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*All Might POV*

It has been a few months since I became the master of Izuku Midoriya. Things have been going well with him. I have had him do physical training to inherit my quirk. If he isn't strong enough, his body would burst from it...

At first, he was weak but he slowly begins to get stronger.

I hope by the time entrance exams start

I tune in to the news and it was shocking what I saw.

There were five youngsters... All shockingly gorgeous especially the guy who was like work of art.

There was a volcano eruption on an island in Hawaii and they stopped the volcano and rescued everyone who was in danger. but that same day they stopped a bank robbery...more and more news started appearing about them. for days all around the world...It was as if there was someone in danger they would be there...

I was surprised but something accord to me...I never heard of these youngsters...They have no record...Are they heroes...or vigilantes...

I called my best friend up who is a member of the police and he informed me that they aren't registered, heroes...


We have found something about these people...First, their abilities are all unique. First the Tanaka girl {Raphtalia} She is called illusion girl. she came to make people see all sorts of illusions and can disappear and do all sorts of fighting styles. She seems to be in charge of the other girls. She also flies on a flying cloud. The next one is Captain Sparkles {Ester} She can make sparkles appear with each move. She is a commanding and can fly and each move is strong and powerful.

Then there is brick wall {Alta} She can block any attack!

The final one is the sadistic maid {Sophia} She is said to be one hell of a maid...

then there is the guy...not much is known about him...just no one has ever got hurt with him around...


Today something shocking happens... I was in the location where they helped put out a fire. A reporter went up to them. Right after they helped out

Reporter: Excuse me. I would like to ask you something

Ester: Huh ask us something?

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Raphtalia: whats that

She points at the microphone

Alta: Hey I can see myself in that a mirror?

Eros laughed at them

Eros: No its something used to report the news. Remember television this is how it is recorded

Sophia: Oh...( Eh is that some sort of magic...this world is amazing)

All might: (Do they not know what a camera is??)

Eros: So you want to ask us some questions...sure I'll answer

Reporter: Well first may I ask what your names are and if your heroes

Eros: I am Cupid...a hero for fun!


Reporter: F-for fun?

Eros: Yup...

This shocked the world. Everyone thought these five were nobles or something but to be a hero for seems

Reporter: we have never heard of what is your quirk

Eros: My power is the power of lust

Reporter: LUST

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the Illusion girl hit Eros in the head

Eros: I said, Love. My power can heal the wounded. I can heal hearts...I can cure anything. My love is unbeatable

Reporter: Anything?

Eros: Anything. Even missing limbs...

Reporter was shocked and didn't know if he was telling the truth or not

Reporter: Oh...I see... so the rumor is that you don't have licenses to be a hero

Eros stops and tilts his head...

Eros: Licence? to be a hero...whats that...

Reporter: wait you don't have a your vigilante

Eros: I have no idea what you're talking about

I then transformed to my muscular form and approved them

All Might: Haha don't worry for I will handle things

I jump down and land in front of the camera.

the crowd goes wild screaming its all might

All might: young man...can I have a word with you

I ask Eros to speak with him for a moment

he follows calmly

Eros: So...who are you?

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All might: You don't know who I am...I am All might


All Might: The number one hero


All Might: I have a cereal

Eros: Oh that was you!

I almost coughed out blood

All Might: So...I want to ask you about your have saved many lives...but it is a crime to perform those actions without a hero license

Eros: What?

All Might: need them to be a hero. well a superhero

Eros:...I have no clue what you're talking about an old man...I am just doing it for fun...I have no need for a license...

All Might: Young Cupid. Being a hero isn't just about just saving people. As someone who has the means to help others. We should strive to do the right thing and follow the laws in which govern society

Cupid shakes his head

Eros: How people define a hero isn't up to us. it is the future generation. Our actions right now may seem as good but in the future, our heroics may seem like villains.

I was shocked at his word

Eros: You say to follow the rules but in the history of the world, slavery, killing, and other crimes were normal. Some countries they still are...Some people are seen as tyrants but there may people love them. If they were stopped the people will view you as evil...

I had no words to rebuke him...but something doesn't sound

Eros: but a hero is always trying to do what they feel is right...They are role models that help guide and protect the world. They don't need praise glory and anything. Some are big and small but each has importance. I find Teachers are greater heroes than you or I...

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Eros then takes out a pocket watch?

Eros: You know...I am not from this world

All might: Not from this world...

Eros: Yeah I and my companions are traveling heroes...we saved several worlds before arriving at this planet...this world...needs a hero...Raph...Illusion girl is the hero the world needs

All Might: Wait...hold on I have to call my friend up...

(I can tell...he is telling the truth...if they really are from another world...this is a bigger thing than just not having a license... )


Inside a house, a girl is watching the news... she finds that her idol the man she has been following is named Cupid.

??Girl: haha he seems to do what he wants and not care about the rules... A hero for fun ahah. I think I'm in love...I would love to taste his blood


Many villains were laughing at his words...but his quirk was dangerous...a ability to heal...anything

A man who has a hand around his face seems interested in him

He calls someone

?? hand guy: Master...I found someone who seems to have the ability to heal any injury and he says he is a hero for fun...


Midori who Eros would call the heavenly child was watching the news and thought..

Midori: If he has the quirk of love...does that mean he has the ability to make people fall in love...would that mean...

He starts blushing...but then thought his may be dangerous...healing any injury and the power of love...if he was a villain it would be...All Might was thinking the same thing...

//AN: So in case you haven't figured was a tie between Hero and teacher. The poll had a teacher but in the comments, it was a hero. Eros is while the people love him. The heroes and villains don't know what to make of him. //

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