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After Eros meeting with All Might, he along with his wives were taken to an office. Inside the room was All Might, the number one hero, Shota Aizawa hero name Eraser head, a dog man...who seems to be the Chief of the Police Force named Kenji Tsuragamae and a...mouse named Nezu...

We were all sitting at a table. By my sides were Ester and Raphtalia with Sophia standing up...Alta seemed to be being trained by Toph...something about slacking off on her training to spend time with me...She tried to fight back but Toph easily beat her.

Kenji: So what your saying is that you and your companions have been traveling worlds for years and you have come to this world now

He slammed his fist into the table because he couldn't believe them

Ester was the one who answered as Sophia gave her special tea to Eros

Ester: Well simply put yes. Eros has been traveling for years. the two of us not as long. We were born in another world...We summoned him there as the bow hero and he saved our world.

Aizawa: The question still remains how to prove that you speak the truth

Eros: well we will explain it in a bit...

Eros looked at Raphtalia and she slashed her sword and a portal appeared

Eros: this will take us back to their world.

Eros calmly walked through...

Eraser head has the power to erase a quirk of anyone he looks at but he was unable to erase the portal...which shocked him

The girls followed after him

The heroes looked at each other and they walked in after All might and were shocked by what they saw...

They were teleported to a space ship and they saw outside people were fighting in a giant machine...

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They then traveled to another world where they saw a boy having a spaceship fight

he showed them some other places too

Then they teleported back

Eros: See stuff like that is what I have to deal with...not so simple

All Might: Not so simple you say. (One of the worlds....they felt like they were stronger than me and they were just fighting over...a that normal...and you said they were having a kids fight and this was a normal everyday thing. but they were fighting to the death!)

They were all breathing heavily

The girls seemed to be excited

Ester: Soon I'll be able to fight stronger than them

Raphtalia: Yeah, the Second sister is strong...the other day I saw her... so they would lose to her. I don't want to lose to her

Sophia, however, seemed to wet her self from the fear of all that...


After many talks, It was decided that Eros and his 'team' be made heroes...

It took a lot of work but through. They had to do lots of paperwork and negotiation. Eros told them that he is from a different parallel universe and told them it was like this earth. He told them that his world he was from Greece...They contacted Greece ...surprisingly Greece was happy to have the people as famous as All Might as Heroes representing their country.

They announced to the world that Eros was from Greece. He was one of the original heroes before the hero system was applied. He fought a powerful villain and upon defeating him, he was sent to another world where time flowed differently. The villain wanted him to lose everyone he cared for!

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To come back he had to save many worlds and for him, it's only been 10 years but it actually been over a hundred years

That is why he said hero for fun and acts in a different way from normal. Greece was coming up with all these legends about Eros saying that people named him Cupid and he was like a god to the people and the reason why the society accepted quirks...


It was decided Eros would attend UA as a teacher where he will learn from this world number one hero and learn from All Might and the other hero

Eros: So they want to pass me around like a used condom

Raphtalia: why would you pass around a used condom?

Alta: I get it

Alta says excitedly

Alta: He means if you give someone a used condom no one would want it and the person who gets it would pass it to someone else

Eros: Alta...please ruin the joke


Right now the girls are getting a basic understanding of this worlds history. tell them he could just transfer the knowledge to them...So they are reading the history and stuff with Nemuri Kayama who is UA's history teacher.

Eros had no chance to meet her through...

He was just hanging out with All Might

All Might: So I have a question for you...this is personal so you don't have to answer but what are the limitation of your healing powers

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Eros smiles at All might know that All Might is dying and losing his powers but Eros wouldn't just help him

Eros: my power isn't just healing it's also purifying...healing is magic.

Eros summons his Keyblade

Eros: I can purify any heart. Meaning darkness inside someone. It can affect anything and everything. It can even save you from your demons...

All Might: Demons...

He went into deep thought

Eros: As for my healing...well I'm not that good at it... limbs diseases, scars, terminal diseases...well I won't revive the dead..but my power based on my love. the more love around the more powerful it and I am...

All Might: Well that would be too much if you could do that...but really your power is love...

All Might didn't notice Eros said he won't revive the dead...not that he can't

They walk in the city then Eros stops...he looked like he was overwhelmed

All Might was thinking maybe it was this world. Maybe he misses his home. Traveling as he does. I bet he has seen a thing or two He looks so young but...what burdens have you have to carry young Eros.

In truth, Eros was looking at a scene of a girl who was stopping a criminal...She turned into a giant Woman and caught the villain. The woman was Yu Takeyama...or Mt lady

Yu is a voluptuous young woman who has purple eyes with white pupils, with elegantly long eyelashes. She has long, voluminous, creamy blonde hair reaching her waist, with two shorter strands curled to frame her face which is parted slightly to her left.

She is wearing a tight body suit...damn it's around her body in all the right places...I'm getting hard just thinking about her

Eros:(I wonder...if she transforms and would I be able to go inside of her...I bet she would pick me up and use my body as a masturbation tool as she cum from jamming my head into her body.I aslo wonder if she can make her pussy shrink and then when were fucking she would change from tight to lose...haha

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Eros teleported to the where she was and Waves to her...

Eros: Mt lady, You're amazing, I strive to be like you

Yu who heard this was shocking. She turns and sees it was the guy from the past...She, as a new hero needed more publicity, turned smaller and smiled

Yu: Cupid, I heard of you. All your deeds and deeds of the past are amazing

Eros looks at her confused but then realizes what she's doing

Eros: No not at all. My deeds are nothing compared to you.

He said in a normal but projected voice

Eros: When I saw the video of you protecting the kids from the villain and when you could transform. It could cause damage to the civilians but you stood strong and I thought. She is what this world needs.

Then the crowd started talking to themselves

Civilian 1: Yeah I remember that she was amazing

Civilian 2: My nephew was one of the kids she saved...

Yu looked at him in a different way than before he gave a peace sign and disappeared leaving Yu thinking

Yu: Who are you...Cupid...


He appeared nearly giving All Might a heart attack and then Eros asked

Eros: So...isn't the Entrance exams tomorrow...will I be able to watch this

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