In the news rumors of a Hero killer was going around. They said that he killed any hero he felt weren't suited to be a hero. There was another killer that would kill hero or villains based on their own code and the final one was a Human who was calling him a monster...

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These Three were causing major issues within japan, but Eros didn't care

It was one of the final days until the Class gets back and Eros was rolling around in his bed
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Eros: I'm so bored! I want to leave but I haven't left a big enough impact on this world...ugh, I wish I had a challenge. Damn it Despair you really are the worst...I can't even remember when it was the last time I fought anyone

Sophia by his side said: You did a couple of days ago


{Eros has no concept of time}

Eros: where's Raph

Sophia: Shes teaching her students

Eros: Wow that sound so fun

he says rolling his eyes

Eros: Today all I did was help people with love. Usually, that helps but I don't know. maybe my mojo is off. I slept with most of my students but I don't know it feels like I'm missing something

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he remembers that ring that he was given by the person imitating his mother

Eros: hmm, that reminds me there was a girl inside my ring...

he looks at his ring and sees its gone...

Eros: That fucking bitch stole my ring!

Sophia was shocked: For someone of your caliber to have a ring stolen from you

Eros: Yeah that pisses me off only sin or a ...l.a.w

woman: Pause

Eros felt a huge great deal of pressure the likes of which he has felt only while either in the presence of his father or ...the laws full force. It struck so fast and so powerful he hadn't had time to shield his women..Then he noticed it...Everything had stopped. All life, all gods, all sins...even the mother goddess who was the prime controller of this dimension...

Suddenly he felt a soft hand rub across his neck

woman: if I wanted to I could cut your neck off right now and take out your sin oh little Phanes Erotes. Oh and Mr. writer everyone knows I'm the 8th order so you can just write me as that. your just causing confusing so stop that.

Eros: (Who is she talking to? is it father? ) Wait your the 8th order?

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8th order: Yes...well kind of so how about we talk a little

She then appears in front of him

Eros almost was shocked at her beauty. She was as if not more attractive than him. She simply smiled at knowing she caused him to blush

8th order: So nice to meet you or nice to see you again. I am 8th Sin. As for my name, it would be spoilers for the readers of Tenchi Nura considering it's only on chapter 92

Eros: What? are you right in the head

8th order: So I've paused the multiverse

Eros: Paused...the multiverse

8th order: I can't have father knowing I'm in this multiverse. oh and don't think about using your arrows, one of my abilities is able to control my heart

Eros who was about to shoot his arrow had to ask: So what other powers do you have...and how do you stack up to the other laws

8th order: lets see

She waves and Eros is sitting on a desk from school and She is sitting on the teacher's desk with her arms on her knees smiling

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8th order: Ok now for the lesson. The 8th order was created to defeat truth oh despair was created to kill you because father saw it in a vision that sin will dethrone him. Oh and your thinking why he would create a sin to kill sins when he is supposed to be dethroned by a sin well let me ask you what my child name is

Eros: So you're saying that he will kill her once he kills us..why does she follow that then

8th order: oh its because ...oh my powers you wanted to know.

Eros noticed she changed the subject \

8th order: let's see I can nullify any ability, I can control time, I can revive whenever I want. If my soul is destroyed I'm healed. I have absolute charm, Absolute healing, absolute blame, absolute

Eros felt that she had all the abilities of the sins and then some, also from it she had the abilities of the laws too.

8th order noticed that he was shocked about her abilities so said: Oh but I was created to stop Truth...

Eros: but aren't you more powerful than him?

8th order: haha you don't know do you. Let me give you 3 of Truths power, All-seeing eye, Absolute combat, Absolute reflection. That means, his abilities are so overpowered that he can reflect, attack and defend better than anyone...oh but that isn't even his strongest power...oh but that's now! In the past when he was truth he was more powerful. well so was I considering I was split in 4

Eros: The fuck! what kind of bullshit is this.

8th order: oh need to get upset. The other orders are weaker than I am...ok here's the ranking...You and greed are closet to laws....I predict that you may reach law status...oh let's break it down like this for the readers ok! The limit for Universe Creators would be Low Complex Multiverse or level 20-29, You sins would be complex Multiverse or level 30-59. You and greed are at High Complex Multiverse level or level 60-79, Laws would be at Hyperverse level or level 80-85, Myself and Truth full power would be High Hyperverse level or level 86-90 and as for father, he is at Outerverse level or level 91-99

Eros: your point in telling me this? Are you saying I'd lose? you may think that its impossible but I have never lost a war. levels are pointless value it doesn't matter I will

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8th order: huh, no I was saying what they control over so you can counter it. Truth made you a weapon for you...Its inside the won't open until you're at Hyperverse fuck more and more girls. So much Like an entire universe of girls plus the readers are wanting more ecchi. I mean what am I going to rub off too with the lack of ecchi...

Eros: Ok series who are you talking to

8th order: the reader...So let's see oh and if you defeat the boss of the world you will go out in glory. duh

Eros: why are you helping me

8th order: Huh I'm doing a favor for the person I love Tenchi, I mean so our love story could be completed and we can stab each other to death. Aww, killing and being killed by the man I love. I can't wait.

Eros: I-I see...(I hope she leaves soon. She is throwing me off)

8th order: Ok I'm fine since you want me to leave, Oh and remember this.

She looks at Eros with a serious look

8th order: This is the words of the person who is Now, Truth, Tenchi Nura but he says this. There is no being, no god, no ruler of the universe or whatever entity that can't be killed. What has a beginning must have an end. All lives no matter how great or small are finite. If you don't believe that than you are stupid because that is the truth of the multiverse

Eros: ...

8th order: Well bye remember both me and Truth died so a weakling like you could die easily. So fuck more girls, steal more powers to become stronger and remember you are the sin of Lust chaos so cause as much as you can

She leaves Eros and he is back in the room he was before she transferred him to the school

Eros: I wonder what type of weapon he made for me...wait, a power that could kill father...I mean when and the reason that father is trying to kill us...I mean this is the third thing she made for me that could destroy...FUCK EVEN IN YOUR DEATH YOU STILL ARE A PSYCHO
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