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Hey my name is Kazuma. And I am in another world right? this is another world right? Why doesn't it feel like I am in another world.

Aqua and I have been working as construction and doing manual labor for the past week... she is really useless. I have been sleeping by myself in a stable its cold and dark and damp.

I realize she has forgotten our purpose to stop the demon king... We have to pay for inn, food, and were to low level to fight strong monsters so we earn bare minimum

I'm worried about my future. My team consist of a useless goddess who is really stupid and a god who is I think evil. why do I think he's evil the yesterday night I asked him where he stays at because he not around he says he stays in the high class inn with Aqua. he says they share a room...but he denies that they did anything. saying something about training her first...I notice he treats her like either a little girl or a dog...

I also told them about going to actual adventure and fighting monsters and getting out of the stables and he looks at me and says

"wait you don't like living in the stables? and I thought your goal was to be a constriction worker.."

Aqua freaked out

"what we have to hurry up and defeat the demon king" to which Eros just pats her head

"its ok we will go on adventure to raise your levels alright"


"good girl"

The biggest reason why I say hes evil is because he hasn't giving me a harem yet to which he tells me he did but I didn't trigger their focus and when I do I will have them but he warned me harems are hard... BULLSHIT why do I need to trigger them focus they should just come at me and how can a harem be hard Eros just smiles rubs his head and left...

today's are first step at adventuring. Me and aqua went to get a weapon. I couldn't afford armor but I got a basic sword. when chosen our job which is to take on giant frogs the guild girl luna was making sure I understand everything about them and told me to hurry back and if I cant do it quit and go back to construction... does she have so little trust in me. Eros just laughed at me.

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the three of us went to go fight giant toads Eros says he is there just to watch and help Aqua when she fucks up...see evil right and Aqua was eaten Eros saved her and I defeated the frog she went to him cried he cleaned her real quick with magic and ... she looks even better than ever.da fuck Aqua then gets mad and tries to attack the frog but her gods blow was useless and before she is eaten Eros saved her... I have to admit he is cool

I defeated the 2nd one and we go back earning 10000 Eris.

Then "Kazuma are you alright?" Lucy came to me asking worried

"yeah I heard that you fought a strong monster."

"No you shouldn't fight monsters what if you get injured"

"yeah don't worry take it easy"

"wait they don't earn very much where are you staying"

"I hear you been staying at the stables"

"the stables why havent I heard about this are you ok need anything "

"why not stay with me"

"no with me"

No wit me"

I look and multiple people the guild girls and the waitress are all around me. I look at Eros and he says

"I told you I gave you one"

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I give him a thumbs up. I take back what I thought about you before your a great guy

"Excuse me ladies but we have to talk about our situation you don't want Kazuma to be stressed by all of this when he went through so much

""""OH were sorry Kazuma we will talk later""" they said and left to other tables and back to the registration

"W-why did you do that I could have"

"NAIVE. when I said its hard to maintain a harem I meant it"

"what do you mean I could"

"let me ask you how are you going to keep them happy once I'm gone, money, power and safety can you provide any of that for them? your looks are average so they wont seek you for that. you will end up getting NTR"

I fell on my knees "no anything but NTR not again"

"then the thing you have to do is get money, power can come later but money you can earn power and safety.

"Ok master tell me more" Eros was giving me advice

"First why not get another party member? " Eros said

"what about you?"

"I'm too strong your too low leveled and wont grow much " I found this out later but Eros is considered the strongest adventure and had been doing missions by himself

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"Don't worry I will solve everything" Aqua said and wrote her advertisement asking for a new party remember requirement advanced class

So were sitting down when I notice there are four of us a girl I never seen before

Right before I was going to ask a girl comes saying she a Arch wizard named Megumin weilder of explosion the the strongest spell in the world

"does thy dare stare into the abyss" wow is she one of those 8th grade syndrome people. she apparently some chrism something and nearly faints from not eating for a long time. but stands up trying to be strong

the girl next to Eros stands up with her dark looking sword

"oh and who are you " Megumin asks

"oh to notice me with ye eyes that is a testament of your skills. I am Lakyus welider of the evil sword that everytime I use it I lose part of my sanity and lifeforce. Once blood is on it I go on a rampage."

"oh once I remove my left eye patch my power gets released and "they went on back and forth

"call me Lakyus"

"call me Megumin"

they both shake hands

"this is my husband he is also one of us" Megumin blushes when she says husband and Aqua seems upset... did he not introduce Aqua to her yet.

"yeah you should join their party I can attest for your skills"

"Lakyus you cant just invite her into someone elses party"

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"I said shes joining does anyone of you three have a problem with her joining" She pointed her weapon at me...why me

"umm lets see how she is I mean she does have a advance class"

"good well I'm going back to training if I found you hurt her I will castrate you Kazuma"

'why me, why not your husband'

Well we went out together on an adventure and she has a strong explosion magic however she fainted from over used magic and Eros ended up saving her I defeated the monster and we defeated 5 monsters this time...I asked why she didn't use a lower grade magic she went on about a how she explosion magic is the only magic she wants to learn...I want her to leave my party but scared of that Lakyus lady

"Pathetic, your magic was pathetic "

"what are you calling my explosion magic pathetic"

"yeah that was just a small fire to call it explosion magic is a insult on all explosion magic"

She tries to strangle him (hes carrying her because shes weak from lack of magic)

"explosion magic should shake up the world that everyone in the world could see it or it could destroy the world"

"Destroy the world"


'they went on talking about destroying the world... I take back what I thought about earlier he is evil. 'then girls from the guild ran over to me asking how was my adventure telling me not to take so many risks ..'but hes a good guy.'

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