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"Ok well while you all decide I'm going to take a bath"

"Eros I-I will join you let me watch your b-back"

"No I will wash his bath I am one of his wives unlike you girls"

"Eros-san please allow me to take care of your body. "

"E-Eros having such a dangerous body knowing that we women become slaves to it what a dirty man"

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"Eros please touch me hold me anything I'll give you my money please I need more"

Eros sighs and looks at chris who gives a awkward smile and looks away...

Eros thinks back on what changed and that was when he defeated one of the generals...

After the Demon General was defeated Eros and his party had won lots 300,000,000 Eris and Eros split it with the team and Kazuma declares hes done with fighting battles and is going to retire. Eros was gonna warn him but he has his own life to live.

The girls didn't even mind they just went okay well have a good life... Eros still went on quest with the girls lots of them. the girls became more flirtatious now that Kazuma was gone. So Eros of course was more handsy. Eros one time went on a quest to purify some water and Aqua was taking a long time to do it and Eros just peed into the water and it purified .. Aqua was shocked till Chris said something to her which at the time Eros didn't know what she had told her.

Speaking of Chris Yui taught her a technique that you can create a replica of yourself so it can do her jobs while shes traveling... Its pretty much a NPC that loves doing her godly work. So now she is on their adventure party

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Then one night after some drinks and flirting with the girls Eros was walking around town his dick senses were tingling.

Eros ended up in a grave yard and his presence messed up the ritual due to him being a god. The women named Wiz

The Women was shocked and told her story how she was trying to put the people to rest. Eros just patted her head and created four statues dragon, turtle, phoenix, and tiger that cleans the air and puts the dead to rest.

Wiz seemed to be affected saying shes a Lich. she says she felt attraction to him and if she sees him in the next life hopefully. Eros goes up to her and gives her a deep passionate kiss and wiz body starts to restore and Wiz starts getting a little hot and starts kissing Eros even more and more and jumps on top of him. then she regains her cool and she is shocked she feels fine but her attraction to Eros is strong she realize maybe its because shes undead but she wants and needs to be near him... since then she sometimes goes following Eros... Eros hasnt done anything with her yet...

The Eros party ran into a fuckboy who seemed to be one of the reincarnated people Aqua sent here he tried to steal Eros's girl so he made him fall in love with his sword that he loves so much.. have fun and sorry for that your sword NTR the girls you were with..

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One day Wiz summoned him to her shop and she told him that shes thinking about shutting down the shop to adventure with him Eros of course flirted with her in the shop putting his hands on her ass he then removed part of her shirt and started motorboating her

They then kissed for like a half an hour while she had her hands down Eros pants and Eros had his hands on her ass..but Eros stopped then

They then talked for a bit until some old man came in talking about cleansing this mansion and if they do he will let them live there.

Eros then agrees but before he does he bends and puts a ring on Wiz finger saying it will protect against holy attacks. Wiz just started looking at it saying its a perfect fit and started kissing Eros again.. Eros didn't tell her it adjusts its size to match the person

Eros then introduced the other party members to Wiz not telling them shes a lich saying shes joining him now on... for some reason they weren't surprise... Eros told them about a mansion mission and said its a perfect mission for Aqua 'because I'm to lazy to do it' thought Eros. He also discovered this later but two adventures named Keith and Dust were jealous that a person who is average had a harem but they couldn't even get single girl. So they went to the grave yard drunk and knocked over one of the statues and all the ghost flew into the mansion...

Aqua was well taking forever. Eros and the others found rooms and Eros got the master bed room. All the girls ..ALL THE GIRLS wanted to be in the same room with Eros but he refused saying its sometimes fun for surprise... the girls were wondering what he meant by surprise Darkness was the only one who knew he meant night crawling.

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Aqua was still going on at the night and Megumin was scared so she came to him saying she needs to use the bathroom and scared to go alone. Eros escorted her and into the bathroom saying how can look away while there are ghost he will watch every detail as she goes. She decides to go because Eros has touched down there before so shes not worried. Eros then took out his dick when she finished saying he has to go now too. He starts masturbating in front of Megumin who starts rubbing her self and she cums on the toilet and floor and Eros cums all over her. she grows weak and Eros catches her when she finishes saying she did a good job. He took her and cleaned her up princess carrying her back to her room

He then went to help Aqua who seemed to be out of it and gave her a deep kiss and powered her up and she cleaned the ghost fast after that While Eros rubbed her butt fingering her as she did that.

Darkness woke up to Eros doing a boob job cumming all over her face she was rubbing herself as she licked his cum on her face.

As for Chris Eros put her in Wiz closet as she looked at Eros played with her boobs all night.. Everything was going great for Eros till one day

the girls noticed that Chris was looking more beautiful and her breast seemed to have grown and she spilled that Eros can can make a girl looks more attractive and breast grow he can also control how much pain and pleasure he gives in his actions also they get more powerful.... because of that the girls have been clingy towards Eros...So Eros decided to put a hold on sexual activity with the girls for a while... well he still would punish the girls through

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