*this takes place a few tens of thousands of years ago*

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on a war turned war turned the world. a huge man is swinging his weapons down slaying an old friend of his

huge man: foolish, trying to kill your old friend just for my rations. did you forget who I am

he laughs with a bitter taste in his mouth

he walks home and throughout his walk home he encountered many people fighting or having disputes over mundane issues

he squeezes his hand hard but then releases it

huge man: maybe that person can give me advice. something to save my people before it's too late

he walks to the entrance of his door

His home is one of the last remaining farmlands on the planet.

He gets ready to turn the knob when he hears an annoyance voice

Annoyed voice: Ugh just a few rounds and done...speaking of which...who are you, girls?

The girls ran out as soon as the door was opened

Huge man: Brother Eros, I see you been drinking

Eros: A little. but those prostitutes sure were boring. This morning I tried to go a round with them and they said they were still hurting from last night

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Huge man: Brother Eros, those girls were noble daughters

Eros: Oh! well, they were sure easy.

Huge man: Brother most woman here only sleep with one man for their life. Them sleeping with you meant they wanted to be your wives

Eros: Sounds like a pain. I'll tell you Dione, there is never going to be a time when Eros settles down

Dione: Brother Eros, I told you over and over again that's not my name

Eros: haha you can't fool me. You Eternals are really funny about things like that. That is your true name

Dione: Ugh
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he rubs his head

Eros: Oh should I have stopped them? Did you want to have a go with them? I can grab them

Dione: brother can you not think of sex for one moment

Eros: Sorry us gods think about three things Sex, Power and how to appease our boredom.

Dione: (That's only you)

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he thought that but didn't say it

Eros puts on his pants and looks at his friend. He crosses his legs and puts a hookah in his mouth and blows it to Dione

Eros: So what is troubling you?

Dione: its this planet...and the people... it's done for

Eros: Oh! is it now

Dione: Many people are dying every day. Look at how many lives are being taken over stupid things

Eros: hmm hmm*he nods

Dione: they don't get along and we start conflicts for power. There are too many people and not enough resources. If something doesn't change this world won't last

Eros: I got an idea how about you wipe put half of all life in the multiverse.

Dione: half of all life?

Eros: yeah, imagine it. if you do this, you can force half of all life to die. if they oppose you just kill them

Dione: but to do that I need a great deal of power... I am strong but there are beings that may surpass me

Eros: hmm since we're like Brothers let me tell you about something

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he perked up and looked at eros who was still smoking

Eros: my mom made me 7 stones that could do anything. they are called the infinity stones. I used them on my aunts and uncles but seeing how they were harmed by the stones they begged mom to send them away from me so mom did and I was cursed with I Can't gather them (well if they are gathered...)

dione: how much power are they and at what cost

eros: enough to do are you interested?

he laughs and nods: brother you are doing the universe a great deed

Eros smiles and tells him of strong metal and a god that can make it for him

Dione prepares to leave and Eros says: if she doesn't like only killing half of all life kill all of life

dione almost stumbles: w-what are you saying? I'm doing this for

Eros: death right haha you can't fool me in the matters of love

he runs out and leaves while denying it

as he leaves Eros starts laughing

Eros: Baka, you really think saving the universe will be done by killing half of all life. there is no way that will work. people will grow to hate and fear you. you will be nothing more than a tyrant. destroying half of all life is pointless and for your love in death stupid death loves two things death and me hahaha well good luck Anyway.

eros was laughing like crazy manipulating his friend

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Eros: but seriously, I am jealous that he has found someone. hahaha well, I guess I should mess with some others...wait I forgot to tell him that he could die if he uses that. haha, that's why all creatures are so entertaining. I wonder how the universe will respond to the Thanos coming...haha immortal he will probably get killed. don't worry my friend your sacrifice will be used to gather the stones for me!


*present day*

a beautiful small hero is complaining that eros isn't a very hero like

Eros: little tornado I am the most kind and helpful hero there is. all I do is for the betterment of the world

she stumps her feat

tornado: you say that but I see you sleeping your student even is stabbing you

Eros: oh jealous want to join

one of the girls: yeah he's great in bed

Eros hey stop this girl is a wizard

tornado: wizard?

Eros: yeah a 30-year-old virgin

she blew her powers at him and left eros room.

//an: it's hard writing on my phone sorry about this
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