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The witch or should I say, Catherine. Along with Mercedes moved in with me... I was happy well was because When I went to the mansion all the girls were complaining to me about just leaving with a note...


Not much as happened after that. I made some mana potions which shocked the school and passed all my tests with flying colors.

As for Ester. Apparently, she was being trained by Asuna and all my other girls were being trained too...

Christina is trained by my beast tamer wife!


Today I have a busy day. I have to meet with the king to get rewarded my land, and also I have to go to this Academic Conference thing for the kingdom. Actually, the noble mage was the one who got us tickets...I wanted to go on a date with Edith so I'm going there with her...I actually don't care about the title but Ester does so I might as well please her...

Oh, Christina is joining too...


We all traveled to the location of the Academic Conference.

Edita, Christina, and I followed the guide into the conference. I wasn't exactly sure where we were going, but the guide mentioned something about a box seat for VIPs.

Based on his description, it seems like we'll be given some great seats with a view of everything.

The majority of the audience will have to sit in normal seats resembling stadium seating.

There were a couple of rows of seats in our box but there was enough space for a little girl to lay down flat between the two rows.

Christina: Hmm, it's about time you humans treated me with the respect I deserve.

The loli dragon walked forward before plopping herself down in one of the seats.

Her loli body sank deep into the soft and fluffy cushion.

In stark contrast to the loli dragon, Edita Sensei was overwhelmed by the beauty of the venue. I had to snap her out of it to get her to sit down.

I sat down in the middle seat with Edita on my right and the loli dragon on my left.

Half of the seats in our box were now filled.

There were two maids standing next to the entryway that for some reason when I smiled at them they blushed...

Edita: O-Oi, I can't afford seats like these…

Edita leaned over and whispered this to me.

She was looking around uneasily.

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Eros: You don't need to worry. I invited you here

Edita: B-But….

I guess that reaction is to be expected when a commoner gets to experience the life of a noble

Eros: Even if they try to make you pay, I'll cover all of your expenses. You don't need to worry about the finer details. As long as you're able to enjoy yourself to the fullest, I'll be happy.

Edita: Uouu~…

Eros: besides your my wife, believe me, this is nothing. Wait till you see your home

Edita let out a strange sound before quickly facing forward. She was looking straight at the stage even though the curtain was still lowered. If she's saying it's nothing then I'm not going to push the issue.

??: Would you like a drink?

A maid had, at some point, approached our seats.

It was one of the maids that were standing at the doorway. She must have noticed Christina fidgeting and came over to see if she could help. She's treating her as if she were actually a little girl.

Eros: bring her something bubbly

Maid: Yes, right away

she said blushing and walked away swinging her there something wrong with her hips?

Christina: how did you know what type of drink I wanted

Eros: you're my wife

Christina blew bubbles in her drink as we waited for the conference to start. After some time had passed, the door to our box opened and someone new entered. It was a beautiful girl wearing an exquisite dress.

I know that person.

We met before at the castle in Kalis. She was wearing a nightgown at the time. If I remember correctly, she is the princess of this country that we cured.

Princess: Oh, there are other guests this year

She gave us a slight bow.

After she greeted us the owner-like ossan guided her to her seat. He didn't even acknowledge our presence.

This ossan looked like he was in his fifties and he goes by the name Sebastian. No last name.

Once the Princess was seated, he turned around and positioned himself next to one of the maids by the door. I guess he's not going to sit down.

We were now a little ways at the conference. Based on what's been happening on stage, this conference seems to be about different magics and magical technologies. The noble mage gave a short speech to start the conference and he confirmed that this event is held here every year.

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It was really...boring...but Edita seems to be enjoying it so I won't complain...Christina acting as she doesn't care but her tail is waging...

Things continued like this for a while as we watched the conference from our VIP box seats.

Then, there was a short break in the action on stage.

??: Umm, would you mind…if I sat here?

Someone suddenly called out to me.

I looked to the side, in the direction of Christina, and saw that the Princess' seat was now empty. At some point, she had got up and moved closer to me. She's within arm's reach right now.

Eros: Oh its the hot princess!

Her amazing body was noticeable even though she was wearing an elegant dress. Her chest and butt were both big. On the other hand, her waist was thin.

She seemed shocked at my comment but smiled

Princess: Are you not the man I met before in the castle?

Eros: Yup..I'm happy to do it. It would be a shame if your body got damage

Another smile appeared on her face when I confirmed her suspicions.

Princess: Thanks to the medicine you made, I'm able to freely move around once more. I wanted to thank you properly.

Eros: If you wish to thank me, then how about this we go on a date later...or I know how about you marry me, princess.. just letting you know my status isn't even less than yours

Sebastian is already starting to look annoyed about the fact that I dare even speak to the Princess.

Princess: Then *blushing* how about we have a how you say it a date

Eros: cool I'll come to grab you later...

We talked a bit. She actually planning on attending this school next year. That is the whole reason why she is here.

Princess: The Academy truly is a wonderful place. Lord Fahren does an exemplary job of running the school. The academy is well known not only within this country but all around the world...he also has brought someone like you in the school...he is amazing...He found someone as perfect as you...*breathing heavily*

It is unknown how it happened but she is sitting on Eros grinding on him and Eros has his arms around Christina tail and small nipples and Edita's legs...

All three girls were getting wet...

Suddenly she turns to me

Princess: If you don't mind, I'd like to speak with you outside of this venue.

Eros: of will be a private even through

Princess: Yes...well you can bring the two of them as well...

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She smiles

Eros: yup I understand...we can talk... and play who can last longer...

She had left my lap but I gave her an arrow that if she wants me just slam it into the ground and a ring


My meeting with Ester-chan was just before lunchtime.

Ester: I'm here to see you!


The door was thrown open and Ester came rushing into our box.

She scanned the room for me but froze in place when she saw the Princess. It's clear she never expected to see someone like the Princess here. She lost all of her usual vigour she has when she comes to see me and entered noble mode.

Princess: Oh, Elizabeth

Ester: Royal Princess. It's been a while

Ester-chan instantly got down on one knee.

Princess: It has. You're Viscount FitzClarence now, right?

Ester: Yes, thanks to the graciousness of His Majesty.

Princess: I've heard the story from my father. You've accomplished many great things since last we met.

No matter how great her father is, she still has to act polite around the Princess. I really wasn't exaggerating earlier when I said she was completely frozen. She never thought she'd see the Princess here. But I am glad that they seem to be friendly. They will be sisters later

Ester: But what are you doing here Angelica-sama?

Angelica: I'll be attending the school starting next year...but I was proposed to just now

Ester: seriously?

Angelica: but I was proposed to just now...

Ester: Eros proposed to you...that means your my kohai because I'm one of his wives

Angelica: Oh my! I'll be grateful if you can look after me Liz senpai

Ester: Yes, I'll be in your care

Angelica: Fufufu~, that's my line, Liz.

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These two people from great families within the Penny Empire seem to have a good relationship.

I'm glad...All my wives should get along...

Then they said goodbyes with each other and we left to have an audience with the king...I talked with her on the way

Eros: Your new hairstyle looks good."

Ester: "Eh!?"

Eros: "I really do think it looks wonderful."

I told her my real feelings without even thinking about it.

Her face turned bright red and she started playing with the ends of her hair. Her gaze slowly moved towards her feet and she slowly started walking faster. I had to increase my pace to keep up with her.

I guess she's embarrassed.

She's so cute.

I could only see the back of her head but I could see even her ears had turned scarlet. looking like this

Funny thing as we were leaving to get on the carriage

While walking along the street towards the crowd, I was looking up at the stage trying to see what was going on. As we got closer, I was able to see several familar women playing instruments with a woman at the centre of the stage.

The stage itself resembled a bandstand. I know stage shows like this exist based off what Edita told me. At the very least I want to be able to admire the face of the girl in the center

It was Sophia...and Yuna and some other girls...

Sophia was unexpectedly making her idol debut. She was singing a song while casting her charm over the crowd. If I look carefully, the crowd consists mainly of commoners but those closest to the stage were mostly nobles.

She looked like this


At the castle I was made a noble and received my land...then we flew towards the land which was the area where we fought before

I then modified the land and made another paradise with beautifying energy that makes people live and stay beautiful longer...not too much longer just like 10 years longer...

That's all that happened in the two weeks...oh yeah I was made the King after I fucked the princess and married Ester, Sophia, Doris and the others too...I then had a massive orgy in my new land and it was nice.

Oh, Alta left with her brother so she didn't join...


Right now I'm leaving with the girls...I named Fahren my prime minister and he will run the country while I'm know saving the world.

The ones who are out are me, Ester, Christina, Catherine, Mercedes, Sophie and Sophia is acting as our maid. Everyone else is in my realm

We teleported to where Raphtalia and were surprised at what we found

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