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After a nice night with my Raphtalia...I decided to spend some time with everyone...The first people I saw were Melty with Filo but after playing for a while they became tired... must be from the battle seems they had blood on their sheets and there was also moaning coming from her bedroom...I wonder what happened. Filo and Melty had a happy expression on their faces.through.. filo seemed to have strange white streaks on her wings along with Melty... Melty seems to be a few years older too...and they both have divine energy on them...strange...

The Kuzune trio are in my realm before my night time with Raphtalia I fucked them...way to hard...and well yeah now apart of my was a little difficult but she was really like glass once a stick broke threw. it's easy to penetrate more. Kuzune was a little...she wanted to be on top but it was too big for her and she came and passed out from when I broke her hymen. As for Therese Alexanderite, she seemed to just want me to do the work and lays on her back but she was squeezing my dick as I pounded her...I then gave them all a feather and a drop of my blood

Fitoria seemed to be on the side holding white stuff inside her... pussy seen licking some of the white stuff up...I then made sure to give her some syrup ...

As for Fohl I wanted him to travel with me but he seemed to have a little girlfriend and he wants to travel the multiverse on his own. I granted him the ability to travel dimensions and he is going to be cultivating. He is going be traveling with Naofumi and...Naofumi's harem...which is surprisingly loli...someone has a preference...

Another thing is once the wave ended the L'arcs world started to fuse with this one...and his kingdom fell close to the queen... The queen is planning on giving up the thrown to him because she felt she fell this kingdom...

Oh, most of the girls want to go training in my realm even Ester...She saw how strong Raphtalia was and wanted to be as strong... Christina saw how strong Fohl got went to train too with the girls. So in the next world, it's me Raphtalia and Sophie...Filo is probably going to go in and out of my realm with Melty

oh...I then had a drinking contest with Sadeena...she is hot as fuck. In her human form, she appears to be like a beautiful traditional Japanese-style woman with long black hair, fair skin, and face that would rival even Raphtalia. She also tends to wear a loincloth...she is fun...I out drunk her...Naofumi before leaving joined us too. Naofumi has an iron stomach and she is strong too. So I added nectar and both Naofumi and Sadeena passed out. Right, when I was about to have it through Asuna came and took it from me...

Oh, I guess I turned them into gods...whoops. Oh her sister is joining Naofumi...Oh and Sadeena is going out with us too the next world too.

The other heroes seemed to be staying in this redemption


Like that, a month passed.

Oh, I did fuck Malty. I increase the pleasure she was feeling by a ton and had Asuna turn her into a virgin again...I wanted her to forget all the other things she did and only focus on me...the only thing is I think I went too intense...she now wears a collar and calls me master refusing to call me anything else. she also has a chain that she wants me to hold when she's walking with me...she also decided to fight with a chain...

I decided to go see the Queen Mirellia who is looking at her throne...

Mirellia with her beautiful purple hair, fair skin, and face with features that look youthful. you'd never imagine she has two adult children. with what appears to be a bronze breastplate. She has a regal presence and boobs that commands the attention of everyone around her.

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Mirellia: Mother...I've finally decided to give up my country...I have been on my own...since long before you left...

She said with a pained expression on her face, speaking to the empty throne

Mirellia: but thanks to Eros... The world is safe...he is everyway*sigh* no longer going to be on my side...she disappeared a month ago...I think she went with the shield hero...she was friends with him..the thing is...I might be just about at my limit...I can't rule any longer...Malty is...she left too and who knows...I'm still confused about the whole goddess stuff...but...that goddess did look like her...

Mirellia was tired ...she hasn't been sleeping and has been stressed. She says she needs to give up the kingdom and knows L'arc will lead the kingdom better than her...but it was still hard on her...she was working hard, with a smile on her face, for the sake of her country

but before her husband left...she was just a woman, a wife, and mother...but she hasn't been a wife in years and her daughters...she wasn't sure if she was qualified to be called a mother...

Mirellia: In such trying times, I had to be firm...

she was about to be released from her duties as queen

Mirellia: I've cried a bit, so I should be fine..thank you for putting up with my silly complaints...

She said bowing, to teh thrown...trying to haave the queenly expression till the end...

Mirellia: I wish someone would take me away...but

To which at one point

Eros: Good afternoon, Your savior is here

Suddenly Eros came flying in smiling

She noticed Eros looking more handsome than before.

Mirellia: Why have you come here Eros

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Eros: I've come to fill the hole in your heart

Mirellia: the my heart

Eros: The king is gone and the world is finally at peace but you have more stress than ever. wars with other kingdoms, Politics, family drama, gods and trying to maintain order while people tried to stab you in the back and having no one you can rely on. It must be a heavy load for a girl's harm. I admire your courage in the face of all this, but must be lonely

Mirellia: What are you saying!? I've never was troubled by my position

She objected to Eros smug face, a hint of confusion in her voice, but Eros didn't miss it

Eros: I was right...but if you surrender yourself to me, I'll free you from all your pain

Mirellia: S-stop with these ridiculous, self-serving remarks! hurry up and get out of here-Aaah!

Eros approached her when her guard was dropped for a moment

Mirellia: Kyaa

She felt the cold floor on her back at the time

I pushed the queen down and immediatly lifted up her legs, putting her in pile driver position

Mirellia: w-what are you doing,

I pulled her tights exposing her panties, resisting without flinching at all...she is a queen after all. She got guts...but I see her a little wet...

She starts moaning as I put my hands on her chest

I start massaging her chest

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She started complaining while she tear up

Her hips bucked, struggling against me, and when my fingers brused her nipples she started to feel pleasure...she was sensitive as Melty ...her reaction is good as her chest

Mirellia: I--(I've been wating for you idiot) I don't wan't to be assaulted by another man (Please be rough..) I'm not an unchaste woman

Eros: But you sound like your enjoying your self

Mirellia: no nahh

I ripped her dress exposing her chest

Eros: your pretty so tight and shiny...I'd never thing you'd breastfed from your hot you are

Mirellia: N-no don't look! Don't look (look at me more. Make me dirty)

I put my hands on her breast rubbing hard

Mirellia: Ah, ahh! No, don't dirty my chest (Dirty my chest) uuuh! Haa , nn

Sweat oozed out of her breast making moist sound as my fingers slid over them

Mirellia: Ah, ahh, dear (eros dear be harder rougher) Dear, Dear Aah I just said stop. Why are you treating me so cruelly..(Is this heaven)

She opened her moist eyes a bit glaring at me in desperation (to continue)

Her nipples were firmly erect in an unladly like manner, her legs spread wide and her butt shaking, unbecoming of the ruler of a country. But no matter how she looks...she seems to be savoring sexual feelings for the first time in her life...

Eros: You still can't forget the late king?

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Mirellia: late king? who?

Eros realized...she was calling him similar to Toph...

I then dragged her to the throne and she put her hands around me saying stop being a monster forcing me assault her...I then started fucking her like crazy...

I fucked her for days and Melty and Malty came in to see there mother jumping on my dick saying

Mirellia: Daughters...say hello to your new father...


Eros: lets all four of us...have a bonding experience

She gets up and goes behind her two daughters

Eros shocks them taking off both their clothes and they were shocked...but they had an intimate relationship with him...not that they told each other so they were shook

She goes and pulls Malty down on top of her and Eros starts fucking them. Mirellia starts to kiss her daughter and Eros signals to Melty to come forth and she starts kissing her too... The four of them fucked and they all ...felt better...

Eros gave them a feather and a drop of blood.


L'arc then took over as the king and Faren took over As the pussy nation king. Eros then did his normal speech

Eros: Well world. Eros the True god of lust is leaving this world...he then hears charing and he left...for once...they actually loved him...but they still thought it was better that the breaker of queens was gone...Eros goes back to the hero villian world out with him are Raphtalia, Alta, and Sophie who is acting as my maid. Sadeen said she first wants to meet my mother along with I sent them to where she was...

//AN: Please rate, comment and review and join my coffee page. A little comment motivates me into writing. Also I created a Discord

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