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I saw Naofumi and his slave wife killing vessel heroes...he seemed to be with...some sort of mad sciencetist...and a little girl and dragon...

I then see The queen rallying her troops covering the other heroes...

Raphtalia, Filo, Eclair, bitch, the furry, Alta, three new hot girls, a guy I never met, glass and the princess are taking down the sub enemies and clearing the path for Fohl...they are about to take down the goddess of Chaos...

Christina: those humans seemed to have done it

Mercedes: Such a...this isn't a battle

Sophia: I've seen battles like this...this is a

Ester: Were overwhelming the enemy

I look at the battlefield...they have the weapons I made...they are weak...well no use for me...but in this world they are strong...I just put 4 million different type in there storage items plus healing items...cure-all, teleport items, revive potions, level up fruit, new training skills, ancient armor...just basic stuff...who would have thought it would be useful

Then Fohl shoots Eris and kills her...she says this isn't her real body and in the wars of the multiverse she will take her revenge on Fohl and prove she is the greatest disciple of the sins... just before she disappears she went and kissed his lips their lives are intertwined

He stayed there and frowned...and gripped his bow hard

Fohl: my first kiss...was with a psycho...

Everyone cheered for victory

I look at my girls and told them to follow me... They all felt uncomfortable...well Christina and the dark elf seemed like it was someone else's problem

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Actually, they were just worried about there sisters


Fohl was talking with the queen and everyone was celebrating but then they saw me and it went quiet then the queen shouted

Mirellia: All salute Eros the savior of our both our worlds

It was shouting and yelling larger than when they beat Eris the goddess of Chaos

I know I'm awesome but I was confused at why everyone was thanking me.

Suddenly Raphtalia and the others ran up to me...but Raphtalia was faster she was running and she jumped into my arms and I caught her and did one of those romantic kisses and started flying a little as we kissed

Raphtalia was really happy and embarrassed

Raphtalia: You're late

Eros: I know..

Filo was angry about that

Filo: Raphtalia-nee-san no fere I want to kiss him too

I then was forced to give Filo a kiss but it was just a gentle peck...which still made her happy...suddenly I see the furry (Risha) who is taking off her mask waiting with anticipation and Eclair who seems to not want to be left out...

Eros: fine I'll kiss everyone geez...

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I kissed Risha on the head and Eclair on the cheek which she passed out from thinking she's pregnant...

Then ...the bitch Myne and Alta. I kissed them the same as Filo

I then see Glass coming over with a strange smile on her face...

Eros: you have a beautiful should smile more often

Glass covers her face with her fan

Glass: I'm not going to kiss keep those compliments to yourself

Eros: oh I have enough girls. You seemed to be lacking in some aspects

Her eyes twitch,

I smile at her and she realizes I'm just teasing her

Eros: I actually like your seriousness and want you!

Right, when she was about to respond to a girl who's personality seemed the complete opposite of hers jumped up and hugged Eros.

She appears to be Japanese with black hair, wearing a western Gothic dress with Japanese Cloak on top. As a Hero, her weapon is attached to her, taking the form of a fishing rod which is folded and carried on her waist....she looks super cute...I wonder how she is in bed...

Her name seems to be Kizuna Kazayama.

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Kizuna: What about me. are you going to kiss me too? Oh, I thank you for saving my world, your items got me out of trouble!

She then gives Eros a deep kiss

Kizuna: that was my first kiss! Now we have to get married haha. So tell me about yourself. Hey is it true you can heal anything? I also hear you trained Fohl wow that's awesome. I tried to duel him but lost. That's cool. Oh, by the way, my name Kizuna Kazyama husband

Eros was at a lost...what happen. He looks and sees a girl grabbing her off of Eros

?? girl: I'm sorry about my friend here...she was so excited about meeting you she went out of control

Eros: it's cool I like her

Kizuna: Yeah he's a true god too. I found my soul bound Therese you should kiss him too and bound with him too

Her name seems to be There Alexandrite...a member of the Jewel race! She has white skin which looked like ivory. Her hair was bluish green which sparkled in the sunlight. Her hair was pulled back into a braid of three thick strands and draped. She wears bangles with a massive gem on both hands. As I was checking her out Kizuna pushes her to me and we kiss...

She froze and started crying...

Eros: Ehh?

Kizuna: haha now you're bonded with her! it's fun right, His kisses are full of energy. So now the three of us are bonded forever

Eros: Three of us

Kizuna: Yeah Glass will follow us oh that red head guy is L'arc Berg he is actually a prince

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L'arc Berg: former prince. I'm now a king

Kizuna: NOO who would let you become king...the country is doom haha sorry stop giving me noogies

I then see Raphtalia...older sister...well it's not but someone who is like an older sister to her who says she won't except me as Raphtalia husband unless I beat her in a drinking contest... I said I will challenge her tomorrow and tell her to prep herself


Right now it is just me Raphtalia and Filo who is sleeping on my leg and I ask her

Eros; So what happened while I was gone for these couple of weeks

Raphtalia pouts and says

Raphtalia: a couple of weeks! You mean a couple of mounts...over three actually

Has it really been thee...maybe its time flow differently in this world... or... I had a little to much fun fucking ... let's say the first one.

Raphtalia tells him what happened

Basically, it went like this...They met up with Naofumi's group who met heroes from another world L'arc and Therese who came here to kill the heroes of this world. They wanted to do this because it was the way to end their wave and rescue their friend Kuzune but Raptalia used the items and stuff I gave her to save her and help the wave and help the people of their world. They took down the evil government and slowly untied the worlds. They told them that it was my idea and items that saved them...and I was made their hero

Then they met the spirit turtle and helped her...she told them I united the other kingdoms who were at war with each other...I'm a surprise when did I do that? She said she will meet me tomorrow...

Then when those issues were solved the Evil goddess possed The vessel heroes and took them under control. They killed lots of people and went on a killing spree and killed a little girl who helped Naofumi out. He went with rage and him Kiel killed them but their leader who escaped till now. He ended up killing Naofumi but Raphtalia used her items to revive him and in this war he killed her.

There was more stuff she wanted to tell me but I just embraced these two and they fell asleep in my arms

AN: Please rate, comment and review. Also, check out my coffee page and I have discord now its

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