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So that was weird.. my future incarnation ended up calling me to the future. I ended up saving him. My incarnation is stupid by summoning me he gave me knowledge that I will have a incarnation and created a whole new timeline.

Well I could pretend that I never seen that. I can just lend my powers to my incarnations when they need it. I could change it so I never get an incarnation... or I could. (that smile)

I could take over his body when my incarnation is young and get his girls..haha I can NTR my future self how many people can say they can NTR themselves that is so funny.

Now the question what happens in the future that will make me do that.. As a serious god I can't imagine myself doing something like this just to see whats it like to be a human.... Well bored now time to see where my dick takes me...

Eros then walks around and sees a kid push a girl out of the way of a tractor..."pftt haah he died like that haha. Oh he's being reincarnated lets check this out oh human mode."

I see a young goddess She has a slim figure with ample breasts, long legs, blue waist-long hair that is partially tied into a loop with a water-molecule shaped clip but her thighs are dangerous. is she tempting me on purpose . Oh she opened up her legs is she showing her ... IS SHE WEARING PANTIES. wait she is they are just invisible damn you eye of truth wait why would you make your panties invisible you are doing this for me *cough * back to the guy I will fuck you later my little goddess.

"no you died of shock apparently you thought it was a truck"

"your kidding me"

""PFTT HAHAHA"" "you were so scared you be run over you wet your pants and passed out and when you were at the hospital the doctors laughed while you had a heart attack"

she walked up to him telling him how his parents laughed when they heard the news about him dying. this guy is too funny. I also how ruthless this girl is. oh shes bending forward to express how boring heaven is... yeah it is boring ..

look at how nice her ass is hmm I wonder how it will feel once I pound that. Her name is Aqua well she will be wet once I'm done.. now once this funny guy Kazuma leaves I'm going to have my way with this girl...huh he's shut up Aqua or you will...idiot he wished for Aqua to go with him and she was stupid enough to agree...hmm well fucking a bimbo is fine every once in a while..well I better join them

They were transported to another world.

Kazuma was excited so I ignored him and focus on Aqua

"AHH " "ohh its ok" Eros patted her head"

"i I am stuck here" "yeah yeah here you go wipe your tears your too beautiful to be crying. tell me whats the problem"

"well I was doing my job and this guy summons me to this world"

"oh maybe because he's such a virgin he couldn't resist your charm"

"well I am beautiful"

"yes you are do you want a candy bar"

"yes thank you"

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"Hey why didn't you get me a new outfit in this world"

"wow cant you be considerate you just messed up her life"

"yeah cant you be considerate you asshole"

"wait I just...wait who are you"

"huh now that I think about it who are you"

"Oh me I'm a traveling God I go to different universes I was with you when you died and was transferred here, I'm Eros but you may know me as cupid"

Kazuma goes to me and whispers "are you saying you are able to get me girls"

"hmm I can why"

"C-can you make me have a harem"

"I can"


"how about we talk about it later... I will find lots of people who are in love with you" 'hmm what a good person someone who actually wants me to get a harem' Kazuma was thinking... as for Eros he was thinking, hmm cats, no dogs, no I will see who he forms a connection to. who comes talking to him first when he goes to town. Its great being a kind God

"wait your a God traveling to different Dimensions "

"Yeah cute little Aqua" Killer smile

she blushes "then can you send me back"

"I could but as soon as I leave they may send you back you know how gods are."

"Damn it. Speaking of which your really hot like you have a perfect body and no everything about your body is perfect its shocking. I never seen any god as attractive as you..oh what kind of god are you?"

"huh but I'm in my human body?"


"well my god's body is too attractive it will send out pheromones and stuff and many people will come to have sex with me or will no longer be able to love anyone other than me. so I created a human body million times uglier than my actual appearance. Also mortals can't handle my actual appearance they will die... what?"

"wait, wait wait thats too unfair"

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"well don't mind oh and call me Eros alright now all we have to do is kill the demon lord and you can go home right so lets go"

"oh right...wait you said you were with us when I transferred him right"


"but I didn't notice you"

"oh I was behind you! Kazuma was shocked seeing you because you are so attractive and you were busy doing your job. I was staring at you ass wondering how it feels when I smash it"

"oh ok" Aqua nodded in pride

"wait your ok with that" kazuma asked



"So where to hero "

"well we need to go to the adventures guild to get some information"

"wow I didnt know an otaku like you would be able to get any good ideas"

"oh hes an otaku"

"yeah and a neet"

"....whatever goddess and god lets go and I'm not a neet"

""if you say so""

"oh and dont call me goddess call me Aqua" she went on about how shes worshiped here so call her by her first name

"yeah just call me Eros I hate formal shit"

"wait if your gods dont you know where the adventures guild is" Aqua shook her head no she was about to say something when I said

"she is a god that deals with reincarnation and water. Gods of reincarnation deals with millions of people a day and different worlds. You think she knows are cares about minor things. " she nods her head" besides she is really stupid I mean she ended up getting tricked into coming here." She starts pouting. and Kazuma starts laughing"yup tricked into coming here by a guy who confused a truck with a tracker..."

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" The adventures guild is this way. I will help you get your harem there"

"shh shh"

"oh so you asked him to help you get a harem?

"Yeah he asked me to help. its no big"

"hey don't say that its embarrassing."

"why most men dream of having harems. I will make Aqua in mine later."

"Isn't she

"yup Aqua is hot as hell "

"hey stop talking like I'm not here"

"sure what ever you say cutie do you want me to carry you?"

"yesh please" she was about to hop on Eros back but Eros went and princess carried her

"Since in the future I will be carrying you like this I thought I'd get used to it.

Aqua was feeling strange she was ok with being flirted with but she felt connected to Eros like a soul bond...

They ended up at the Adventures guild Aqua hurried and seperated form Eros she felt strange around him

"were finally here" Kazuma said when he went inside he started talking to this strong muscular... blacksmith? what is with heavens children and blacksmiths? the guy gave directions to the registration.

We see the one at the registration is a guild girl named...Luna she is ok she has a huge rack. she would look good in a bunny outfit...oh yeah registration. they had no money

"oh I have money"


"oh well you were talking to a blacksmith so I gave one of my weapons to him and he gave me money for it


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"here I'll pay for it"

Kazuma went first and he got average everything but luck and intelligence, Luna said hes not cut out to be a adventure but a merchant he'd be great in...Aqua laughed but I kind of feel bad for him so I pat his back. Oh she then said he can choose something else too later on. good on you Kazuma

Aqua went up and got Arch Priest. because everything was higher than normal but her intelligence is low...Aqua how dumb are you don't worry I will train you to be smarter...or maybe turn you into a dog and wear a collar and a leash as I fuck you..

Everyone was shocked and clapping she even saying shes ready for adventure

"so its my turn right" Luna fixes her hair and nods

I touch the machine and Luna is shocked "everyone looks at her and waiting

"its max"



"Well yeah"

"There is also a new job there I'm not sure but its god of heart

"oh its gods of love job you never heard of it?

"no I havent"

"well thats mine So were done right... Aqua , Kazuma you ready for adventure"

"yeah "

Aqua ran and shook Eros "why did you get god and I didn't

"Oh because the machine knows better"

"what do you mean"

"I mean its time to drink. All drinks are on me"

Oh yeah I figured out what type of Harem to give Kazuma. haha he should have told me he's into that. I dont judge

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