number 2 seems to be gay for Allen...Ok as a kind God and I feel bad for Allen. I'll grant you two love...num 2 seems a to a bottom...

Hmm, do people named Klein like guys...I have to explore this later...

Allen: Eros... its been a long time

Eros: Yo, Oh Allen these three our my family...These two girls are my wives and this is my brother in law and my apprentice

Allen: WH-what...what about Ester

Eros: huh? oh shes my wife too...I have tons of wives

Allen seemed to be stun for some reason...don't worry tonight you will find love with number 2 here


When dusk had arrived, we had finally finished assigning everyone to their companies.

We had also finished giving equipment out to everyone that needed it. Now all of the soldiers, including us, were waiting in the camp. From what I've heard, the enemy is currently amassing more soldiers and fighting power on their side of the border. All the while, they're still keeping an eye on us, making sure we're not planning any attacks.


Allen's voice echoed throughout our tent that was filled with sleeping soldiers and adventurers. The slight tremble in his voice caused all that could hear it to know that this wasn't a joke or a lie. It was actually happening. The enemy had begun to mobilize and are now advancing towards our camp.

All of the adventurers that were sleeping in the same tent as I immediately got up.

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Eros: yay more fighting...

Dark Elf: your the only one who finds enjoyment in war

Fohl: Yes more fighting

Alta: Oni why are you excited

Dark Elf:...

Unlike the last battle I entered with Gonzalez and Henry, this group seems to have a large percentage of women. I'd say the entire army is about twenty percent women. I can't describe the emotions I felt while lying down in the same tent as several women. Amazing.

I threw a fireball into the center of the tent in order to provide light to everyone.

I then see the big boob loli

Eros: Fohl...I will have you fight in this... After this battle...I will send you to meet up with the other Heroes...and you will fight with them...understood

Fohl: AYE

Eros: you two...come with me...

Eros grabs the two...


*Doris POV*

Who was that guy... I know he was extremely handsome but that doesn't mean he can threating me...

I will make him pay

I ordered my troops to go attack but who would have thought...he'd come and...


Eros POV

Well I took Doris prisoner and took her and the hot soldier to her castle

Maybe because she was shocked she passed out (actually I know she's faking it...)

I tie her to the bed blindfolded her

After a bit she 'woke up'

Doris: No...forgive me already. ...If you do anything like put your huge dick inside of me and break me...I'll have to marry you

Eros: (is she ...a masocist)

Eros shes her blushing and have a seductive look on her face looking like this

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Eros: What a tasty situation

Eros called Clementine a former slave, Suki and Lakyus to play with Alta and the Dark Elf while he pays attention to this horny princess

Eros: I won't tease you or anything.

I rip her shirt exposing her huge chest. I then rip her skirt and panties showing her dripping pussy

damn how horny is she...she's a virgin? she acts like shes not...strange...

Eros: Whatever I'm digging in

I jump up and plunge my dick inside of her and she screamed as blood came out of her pussy.

Her face is making a funny face as I fuck her hard

Eros: Did you just cum just from me putting it in?

she was shaking

Eros: oh yeah I have to be rough on this maso...Ohooho, you can't take it already? have a taste of it

I start up again hard

Doris: No...I...even through its my first time...why does it feel good!?

Eros: I pity your guard

I grab her enormous boobs and start squeezing them

Eros: There, there, there

fluid starts flowing everywhere

Eros: what great boobs

Doris: no...if you rub so hard...they'll break...

shaking could be heard thoughout the city

Eros: You slut! You're a bitch!

The bed broke them fucking so and Eros continued to fuck her and her boobs were shaking like crazy

Doris: No! I'm not a slut!

she said with a dumb look on her face and her tongue hanging out

Eros: So, why is it that you're squeezing tight on my dick? It's proof that you're slutty!

Doris: No AHH NO I hate it because its with a umm...Ahh..A oh a thief like you

I pulled her up and had her tied hands go around my back and had her sit on my dick as I fucked her while standing up. And had her bounce up and down on my dick

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Doris: my head is going blank.

Eros: Alright I'm going to cum! I'll let out everything inside for you!

As we move our hips ton of her cum is leaking out of her. I'm squeezing her boobs too

Doris: No! Not inside...I'll get .I'll get a baby...

Eros: Like I care! I'm a ruthless criminal, who does what I want!

She starts moving her hips more.

Doris: No, no..

Eros: Cumming, cumming...

I cum deep inside of her

Right then she goes for my mouth and gives a deep kiss to that takes some of the fun out of it but I just shrug it off

She passes out

Eros then goes to the other girls...and more of my wives have was a good night...


In the afternoon the next day, Doris wakes up

Doris: so...I

Eros: Yup your mine...I stole your now on you are my wife!

Doris: but my

Eros: Oh your family agreed


Eros: haha I have a way with words.

Then suddenly someone tries to blow up the seems to be Christina...That's right... did she hear about Fohl being the new Bow hero...does she think I was killed...cute...I will have to fuck her...huh isn't that Sophia and Ester too...Fahren is here too...

Eros came out while holding Doris' hands...he, of course, block the blow shocking Christina

(forgetting they were both naked)

Eros: Yo

As soon as I said that Ester, Sophia, and Christina all ran to me and hugged me...but then they realized that I was naked

Fohl came suddenly too and he was shocked too

Sophia had a dangerous look in her for Ester...she had a horny look on her face

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Eros: It isn't what it looks like

Fahren: what happened

Eros: So apprentice how the battle go?

Eros ignored the question of the noble

Fohl: Master I won easily

Eros: for me...I ended the war...yay we won!


Eros: Oh Fahren...can you handle the clean up of the battlefield...if you do I'll teach you a new magic spell

the noble was so excited he practically ran and Fohl was forced to follow him

Eros Dick got hard as they were gone

Eros: Now about another round...oh Sophia

Eros summoned Yuri Alpha the head maid

Eros: she will be training you for a bit...Christina, Ester go inside...Yuri...take care of her...she will be joining your group...

Yuri: ...

Eros:...I'll reward you and the maids core lots later


Eros:...The next world you girls will be able to travel with me

Yuri: wow master your so kind. You didn't have to do that

Sophia:(wow she was able to control Eros-sama like that!)

Eros: yeah...

I go give her a kiss on the lips and pat Sophia's head and head inside to enjoy the girls



Yuri: Eros-sama must like you a lot if he hasn't pushed you down yet

Sophia: Like me a lot?

Yuri: yup usually he pushes girls down quickly. The numbers are the ones he takes his time with

Sophia: so he is saving me for something special

Yuri: Yup...(or he is just messing with do make a sadistic look on your face when you are frustrated...yeah that's the reason)

AN: Please Like, comment, review and check out my coffee page. Also if you haven't done vote on the poll thank you

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